
zhèng yán; zhēng yán
  • forthright admonition;frank admonition
诤言 [zhèng yán]
  • [forthright admonition] 直言规劝的话

  • 屡进诤言

诤言[zhèng yán; zhēng yán]
  1. 诤言共有两种:一是关于行为的,一是关于事业的。

    Counsel is of two sorts : the one concerning manners , the other concerning business .

  2. 由此可见,杜鲁门总统的殷切希望和马歇尔将军要求蒋政权实行改革的诤言,都不过是白费心机。

    In view of this fact , all the pious hopes of President Truman and the bitter blasts of General Marshall calling on the Chiang regime to reform , were just so much wishful thinking .

  3. 因此,在朋友所给的诤言与自己所作的主张之间其差别有如良友的净言与谄佞的建议之间的差别一样。

    So as there is as much difference between the counsel , that a friend giveth , and that a man giveth himself , as there is between the counsel of a friend , and of a flatterer .
