
yī shǒu
  • skill;move;trick;all alone;proficiency;all by oneself
一手 [yī shǒu]
  • (1) [skill;proficiency]∶技能或本领

  • 业务上有一手

  • (2) [trick;move]∶指耍手段

  • 他这一手真毒辣

  • (3) [all by oneself;all alone]∶一个人

  • 一手包办

一手[yī shǒu]
  1. 本人心地善良、温柔大方、勤奋好学、身体健康、做一手好菜,努力保持年轻的心态和外表,是一位表里如一的女子。

    Oneself the good natured , gentleness is generous , diligence like learn , healthy body , do skill real jam , work hard keep the young mindset and outward appearances , is a watch in such as an of woman .

  2. 其可能的创新点表现在:其一,通过实地调查和案例分析,得到荆州市休闲农业的一手数据。

    Its possible innovative displays in : first , through on-the-spot investigation and case analysis , get the skill of Jingzhou city leisure agriculture data .

  3. 他声称整个事件都被市政会一手捂住了。

    He claimed that the whole affair had been hushed up by the council .

  4. 要是新机场开始修建,外国公司都会来插一手捞好处。

    Foreign firms will all want a piece of the action if the new airport goes ahead .

  5. 她和孩子们打交道很有一手,相处得十分融洽。

    She was great with the children and fitted in beautifully .

  6. 两人在修理东西上都有一手绝活。

    Both are blessed with uncommon ability to fix things .

  7. 她几乎是一手改变了英国政治的面貌。

    She changed the face of British politics almost single-handed .

  8. 她对二手资料和一手资料的引用毫无区别。

    She quotes secondary and primary sources without distinction .

  9. 玛吉打得一手好网球。

    Marge played a mean game of tennis .

  10. 完全是她一手把我们拉扯大的。

    She brought us up completely unaided .

  11. 你可能成不了第二个海明威,但你可以练就一手好文笔。

    You may never be another Hemingway , but you can learn to write well .

  12. 不容否认的事实是,他们一手建起了一座真正伟大的建筑。

    There is no gainsaying the fact that they have been responsible for a truly great building .

  13. 谁有那本事一手收起婴儿推车,一手抱着刚会走路的孩子,还得提着刚买的东西,然后挤上公共汽车?

    Who can fold up a pushchair , toddler and shopping and then get them all onto the bus ?

  14. 这也许是因为你并不晓得髋关节的位置,它不在腰部,而是位于腰部以下一手拃宽处。

    It may be that you are unaware of where your hip joint is ; it is not at the waist but a good hand span below it .

  15. 想不到她会插上一手。

    We never thought she would poke her nose into this .

  16. 他有一手好手艺。

    He 's a real craftsman . ; He 's a master of his craft .

  17. 海伦写一手好字。

    Helen writes a beautiful hand .

  18. 他会做好这件事,因为他很有一手。

    He will do well in that work because he has a lot on the ball .

  19. 比尔经常留有一手,所以当第一个计划失败后,他就试行第二个。

    Bill always has a card up his sleeve , so when his first plan failed he tried another .

  20. 这被认为是人体解剖学的最精准的一手资料。

    They are considered the first accurate pictures of human anatomy .

  21. 这件事由他一手承办。

    He has taken on the whole task by himself .

  22. 他这一手一点儿也不高明。

    This move of his is not at all clever .

  23. 她那一手字写得好飘洒!

    What a graceful , facile hand she writes !

  24. 他这一手可真毒辣!

    What a vicious trick he played !

  25. 这一手儿字写得才叫娄呢。

    What poor handwriting he has .

  26. 上校,你准备一手把美利坚合众国卷进这场战争去吗?

    You 're prepared to get the United States of America into this war all by yourself , are you , captain ?

  27. 名词,没有超过九点的一手牌。

    hand of cards containing no card above a nine zoanthropy n.

  28. 她拉着一手悦耳的大提琴。

    She plays a melodious cello .

  29. 哪知道他一听,欣喜若狂,转身跑到大街上,一手举着树叶.一手去捞店铺里的东西。

    Hearing this , he became wild with joy . He turned and ran out to the street . Holding the leaf in one hand , he grabbed with the other hand the goods in a shop .

  30. 他一手接过她的钱,一手抓起她的连指手套,“带我去你住的地方,我想见见你的弟弟和你的父母。

    He took her money in one hand and with the other hand he grasped her mitten and said " Take me to where you live . I want to see your brother and meet your parents " .