
  1. 加快新疆特色农产品加工业产业化发展的几点思考

    Thinking On Accelerating the Development of the Industrialization of the Agricultural Product Processing Industry of Distinctive Products in Xinjiang

  2. 没有开发维吾尔语版的农业信息网和新疆特色农产品专网。

    Be shot of the Uygur agricultural information network and the special network of the characteristic farm produce in Xinjiang .

  3. 本文分析了影响特色农产品加工业快速发展的制约因素,认为应从加快农产品生产基地建设、壮大龙头企业实力、建立良好市场平台、创造发展环境等方面推动新疆特色农产品加工业的快速发展。

    This paper analyzes the restrained factors in developing the processing industry of distinctive products , and puts forward some countermeasures to promote its development .

  4. 再次,通过构建新疆特色优势农产品加工业竞争力评价指标体系,运用主成分分析法,对新疆制糖行业和番茄加工业的竞争力水平分别进行综合评价和判定。

    Again , by building characteristics and advantages of agro-industries in Xinjiang competitiveness evaluation index system , and using principal component analysis , it has a comprehensive evaluation and decision about the competitiveness level of the sugar industry and tomato processing industry in Xinjiang .

  5. 哈密瓜是新疆传统的特色农产品,在国内外享有较高的名誉和知名度。

    Melon is a traditional characteristics of agricultural products in Xinjiang , and enjoy a high reputation and visibility at home and abroad .