
  • 网络Christmas;christmas music
  1. 圣诞音乐盒,音乐响起时,圣诞老人会摆动

    When the Christmas musical box , music resounds , Christmas old man swinging .

  2. 这是哪门子的圣诞音乐?

    What kind of Christmas music is that ?

  3. 圣诞音乐成为圣诞节不可或缺的组成部分和一个重要标志。

    It has become an essential part and an important symbol of Christmas .

  4. 然而,在过去几年中,越来越多的流行歌手开始追赶圣诞音乐风潮了。

    The past few years , however , have witnessed more pop artists jumping on the bandwagon of Christmas music .

  5. 她用颤抖的手指把收音机音量放低,使圣诞音乐渐弱成柔和的背景声。

    With shaky fingers , she lowered the volume of her radio so that the Christmas music faded to a muted background .

  6. 随着圣诞节的广泛传播,大量的圣诞音乐吸引着世界各地的人们。

    Along with the increasing popularity of Christmas the holiday , the flood of Christmas music is attracting people all over the world .

  7. 挂起圣诞饰物,圣诞音乐回荡。她在肩上挂上两件精美的金工饰品。

    Christmas decorations go up and Christmas music comes on . On her shoulders she wore two ornaments exquisitely set in gold-work .

  8. 一些地方会员还提供了圣诞园木,一根在圣诞节早晨竖立在壁炉跟前的木头,再加上通俗的圣诞音乐。

    Some local affiliates provide the Yule Log , a block of time on Christmas morning showing footage of a fireplace , coupled with popular Christmas music .