
dì yī shǒu
  • First hand;firsthand;fristhand
第一手 [dì yī shǒu]
  • [fristhand] 直接获得

第一手[dì yī shǒu]
  1. 尽管如此,“对我们来说,Windows永远是一种设备体验,”由于微软收购了诺基亚公司(Nokia)的设备业务,它现在可以从事第一手实验。

    Still , " Windows for us will always be the device experience , " and Microsoft can experiment firsthand thanks to its acquisition of Nokia 's devices business .

  2. Wise认为服务企业一线员工在服务创新中处于一个非常特殊的位置,服务企业一线员工往往拥有管理人员缺乏的第一手的工作经验,因此他们对于顾客的期望拥有更好的认识。

    Wise ( 1996 ) suggested that frontline employees are in a unique position to respond to the demand for innovation in organizations . Frontline workers often possess firsthand experience that managers lack ; thus they may gain better insights into what clients expect .

  3. 在我们的研究中,只查询了第一手资料。

    We consulted only primary sources in our research .

  4. 许多组织通过几乎完成的产品Beta版本获得第一手的客户反馈。

    Many organizations get their first customer feedback through beta versions of a nearly completed product .

  5. 来自胶囊内窥镜检查的第一手资料:伴有贫血的难治性Whipple病

    Refractory Whipple 's disease with anaemia : First lessons from capsule endoscopy

  6. 然而,由于大部分的Linux内核测试工作历时都比较短,因此本系列测试为我们提供了长时间运转的第一手数据和结果。

    However , as most Linux kernel testing efforts have only been conducted over short periods of time , this series of tests provides us first-hand data and results of longer runs .

  7. 然而最重要的是,它可以让人们找到他们附近其他Ubuntu用户体验Ubuntu社区的第一手资料。

    Most importantly however , it lets people find other Ubuntu users near them and experience the Ubuntu Community firsthand .

  8. 通过问卷调查方法收集第一手资料,经过分析发现,消费者对C2C网站在线卖家总体信任度不高。

    After collecting first-hand data through the way of questionnaire investigation and the result shows that consumers perceive low trust on online sellers .

  9. RobMarciano将到现场查看实际情况,为我们带来第一手资料。

    Rob Marciano is going to give us a first-hand look that is shocking .

  10. 本文以著名的大型国有企业C公司为研究对象,对其近几年内已建或者在建的项目进行实地考察、访谈调查,获得第一手的真实数据资料。

    This article take famous large-scale state-owned business C Corporation as the object of study , in the recent several years has constructed or the project which to it constructs is carrying in-the-spot investigation , the interview investigation , obtains the first real data information .

  11. 据了解该资产组合第一手资料的几位人士称,如今,这些CDO的市场价值估计至少有450亿美元。

    Now , the estimated market value of the CDOs is at least $ 45bn , according to several people with direct knowledge of the portfolio .

  12. 笔者阅读和借鉴了大量的中外学者关于FDI的研究成果,并到相关的政府部门和各企业走访调研,取得了辽宁省装备制造业利用FDI的第一手资料。

    After reading and consulting about a lot of the research findings about FDI of scholars domestic and abroad , the author got the first-hand information on Liaoning 's equipment manufacturing sector taking advantage of FDI , by visiting the relevant government departments and enterprises .

  13. 作者身为NCM员工查阅了大量NCM公司内部资料,并深入了解市场情况,以获得第一手资料。

    As an employee of NCM Inc. , the author read many internal documents , and also probed into the market to obtain the first-hand material .

  14. ODP184航次在南海北部实施的钻孔为该区水合物研究提供了宝贵的第一手资料。

    The ODP Leg 184 located in the area provides useful first-hand information for gas hydrate research .

  15. Nexon在本月已经公布了游戏即将更新的第一手资料,新的宣传动画。

    Nexon has revealed the first details , and a new trailer , about the newest update coming to its free-to-play MMO Vindictus later this month .

  16. 研究的结论是建立在对大量第一手数据资料进行科学分析基础上的,比较客观并符合实际,希望能对JG纺织公司的战略决策有所帮助,并为行业中其他企业提供有益的借鉴。

    The study result is based on the scientific analysis of a large amount of first-hand data , objective and truthful , which is expected to help with JG on its strategic decision and also provide useful reference to other corporations of textile industry .

  17. 颇具影响力的巴基斯坦大使穆尼尔阿克兰(munirakram)表示,潘基文必须花更多时间来倾听它们的担忧:“这样,这位秘书长将获得如何处理好自己与成员国关系的第一手经验。”

    Munir Akram , the influential Ambassador of Pakistan , says Mr Ban has to spend more time listening to their concerns : " from this exercise the SG will gain first-hand experience how his relationship with the member states can be better managed . "

  18. RigoEstrada:“但是现在我看了第一手录像资料,我经常到沙滩上进行清洁,我帮助开发了排水系统,我还教给小学生节约用水的重要性,我了解了环保的重要性,这确实是一个非常严肃的话题。”

    RIGO ESTRADA : " But now that I have seen firsthand videos , I have done beach cleanups , I have helped develop like water-catchment systems , I have taught elementary schools like the importance of water conservation , I know the importance of green and that it actually is a really serious topic . "

  19. 第一手的信息和研究是最能够吸引更多的链接的。

    Original information or research is great bait to attract links .

  20. 柯林顿今天前往里德参议员沃尔特看到第一手情况。

    Senator Clinton visited Walter Reed today to see the conditions firsthand .

  21. 对基督第一手的知识越来越多是宝贵的。

    A growing first hand knowledge of Christ is precious .

  22. 这是我从有关人士那里直接得到的第一手资料。

    I got it straight from the horse 's mouth .

  23. 你掌握着他们的第一手资料。

    You 've had the chance to observe them firsthand .

  24. 有时,他们冒着生命危险为咱们获取第一手材料!

    Sometimes they risk their lives to get fist-hand stories for us !

  25. 根据所选的指标体系进行第一手资料和第二手资料搜集;

    Primary and secondary data were collected according to requirements of indicator evaluation .

  26. 注重使用第一手资料。

    STATISTICAL DATA and ( 6 ) emphasis on using the first-hand materials .

  27. 纽曼在连体婴儿分离手术方面有着第一手的经验。

    Newman has firsthand experience surgically separating conjoined twins .

  28. 从他那里得到一些有关这项工作的第一手资料。

    And get some first-hand information about the job .

  29. 我从布朗夫妇那里得到关于美国文化的第一手信息,而收获颇多。

    I benefit a lot by getting some first-hand information about American culture .

  30. 论文采用了较多的第一手资料对酒店内外部环境进行了详细的分析。

    The paper uses a lot of first-hand materials and makes detailed analysis .