
yī zhāo
  • once;in one day
一朝 [yī zhāo]
  • [once;in one day] 一旦

  • 一朝而天。--《国语.晋语》

一朝[yī zhāo]
  1. 一朝从艺,永为艺人。

    Once an actor , always an actor .

  2. 珍妮肯定不会再去游泳了&所谓一朝被蛇咬,十年怕井绳。

    Jenny certainly won 't go to swimming & once bitten , twice shy .

  3. 天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。(白居易《长恨歌》)

    Too fairly formed for loneliness , one day she stood selected for the monarch 's side .

  4. 或者能眼睁睁看着你用心血浇灌的所有一朝被毁,

    Or watch the things you gave your life to , broken ,

  5. 没有一朝寒彻骨,哪来梅花扑鼻香

    Without the piercing chilliness of the snowfall , where comes the fragrant whiff of the plum blossoms .

  6. 随着围绕皇室婚礼的狂热日益高涨,PartyPieces一朝成名。

    With the growing frenzy surrounding the royal wedding , Party pieces has benefited from instant fame .

  7. 即便一朝获得QFII资格,每家资产管理公司仍受制于外汇监管机构设置的单独的配额。

    Even once a QFII license is obtained , each asset manager is subject to a separate quota from the foreign exchange regulator .

  8. 一朝被灼伤,见火就害怕。

    A burnt child fears ( or dreads ) the fire .

  9. 温特沃斯.米勒十年苦寒,一朝成名。

    Wentworth Miller is an overnight success ten years in the making .

  10. 一朝入坟墓,贫富无差别。

    In the grave , the rich and the poor lie equal .

  11. 刘宋一朝,处于文学的新变时期。

    The Liu Song dynasties are in the new period of literature .

  12. 在一个晴朗的早晨,他发现自己衰老了。【正译】一朝醒来,他发现自己破产了。

    One fine morning he found himself a ruined man .

  13. 一朝当上石油巨头,永远都是石油巨头,兄弟。

    Once big oil , always big oil , man .

  14. 有宋一朝,党争不断。

    In Song Dynasty , there were always party-struggles .

  15. 烧伤儿畏火。/一朝被蛇咬,年怕井绳。

    Burnt bairns dread the fire . / Burnt child dreads the fire .

  16. 一朝失足,铸成千古恨

    " Once a knave , ever a knave "

  17. 一朝题名金榜,犹如鲤鱼跃上龙门。

    Jinbang title once , like a carp to leap onto the goal .

  18. 从没想过我会一朝坠入爱河。

    Never thought that Id fall in love , love , love , love .

  19. 一朝之念不能忍,斗胜争强祸不小。

    Once the thought of a desire to win can stand , not evil .

  20. 我一朝醒来,发觉自己已经成名。

    I awaked one morning and myself famous .

  21. 古人云:十年寒窗无人知,一朝成名天下闻。

    The ancients cloud : years learning knowledge , once famous world no smell .

  22. 千百次征战所向披靡,一朝败绩,

    After a thousand victories once foiled ,

  23. 这就是一朝被蛇咬、十年怕井绳。

    It 's that fear-of-being-used thing again .

  24. 乾隆一朝因贪贿惩处的督抚数目之多超过了以往任何朝代。

    The number of governors punished for corruption exceeded the number in any dynasty before .

  25. 一朝浅饮尼罗水,万水千山总恋她。

    Once you have drunk the water of Nile , you will always come back .

  26. 一朝你被蛇咬

    Once you are bitten by a snake

  27. 倘若有一朝纸灰能复燃,请它把我那深藏着爱情之火的热心肠也燃烧成灰吧!

    If the ashes can be burned again , please turn my deep love into ashes .

  28. 但也会一朝尽失

    But ever will we fall

  29. 世袭特权,皇族思虑长远,而不一朝用权。

    The hereditary privileges , the royal pursue long-term interests , rather than a tyranny of power .

  30. 他本是国王的幸臣,一朝失宠众人无不感到意外。

    He had been the king 's favourite , and his sudden fall from grace surprised everyone .