
  1. 一挂珠帘子把两个房间分开。

    A bead curtain separated the two rooms .

  2. 目的观察头顶一颗珠(TTM)对阿尔茨海默病(AD)模型大鼠海马、皮质抗氧化酶和过氧化脂质表达的影响。

    Objective To observe the effect of trillium tschonoskii maxim ( TTM ) on anti-oxidase and lipase peroxide ( LPO ) expression in gyrus hippocampi and cerebral cortex of Alzheimer disease ( AD ) rats model .

  3. 延龄草(Trilliumtschonoskii),俗称为头顶一颗珠,为百合科延龄草属的多年生草本植物,主要分布在东亚及北美。

    Trillium tschonoskii Maxim , locally named " a pearl on head " , a perennial herb of Liliaceae , mainly distributes in east Asia and north America . In China , T.

  4. 淡水珍珠,三排手链,贝壳扣,上面加一个珠,欢迎订货!

    Freshwater pearls , three-row bracelet , shell buttons , plus a bead above are welcome to order !

  5. 苞鳞:在裸子植物的雌球果中大量存在的结构,每个苞鳞都包含一个珠鳞。

    Bract scale The structure found in large numbers in the female cone of gymnosperms , each bearing an ovuliferous scale in its axil .

  6. 她不小心吞下了一颗玻璃珠。

    She accidentally swallowed a glass bead .

  7. 一条木珠项链

    a necklace of wooden beads

  8. 想一想位于珠三角的东莞市,大批台湾科技公司聚集在这里。

    Think of the city of Dongguan in the Pearl River Delta , where a large number of Taiwan technology companies cluster together .

  9. 若一个人老珠黄的摇滚歌星在最后一次走红的数十年后,再次登台巡演,人们会残酷地说他们认为他早已在很久之前死去。

    WHEN an ageing rock star goes on tour decades after his final hit , people remark cruelly that they thought he died some time ago .

  10. 多种变化细褶缝纫机的附属品可以随意交换,所以即使用一个单位珠机器就可认知在缝纫方法上会有多种类的变化。

    The attachment of New Machine has an interchanggeability so that sewing ways full of variety can be realized even with one unit of models of machines .

  11. 每天开始的时候,加西亚女士通常会穿得很有层次感:她外出的典型打扮可能会是一件钉珠上衣、一件皮夹克、一条半裙,外加透明丝袜。

    Ms. Garcia usually starts her day wearing several layers of clothing : A typical outfit might be a beaded top , a leather jacket , a skirt and opaque tights .

  12. 本实用新型公开了一种单珠分离机构,该机构主要由两个爆炸螺栓、一个加强环、一个连接座、一个滚珠和一个连接件组成。

    The utility model discloses a single ball separation mechanism ; the mechanism comprises the two explosive blots , a strengthening ring , a connection receptacle , a bead and a connecting piece .

  13. 在珠江口盆地内部珠一凹陷和珠三凹陷之间相互有30%左右的样品重合,说明两者在沉积物源上有一定比例的共同源区。

    In the Pearl Basin , the incorrectly classified rate of samples between Zhu 1 Sag and Zhu 3 Sag is nearly 30 % , indicating there are some same source rock areas between them .

  14. 一方面,珠三角地区整体服务水平不高,难以满足日益复杂的运输服务需求;另一方面,经营支线班轮运输的公司数目众多,而且大多缺乏行之有效的管理。

    On the one hand , the general service quality of Pearl River Delta region is not satisfactory ; On the other hand , there are too many companies operating in liner shipping transportation lack of effective management .

  15. 在含单胚和多胚颖果中,胚均位于同一胚囊的珠孔端,未见到胚囊以外存在不定胚。

    Authors ' materials showed that all the single , twin and triplet embryoes were situated at the micropylar end in one embryo sac of young ovule and no adventitious embryo was seen outside the embryo sac of ovules .

  16. 这种被叫做林克斯Linx的设备是一个由钛珠制造而成的环,在其内部的磁体使食物经过后肌肉阀门紧闭。

    The so-called Linx device is a ring made of titanium beads with magnets inside that keep the valve closed after the food passes through it .

  17. 一项那他珠单抗治疗复发型多发性硬化症的随机、安慰剂对照试验

    A randomized , placebo-controlled trial of natalizumab for relapsing multiple sclerosis

  18. 他能给自己缝一件缀满珠片的衣服。

    And he can sow one hell of a sequined shirt .

  19. 冷等离子体键合固定相一聚乙二醇多孔硅珠的色谱特性

    The chromatographic features of PEG-silica bonded phase mode by low-temperature plasma

  20. 能够遇见一个慧眼识珠的人实在是太难了。

    It is so rare to meet an individual of true wit .

  21. 尾巴上有一丛大的珠状刚毛的豪猪。

    Porcupine with a tuft of large beaded bristles on the tail .

  22. 制备出一种空心微珠增强聚氨酯泡沫复合材料。

    One kind of the hollow bead reinforced polyurethane foam composite was prepared .

  23. 光环带是一种灿烂的珠白色朦胧光,几乎像满月一样明亮。

    The corona is a brilliant , pearly white , filmy light , about as bright as the full Moon .

  24. 去年,一大型企业在珠三角某地设立分公司,招了一批大学生。

    Last year , a large enterprise has recruited a large batch of university students for its branch office in Zhu Jiang delta area .

  25. 在季铵碱的催化下,腐植酸与氯甲基化交联苯聚乙烯载体反应,一步合成了珠状大孔型腐植酸树脂。

    Bead-like macro-Porous humic acid resin was synthesized by one step react-on of humic acid with chloromethylated crosslinked polystyrene carrier in the presence of quaternary ammonium base .

  26. 构建一个带β珠蛋白基因组序列的腺相关病毒载体AV53HS2Δβ2Neo.经包装成重组腺相关病毒后,转导红系细胞。

    An adeno associated viral vector containing erythroid enhancer ( HS2 ), genomic β globin gene and neomycin resistance gene was constructed , then packaged into recombinant AAV virions .

  27. 它就是将一颗曼坨珠糖丢到一瓶可乐中,所引起的化学反应能使可乐喷出数英里高(当然有点夸张)。

    The idea is that you drop a Mentos into a bottle of coke and the chemical reaction causes the coke to spurt for miles ( not literally of course ) .

  28. β地中海贫血是一种因β珠蛋白基因缺陷导致的遗传性贫血性疾病,基因治疗是唯一有望治愈该病的方法。

    β - Thalassemia is an inheritance anaemia disease due to the defect in β - globin gene . Gene therapy is considered to be the only method which could cure this disease .

  29. 一杯赤霞珠红葡萄酒应该用“谁人”乐队的《再也不会被愚弄》来配,这样才能品出它的深度;而雪当利白葡萄酒配上金发女郎乐队的《原子能》后,入喉更为顺滑。

    A Cabernet Sauvignon should be paired with Won 't Get Fooled Again by The Who to bring out its depth while a Chardonnay will slide down more easily accompanied by Atomic by Blondie .

  30. 他认为这就足以让我们成为“真正的同志”了,随后就是奉上一杯接着一杯的中国珠茶。

    This he deemed sufficient for us to become " true comrades " , and there followed endless glasses of gunpowder tea .