
  • 网络underflow;gradual underflow
  1. 例如:企图执行一条特权指令和诸如上溢出、下溢出与除0等的算术运算陷井。

    Examples are : attempts to execute a privileged instruction and arithmetic traps such as overflow , underflow , and divide by zero .

  2. 发生在除数为0或者出现上溢出或下溢出。

    Occur when dividing a number by zero or there was a math overflow or underflow .

  3. 为解决状态观测器中采用传统浮点数运算时,因自动下溢出产生误差的问题,提出全整数运算算法提高控制精度。

    To avoid the cumulative error problem caused by auto-overflow in state observer floating operation , the whole-integer operation was proposed to improve the control precision .

  4. 通过设定不同参数,该文方法可用于分析任意多层蜂窝系统双向溢出、单向上溢出、单向下溢出、部分双向溢出和部分单向溢出等呼叫溢出策略。

    By setting different parameters , the proposed approach can be used to analyze various overflow schemes in any HCS with multiple layers , such as unidirectional or bidirectional overflows or partial overflows .

  5. 对Windows环境下堆溢出和栈溢出的研究

    Research of Heap Overflow and Stack Overflow Based on Windows System

  6. 文章对Windows环境下堆溢出和栈溢出的不同之处进行了研究。

    The different of heap overflow and stack overflow is researched based on windows system .

  7. 一种高速网络下IDS溢出数据包的处理模型

    An analyzing model of overflowed datagram for high-speed networks

  8. 他们发现在同样的14个月期间,冰层下湖泊溢出了1.7立方千米的水(相当于0.4立方英里),75公里(相当于45英里)长的伯德冰川的移动速度加快了10%。

    They discovered that during the same 14-month period that 1.7 cubic kilometers ( 0.4 cubic miles ) of water cascaded through subglacial waterways , the 75-kilometer ( 45-mile ) long glacier downstream picked up speed , moving about 10 percent faster .

  9. 在前人研究的基础上,首次将零售商的全国性广告及其在竞争环境下的溢出效应引入模型,并探索性地对地方性广告效果进行非线性化处理,使之更贴近实际。

    Based on research results before , we introduce the national advertising investment of retailer and spillover effects of the national advertising into the model at the first time . In order to close to the actual situation , we process the effect of local advertising by nonlinear method .

  10. GIS环境下的区域溢出研究

    A Study on the Regional Spillovers in GIS Environment

  11. Windows系统下缓存区溢出攻击实现与防范

    Realization and Defense of Buffer overflow under Windows OS

  12. 全文共分六章阐述区域溢出问题,内容涉及知识溢出、信息化设施溢出、信息化作用下的GDP溢出和自然资源溢出。

    The themes on the knowledge spillovers , the spillovers of informatization infrastructure , the GDP spillovers with informatization and the natural resource spillovers are discussed in the dissertation .

  13. 市场竞争模式下的技术溢出与技术创新分析

    Analysis of Technology Spillover and Technological Innovation under Competitive Product Market

  14. 全球化条件下的知识溢出与技术进步研究

    Research on Knowledge Spillovers and Technological Progress In Open Economic Environment

  15. 两个维度下的知识溢出对区域高技术产业技术创新的影响

    Influence of Knowledge Spillover in Two Dimensions on Technological Innovation in Region High-tech Industry

  16. 各种工况下的渗流溢出点附近相对于整个坝体其它部位更易于发生渗透破坏,故应做好初期坝下游坝坡的反滤保护。

    Compared with with other part , the area near overflow point could be more easily destructed . Therefore , the filter protection to the downstream of the primary dam should be done early .

  17. 体制因素制约下的劳动溢出与市场分割、市场因素推动下的需求结构变化以及产业结构变迁中的就业结构调整,共同决定着弱势群体非正规就业的自发形成与不断发展。

    Superfluous labor force and labor market segmentation under institutional defect , changing demand structure related to market factors and employment structural adjustment promoted by adjusting of industrial structure all determine the spontaneous development of informal employment .

  18. 实证研究分别从宏观层面的知识产权制度下国际技术溢出对生产率的影响以及从微观层面企业知识产权保护对决定国际技术溢出水平的创新投入的影响两个不同角度进行研究。

    Empirical study is divided into the macro-level study of the impact of international technology spillovers under intellectual property protection on productivity and the micro-level study of the impact of intellectual property protection in enterprises on the innovation inputs that determines the international innovation and technological spillover .

  19. 在浮动汇率制度下,外汇大量溢出势必引起汇率下跌。

    Under the floating exchange rate system , foreign exchange is a lot of overflow is bound to cause the exchange rate falls .

  20. 矿物在坝基渗压水作用下溶解、侵蚀与迁移,在氧化还原条件下转化形成溢出物。

    The mineral is dissolved , eroded and displaced by seepage water from the dam base , finally becomes exudation under oxidation and reduction .

  21. 本文通过构建技术溢出下的企业产品市场竞争模型,比较研究了产品市场产量竞争和价格竞争模式下技术溢出与技术创新。

    This paper construct a multistage competitive model of product market with technology spillover . This paper comparatively researches of technology spillover and technological innovation in two competition market .