
  • 网络British Metal
  1. 其中介绍的主要学会有美国电镀和表面精饰学会、英国金属精饰学会、美国电化学学会。

    Main societies introduced are the American Electroplaters and Surface FInishers Society , The Institute of Metal Finishing , The Electrochemistry Society .

  2. 英国《金属导报》(metalbulletin)的报告显示,价格在截止11月21日的一周进一步暴跌至约每磅12美元。

    In the week to November 21 it plunged further to about $ 12 per pound , Metal Bulletin reported .

  3. 醇盐水解法制备二氧化钛纳米粉体英国帝国金属工业钛公司

    Preparation of Superfine Titania Powders by the Hydrolysis of Titanium Alkoxide

  4. 英国帝国金属工业钛公司钛合金板材无模多点成形试验研究

    Experimental Research on the Multi - point Forming of Titanium Alloy Plate

  5. 本工厂有先进的生产设备,拥有从英国进口的金属探测机

    We are using innovated metal detector which is imported from the U.K.

  6. 英国咨询机构金属通报研究(metalbulletinresearch)的主管布赖恩莱维希(brianlevich)称,复苏的显现需要时间,2010年下半年才会出现“更可持续的”好转迹象。

    Brian Levich , head of Metal Bulletin Research , a UK consultancy , said the recovery would take time to show through , with " more sustainable " signs of an upturn emerging only in the final six months of 2010 .

  7. 英国一家废金属公司指责中国客户劫持其首席交易员,以索取赎金。该案突显了在中国开展业务的挑战。

    A British scrap metal company has accused Chinese customers of abducting its chief trader for ransom in a case that underlines the challenges of doing business in China .