
  • 网络Brc;British Retail Consortium;BRC British Retail Consortium
  1. 英国零售商协会表示,低收入委员会(LowPayCommission)确定最低工资水平的方法,应考虑到一个事实:即最低工资已成为数十万员工的工资标准,而非基本工资基数。

    The BRC says the way rates are set by the Low Pay Commission should take into the account the fact that the minimum wage has become the norm rather than a basic pay floor for hundreds of thousands of workers .

  2. 英国零售商协会会长凯文•霍金斯(KevinHawkins)表示,遏制通胀因素的最低工资涨幅已开始影响到雇主创造新就业岗位的能力。

    Inflation-busting rises have begun to undermine the ability of employers to create new jobs , says Kevin Hawkins , BRC director-general .

  3. 英国零售商协会(britishretailconsortium)认为,反倾销限制给零售商施加了过多压力,随着燃料价格的上涨,零售商已经在苦苦应对运输费用的激增。

    The British Retail Consortium argues that anti-dumping restrictions put too much pressure on retailers , already struggling with huge rises in shipping costs from China on the back of fuel price increases .

  4. 英国零售商协会(BritishRetailConsortium)委托进行的这项研究显示,接待行业96%的员工以及零售和批发行业75%的员工拿到的都是最低工资,今年10月,英国最低工资将升至时薪5.35英镑至5.52英镑。

    The study , commissioned by the British Retail Consortium , found that 96 per cent of workers in the hospitality industry and 75 per cent of retail and wholesale workers earned the minimum wage , which is due to rise from £ 5.35 to £ 5.52 an hour in October .

  5. 英国零售商协会一贯认为,对于零售业而言,最低工资标准的每一次提高都是一场灾难。

    The BRC has consistently predicted that every increase in the minimum wage will be a disaster for the retail sector .

  6. 英国零售商协会要求政府收紧采购烟草产品的立法,这样同样的规则适用于酒类产品。

    The BRC is asking the Government to tighten up the law on the purchasing of tobacco products so the same rules apply as for alcohol .

  7. 这两项数据都是英国零售商协会自2008年开始收集记录以来的最大跌幅,当时英国经济正处于数十年来最严重的衰退。

    Both were the steepest falls since the BRC started collecting records in 2008 , when Britain was in the middle of its sharpest recession in decades .

  8. 英国零售商协会警告称:许多雇主,特别是那些在零售业等竞争激烈、普遍处于通缩市场上经营的雇主,发现他们的薪资结构受到了挤压。

    It warns : Many employers , particularly those who operate in fiercely competitive and generally deflationary markets such as retailing , have seen their pay structures compressed .

  9. 然而,英国零售商协会的报告与上月欧盟委员会的调查一致。该调查显示,英国零售商对就业的预期降至2011年末以来的最低水平。

    Still , the BRC report chimed with a European Commission survey last month that showed British retailers ' expectations for employment sank to their lowest since late 2011 .

  10. 英国零售商协会于日前表示,由于技术变化和就业成本的上升,英国零售商在过去三个月以2008年以来的最快速率进行裁员。

    UK retailers cut jobs over the past three months at the fastest rate since comparable records began in 2008 , due to technological change and rising employment costs , the British Retail Consortium said .

  11. 英国零售商协会表示,低收入委员会不应“试图成为雇主和工会不同出价之间的裁判”,而是应以各行业薪资中值和生产率的变化为指引。

    The low pay commission instead of " trying to act as a referee between conflicting bids from employers and unions " should be guided by movements in median wages and productivity in individual sectors , says BRC .

  12. 英国零售商协会表示:如果最低工资继续以近来的平均速度增长,那么就业率将下降,雇主也会发现自己无力奖励技能高超的员工、保持薪资差距并提供宝贵的非薪资福利。

    The BRC said : If the minimum wage continues to grow at its recent average rate , employment will fall and employers will find themselves unable to reward skills , preserve wage differentials and provide valued non-wage benefits .

  13. 英国玩具零售商协会近日发布了一份列有12种玩具的清单,他们预计这些玩具将在圣诞节期间大卖。

    The Toy Retailers Association has unveiled a list of the12 toys that it expects to be most in demand .

  14. 1983年,点心宝宝曾经在商店中引起一片骚乱,疯狂的父母们竟相购买。英国玩具零售商协会预计今年点心宝宝将再次成为最热销的玩具之一。

    Cabbage Patch Kids , which caused riots in stores in1983 as frantic parents rushed to buy them , are predicted to be one of the biggest-selling toys this year by the Toy Retailers Association .