
  1. 新医改方案颁布之后的落实难度分析

    Analyze the difficulty in carrying out novel medical reform blue print

  2. 新医改方案对非营利性医院融资的影响

    The Effect of New Medical Reform on the Financing of Non-profit Hospitals

  3. 双向短缺:基本药物政策的制度分析&兼评新医改方案的缺陷

    Dual Shortages : An Institutional Analysis of Essential Drug Policy-On the New Health Care Plan in China

  4. 党的十七大和新医改方案明确提出要建立基本医疗卫生制度。

    China The party congress and put forward new medical scheme to " build basic medical health system " .

  5. 优化我国政府卫生支出体系策略研究&对新医改方案的分析与展望

    Policy Study on Optimizing Government Health Expenditure System in China : Based on the Analysis of Current Healthcare Reform Package

  6. 从新医改方案看公立医院落实公益性的难点及其对策

    On the difficulties and countermeasures in implementing public welfare nature of public hospitals from the perspective of new health reform program

  7. 历时两年多各方讨论和修订,新医改方案即将揭开面纱。新医改方案有望在月底之前公布,再次征求公众意见。

    The new plans will hopefully be published before the end of this month , and again ask the public for comments .

  8. 新医改方案提出,设立药事服务费等多种方式逐步改革或取消药品加成政策。

    The new agenda of health care reform has put forward that the drug markup policy will be gradually substituted by the dispensing fee .

  9. 新医改方案的公布实旋,标志着中国医约卫生体制改革已进入了崭新的历史阶段。

    CCCP and State council regards enhance the national health care system reform remarked the China health sector reform entering a new historical period .

  10. 随着新医改方案的颁布,乡镇卫生院的职能将逐步转变为公共卫生服务职能。

    As new medical reform scheme of the Act , in the Township of functions will be gradually transformed into public health services functions .

  11. 2009年,新医改方案获得原则通过,其中明确提出推进公立医院改革试点。

    In the year of 2009 , new medical and health care reform was approved , which clearly pointed out the experimental reforms of public hospitals .

  12. 政出多门、权责不清、缺乏问责是中国上轮医改进展不如意、新医改方案迟迟不出台的症结之一。

    The previous round of reform was unsatisfactory basically because the power and responsibilities are unclear and overlapped , and the supervise systems are also absent .

  13. 论文首次把我国医疗保障制度发展分三个阶段,分析我国改革开放前、后以及实行新医改方案之后的各阶段特征,并对中国基本医疗保障制进行了客观地分析和评价。

    We analyzed the characteristics of the various stages of Chinese medical insurance system and we also analyzed and evaluated the Chinese basic medical insurance system objectively .

  14. 新医改方案对医药市场将带来革命性的变革,尤其对药品零售造成一个很大的冲击。

    New health reform program in the pharmaceutical market will bring about revolutionary change , especially it will cause a great impact in the retail of drugs .

  15. 我国的医疗改革经过几年来的不断推进,已取得了较为显著的成就,新医改方案已成为社会公民普遍关注和探讨的重要话题。

    The Medical Care Reform of our country has made remarkable achievements in recent years . The Medical Care Reform program has become an important topic by social citizens .

  16. 本论文的创新在于,以新医改方案意见出台为背景对医疗保险中的政府责任、当前医疗保险制度推进中存在的问题、具体的解决方法进行研究。

    The innovation of this paper , on the background of the medical insurance system of medical treatment insurance liability , the current problems in advance and the concrete solution were studied .

  17. 新医改方案在中国医疗卫生制度和现实的冲突中,顺应社会与历史发展的需要应运而生,触动了医患矛盾的新变革。

    New medical reformation program , which emerges under the conflict between Chinese health and medical system and reality , triggers the new transformation of the tension between the doctors and the patients .

  18. 2009年,新医改方案在万众期待下正式公布,提出了逐步实现人人享有基本医疗卫生服务的目标,重点突出医疗卫生的公益性导向。

    In 2009 , the new medical reform was released to the public finally , which aims to realize that everyone could enjoy the basic medical and health service fairly and the most important thing is the public welfare of medical and health service .

  19. 2009年4月新医改方案出台,明确规定要增加政府投入,严格控制医院规模,提高服务质量,充分利用有限的医疗卫生资源,提高医疗机构运行效率。

    The new medical reform plan released in the April , 2009 . It stipulated explicitly that increasing the government investment , strictly controlling the hospital scale , improving the service quality , and fully using limited health resources to raise the medical service efficiency .

  20. 在新的医改方案实施中需要优先考虑加强乡镇卫生院人员队伍建设。

    In the new healthcare reform program implementation that needs to give priority to strengthening the rural health personnel .

  21. 2009年1月,新的医改方案中提出了四项基本和一项试点的五项改革,其中试点指的就是推进公立医院改革试点,力争近期取得明显成效。

    In January 2009 , " Fours basics and one experiment " was put forward in new health care reform project , in which experiment means to push forward the reforming experiment in public hospital and strive to get remarkable effect in near future .