
  1. 因此,这时候,我该到哪里去吃去睡,就成为一件重大的事情了。

    it became a matter of concernment where I was to eat and sleep meanwhile .

  2. 你想去吃晚饭,还是去看电影。

    Would you like to go out to dinner or to a movie ?

  3. 他请我去吃晚餐,然后去看了场电影。

    He asked me to go to dinner and to see a movie .

  4. 真让你拚死也得去吃,诱惑你去追求或是探询。

    Really desperate you have to go , you tempted to pursue or explore .

  5. 通常先去吃晚饭,再去看场刚上映的电影。

    Nornamlly you go a dinner first and attend a new-featured film or a movie coming out .

  6. 你无法想象这些孩子会对你说,“我们去吃麦当劳,然后去看京剧。”绝对不可能。

    You can 't imagine the kids will say to you , ' Let 's go to McDonalds , and then let 's go to the Peking Opera . ' No way .

  7. 去(某个地方),去吃,去做,去分裂一个不定式——你知道这些不定式的意思。

    To go , to eat , to do , to split an infinitive -- you get the idea .