
  1. iPod如此受欢迎,即使它的广告也能推动一种新兴职业的诞生。

    The iPod is so popular , even it 's commercials are capable of catapulting careers .

  2. 在这里我们来盘点一下中国八大新兴职业。

    Here are the top 8 new career choices in China 。

  3. 职业中的女性陷阱民国时期的新兴职业女性

    Trap for professional women New Career Female of the Republic of China

  4. 本世纪一个很有前途的新兴职业是野生动物保护者。

    One promising profession that 's emerging this century is wildlife preservationist .

  5. 以吓人为生是中国的一项新兴职业。

    To scare people for living is a new job in China .

  6. 民国时期的新兴职业女性

    New Career Female of the Republic of China

  7. 《每日商报》报道,网络钟点工正成为一种新兴职业。

    Online hourly professionals are becoming a newly emerging job , the Daily Business reported .

  8. 国内出现了一种新兴职业:只要在公园陪着孩子玩,即可获得不菲的收入。

    In China , a new profession of playing with children in parks proves to be quite rewarding .

  9. 法务会计产生于20世纪七十年代到八十年代初的美国,在一些发达国家,法务会计不但是一门学科,更是一种新兴职业。

    In some developed countries , forensic accounting is not only a subject , but a new accounting occupation .

  10. 记者近日在某人才市场的家政服务中心发现,东莞目前出现了专业“奶妈”的新兴职业。

    In a labour agency in Dongguan , a reporter with Guangzhou Daily found the nanny jobs are really popular .

  11. 这一职业是适应我国早期教育发展的需要应运而生的新兴职业。

    This job is the new developing one to meet the needs of the early-aged education development in our country .

  12. 学校管理人员也在努力发现新兴职业所需的技能,并找出方法来教给学生。

    School administrators are also trying to identify skills needed for emerging professions , and figure out ways to teach them .

  13. 其角色的专业度和学识远远超过了红酒服务员。酒侍在中国已成了新兴职业。

    The role is much more specialized and informed than that of a wine waiter . It is an emerging profession in China .

  14. 网络模特,又称“麻豆”,是随着国内网购潮流的兴起而出现的一个新兴职业。

    Cyber model , or ma dou in Chinese , is an emerging occupation amid a boom in the country 's online shopping .

  15. 为此,对于高水平口译的需求也随之增加。会议口译作为一项新兴职业也应时而生。

    As international contacts multiply , growing demand for high-quality interpretation is creating the conditions for the emergence of conference interpreting as a true profession .

  16. 据手机社交网络平台陌陌日前发布的产业报告,视频直播已经成为中国收入最高的新兴职业之一。

    Live streaming has become one of the highest-paid new occupations in China , according to an industry report released by Momo , a mobile-based social network platform .

  17. 继广州中山大学硕士研究生毕业争当“猪肉荣”风波过后,时下又一新兴职业“淘粪业务员”也悄悄诞生!

    Following the Sun Yat-sen University post-graduate master 's degree graduates to become " pork-wing " after the storm , yet another new career today ," Amoy manure salesman ," has quietly born !

  18. 人力资源这一新兴职业进入中国后,便在中国迅速升温并成为在校大学生和社会人士的未来职业选择之一。

    Since the new occupation - " human resources " came into China , it had been rapidly heightened in China and turned into one of the occupational choice of general college students and socialites .

  19. 育婴员是从事0-3岁婴儿照料、护理和教育的人员。这一职业是适应我国早期教育发展的需要应运而生的新兴职业。

    Baby-sitters ( the persons who nurse babies ) are those who attend to and educate babies aged from 0 to 3 . This job is the new developing one to meet the needs of the early-aged education development in our country .

  20. 在中国,服装买手作为服装行业的新兴职业,越来越受到企业经营者的注目,同时买手职业背后高效率的买手职能运作体系成为品牌发展的关键。

    Chinese buyers in the garment industry as an emerging profession , which the industry received more attention . At the same time , the efficient operation of the functions of the buyer behind the career is important to establish themselves as brand development .

  21. 口译,作为一种新兴职业和重要的跨文化交际手段,由于其快速的信息传递及有效的跨文化沟通优势,在国际交往日益频繁的当今社会中越来越被广泛的应用。

    Oral interpretation ( OI ) as a modern profession and an important means of cross-cultural communication has been widely accepted nowadays because of its obvious advantages such as quick transmission of messages and prompt communication at once . It has established an important status in international communities .

  22. 至于最吸引人的五大新兴职业,想要成为网红的年轻人占54%,声优占17%,接下来是占11%的化妆师,占8%的角色扮演者和占7%的游戏测评师。

    As for the top five most attractive new jobs , young people would like to work as Internet stars ( 54 percent ) and in dubbing ( 17 percent ) , followed by cosmeticians ( 11 percent ) , cosplayers ( 8 percent ) and game testers ( 7 percent ) .

  23. 信息经纪人是信息时代一门新兴的职业,图书馆急需信息经纪人。

    Information broker is a new career in the information time .

  24. 教师职业是一个古老而又新兴的职业,既是古代社会分工的产物,又是现代专业化发展的体现。

    Teacher occupation is an old and new occupation .

  25. 尽管房地产业在中国已繁荣十年之久,但房地产质量检验员却是一个相对新兴的职业。

    Despite the decade long property boom in China , a property inspector is a relatively new career choice .

  26. 这类专业人员在过去的年代中也在增加,只是其增加速度比某些新兴专门职业较为缓慢。

    These occupations have grown over the years , but at a slower rate than some of the newer professions .

  27. 互联网时代,电子商务网站日益壮大,网络卖家也逐渐成为一项新兴的职业。

    In the internet era , the e-commerce websites are growing stronger and stronger , and doing business online has become a newly emerging career .

  28. 职业社会工作在我国还是一个新生事物,自2003年上海首次招聘职业社会工作者以来,社会各界对这个新兴的职业给予了较大的关注。

    The professional social workers appeared in China recently . The first qualification test of professional social worker was staged in Shanghai 2003.Many people are interested in the new job .

  29. 聪明的公司会专注于解决新兴市场职业女性面临的最大的两个问题:一是照顾她们年迈的父母(这个问题比照顾小孩通常更加迫切),二是上下班往返。

    Wise firms focus on the two biggest problems for working women in emerging markets : looking after their ageing parents , which is typically more of a problem than child care , and commuting .

  30. 专职信息经纪人是信息时代一门新兴的职业,在信息社会中起着举足轻重的作用,要成为一名成功的专职信息经纪人,必须具备相应的素质能力。

    The professional information broker is a new developing job of information age , playing a very important role in the information society . Want to become a successful professional information broker , one must possesses corresponding qualities and abilities .