
  • 网络Xiame
  1. 下梅村下梅村位于福建省武夷山,因处梅溪下游而得名,小村子不大,山清水秀。

    Xiamei village Locating in the Wuyi city , Fujian province , Xiamei village is small but has beautiful landscapes .

  2. 低温可延迟梅果衰老和叶绿素降解,延缓果实色泽转黄的进程,而在常温下梅果叶绿素降解速度非常快,软化和转黄速度非常也迅速。

    Low temperature may delay chlorophyll degradation and the senescence process and yellowing in fruits , while the degradation rate of chlorophyll , the decrease of firmness and yellowing of fruits were rapid at room temperature .

  3. 在这一背景下,梅普共治体制的改革以及经济政策的调整也许将成为可能。

    In this context , it is possible for the reform of the co-governance of Putin and Medvedev and the adjustment of economic policies as well .

  4. 在他们的影响下,明代梅鷟撰写专著证明梅氏书不可信。

    Under their suspected spirits , Mei Zhuo proved it could not be trusted by writing monographs in Ming dynasty .

  5. 她咽下了一粒梅核,几乎哽死。

    She swallowed a plum-stone and was almost chocked .

  6. 于是我同意下星期在得梅音见他们。

    So I agree to meet with them in Des Moines the following week .