
  1. 居民得走一英里路去取水。

    The inhabitants have to walk a mile to fetch water .

  2. 我们走3英里路花了1个小时。

    It took us an hour to go three miles .

  3. 她自豪地骑上自行车,蹬了5英里路回家。

    She climbed on her bike with a feeling of pride and pedalled the five miles home

  4. 这次的旅程很短,只有上山的四五英里路。

    This time the journey was short , a matter of four or five miles up into the hills .

  5. 走10英里路对于他来说算不了什么。

    A walk of ten miles was nothing to him .

  6. 到火车站至少有一英里路。

    It 's not less than a mile to the station .

  7. 取一次水一般来回各要走5英里路。

    The average walk for water is five miles each way .

  8. 我打算在天黑之前至少再赶它十英里路。

    I want to make at least ten miles before dark .

  9. 没有走到一英里路,我已经疲倦了。

    I had not gone a mile before I felt tired .

  10. 大约还有20英里路。

    It 's twenty miles away , as near as dammit .

  11. 他们沿山坡下行了四分之一英里路。

    They walked a quarter of a mile down the mountainside .

  12. 我走10英里路,那个坏脾气的老家伙就能走50英里。

    The old goat could walk fifty miles to my ten .

  13. 还有一英里路,教堂的钟声已经响了。

    The church bell was calling , still a mile away .

  14. 从我们学校到那家工厂有十英里路。

    It is ten miles from our school to that factory .

  15. 我们还没走到一英里路就觉得累了。

    We hadn 't run a mile before he felt tired .

  16. 你可以走十英里路看不到一间房子。

    You may walk ten miles without seeing a house .

  17. 希望这些靴子能坚持400英里路。

    I hope these boots can hold up for400 miles .

  18. 1加仑汽油你能开多少英里路?

    How many miles to the gallon do you get ?

  19. 该是骑3英里路去餐馆的时候了。

    It was time to pedal the three miles to the restaurant .

  20. 他还是一个马拉松运动员,能跑好多英里路而不疲倦。

    He was a marathoner who could run miles and not be weary .

  21. 到特兰里奇可有五六英里路呀。

    Tis five or six miles yet to Trantridge .

  22. 你有兴趣走十英里路吗?

    Are you game for a ten-mile walk ?

  23. 狼追踪猎物经常要追上3英里路,然后才攻击它们。

    Wolves often pursue their quarry for up to three miles before attacking them .

  24. 你们今晚想走六英里路吗?

    You want to March six miles tonight ?

  25. 她们能够听见教堂的钟声已经敲响了可是她们差不多还在一英里路以外。

    They could hear the church-bell calling - as yet nearly a mile off .

  26. 只剩两英里路要走了。

    There 's only another two milesto go .

  27. 我的家乡离这里有100英里路。

    My hometown is100 miles away from here .

  28. 我是那个开了200英里路来见他的人。

    Paul : I 'm the one who drove 200 miles to see him .

  29. 我们似乎在没膝的烂泥中走完最后一英里路。

    We seemed to spend the last mile of the walk knee-deep in sludge .

  30. 过去就算了吧,孩子们走了3英里路跑到这里。

    Let it go . The kids walked for three miles to get here .