
  1. 我一天下来累得筋疲力尽。

    I 've had a gruelling day .

  2. 一天下课后,桑玛看了她们的部落格。

    One day after school , Summer read their blog .

  3. 老母鸡:一天下一个蛋,刀斧靠边站。

    Old hen 's : An egg a day keeps the axe away .

  4. 他是前一天下午拉着十吨钢材离开准备前往卡罗莱纳州北部的。

    He left that afternoon for North Carolina with ten tons of steel .

  5. 在新年这一天下决心是一个依然流行的习俗。

    Making resolution on new year 's day is a custom that still prevails .

  6. 那只鸡一天下一个蛋。

    The chicken lays an egg a day .

  7. 在新年这一天下决心是个依然流行的习俗。

    Making resolutions on New Year 's Day is a custom that still prevails .

  8. 有一天下课后,我正和他们谈论大学,

    One day after class I was talking to students about go to college , and

  9. 一天下战书,一名老太太提着篮子过马路,她念去购面工具。

    One afternoon an old woman was crossing the street with a basket in her hand .

  10. 有一天下起雨来。

    One day rain fell .

  11. 一天下午雨后起了寒风,当时嘉莉还没有外套。

    It blew up cold after a rain one afternoon when Carrie was still without a jacket .

  12. 有一天下着雨,男孩从他车里看到一对老人在前面慢慢地走。

    On a rainy day , the boy saw from his car an old couple walking slowly in front .

  13. 道琼工业指数于黑色星期一二十周年这一天下跌369.1点,亦即2.7%。

    The Dow Jones Industrial Average drops 369.1 points , or 2.7 % , on the 20th anniversary of Black Monday .

  14. 但有一天下课后,我的老师坐在我旁边同我交谈了一会儿。

    But one day , at the end of the class , my teacher sat down with me and had a chat .

  15. 讨论在给定葛洲坝一天下泄流量过程的情况下三峡梯级电站发电站发电的情况。

    The Three Gorges cascade has two hydropower stations at present , they are Three Gorges power station and Gezhouba power station .

  16. 一天下课后他有个重要的约会,他穿了一件白色衬衫,领带和保守的深色套装。

    He had an important appointment after class one day . He put on a white shirt , a tie and a conservative dark suit .

  17. 且来设想,工作一天下班后,只需开车至最近的一个自动公路入口匝道。

    Imagine leaving work at the end of the day and needing to drive only as far as the nearest on-ramp to the local automated highway .

  18. 后来,有一天下班后,当我在卷饼摊后台休息的时候,我看到了美国国民警卫队在购物中心里设置的征兵处。

    Then one day , on my break from work at the pretzel stand , I spotted a U.S. Army National Guard Recruiting booth in the mall .

  19. 一天下班后他正在吃晚饭,只见壁虎正在冰箱底下追着一只蟑螂,眼下屋子里已经没有多少了。

    One day after work , he was getting some dinner when he saw the gecko chase one of the last cockroaches on the house under the refrigerator .

  20. 理想的情况是,前一天下班时就清理干净,这样在第二天早晨打开电脑前就能拥有一个新的开始。

    Ideally , you 'd clear whatever you can out the night before so you can have a fresh start before you even turn on your computer in the morning .

  21. 有一天下班回家,我发现高速公路部门已经刈过沟渠上的草了,那些可爱的蓝色花儿已无踪影,我很伤心。

    One day on my way home from work , I was saddened to see that the highway department had mowed the ditches and the pretty blue flowers were gone .

  22. 伦敦部分地区的商店周三再度提前关门,而客流量数据显示,周二全国购物人数比去年同一天下降逾7%。

    Shops in some areas of London closed early again on Wednesday , while footfall figures showed that the number of shoppers nationally on Tuesday was more than 7 per cent down compared with the same day last year .

  23. 一天下班回家,约翰发现妻子在摇半岁的女儿,嘴里反复念道:“爸-爸。”约翰心里感到美滋滋的,他的妻子选择了“爸爸”这个词首先教孩子。

    One day , John was back home after work . He found that his wife was shaking their daughter who was only half a year old . She said Da-Dy to the baby many times . John felt very happy because he thought his wife chose the word Dady to teach their baby .

  24. 它一出现天下就会变得安宁。

    Once it appears , the world will become peaceful .

  25. 是以圣人抱一为天下式。

    Therefore the wise embrace the One and become examples for the world .

  26. 有一次天下着雨,他们在森林里停了下来在树下歇息。

    One rainy day they stopped in a forest , seeking shelter under the trees .

  27. 但是,她在上周日的推铅球竞赛中掷出的4.07米(13英尺4.2英寸)的成果不只让她取得了金牌,并且还冲破了一项天下记录。

    But her4.07 metre ( 13 ft4.2 in ) throw on Sunday didn 't just win her gold , but also broke a world record .

  28. “灵璧一石天下奇,声如青铜色如玉”,这是宋代诗人方岩对灵璧石发出的由衷赞叹。

    " Lingbi strange world with one stone , jade , bronze sound like " This is the Song Dynasty poet , party rock the heartfelt praise of Ling Bishi .

  29. 但是突然之间,他们又泄了气,于是就围在桌子旁边坐着,两眼茫然地望着对方,很像雄鸡一唱天下白时就销声匿迹的鬼魂一样。

    And then suddenly the life would go out of them and they would sit round the table looking at one another with extinct eyes , like ghosts fading at cock-crow .

  30. 所谓数据流环境,是利用DVB技术,营造一种普照天下的高速数据流,每天都有数百GB的数据流经家庭。

    The DSE means that several hundreds gigabytes stream to each household everyday utilizing the great data push capacity of DVB , and then the nationwide flow of the high speed data stream forms a digital environment .