
shèng jié
  • Holiness;holy and pure
圣洁 [shèng jié]
  • [holy and pure] 神圣而纯真洁净

  • 圣洁的心灵

圣洁[shèng jié]
  1. 她仍是一个圣洁的少女。

    She was still a holy and pure young girl .

  2. 原始雨林真的是如此圣洁吗?

    Is the primitive rainforest so holy and pure ?

  3. 他们的美丽和圣洁也与他们的崇高地位相称。

    Their loveliness and holiness in accordance with their exalted station .

  4. 歌唱圣洁与世俗爱情的歌曲

    songs of sacred and profane love

  5. 她取代呆板天真的珊莎·史塔克(SansaStark)与乔佛里订婚。相似的,安妮·博林也挤走了亨利三世的第一任妻子,来自阿拉贡的圣洁的凯瑟琳。

    Her betrothal to Joffrey displaces prim and naive Sansa Stark , like Anne Boleyn displaced the first wife of Henry , saintly Catherine of Aragon .

  6. 星星、月亮和太阳的纹章装点了那面圣洁的墙(G.K.切斯特顿)

    The stars and moons and suns blazoned on that sacred wall ( G.K. Chesterton )

  7. 圣洁的人是不会将坟墓里死人唤醒。

    No godly man would awaken a body from its grave .

  8. 小山词构筑了一个纯真执着近乎圣洁的审美世界。

    Xiaoshan-Ci constructes an esthetic world pure , approaching to holy .

  9. 圣洁的灵魂支离破碎,天堂竟是如此残忍?

    All my virtues sacrificed , can Heaven be so cruel ?

  10. 托举出圣洁的梦想,把童话延长!

    Present the Holy dream , to prolong the fairy tales .

  11. 神是圣洁公义的,我按照神的律法是受诅咒的。

    I was cursed according to God 's holiness and righteousness .

  12. 她这会儿显得真动人,简直像尊圣洁的雕像。

    Suddenly she appeared touching , a pure and holy statue .

  13. 仿佛从天而降的魔力让我们在家变得圣洁。

    A charm from the skies seems to hallow us there .

  14. 他信仰基督教教义和婚姻的圣洁。

    He believed in Christian values and the sanctity of marriage .

  15. 神的圣洁应该支配我们对自尊的思考。

    The holiness of God should govern our thinking about self-esteem .

  16. 耶稣基督的一生是完全和圣洁的。

    The life of Jesus Christ was absolutely perfect and holy .

  17. 她是一个圣洁的女人,天真而忠贞。

    She was a holy woman , innocent and chaste .

  18. 我们需要圣洁的火来烧尽渣滓。

    We need the sacred fire to consume the dross .

  19. 啊!摩西正站在这位圣洁,全能的创造主面前。??

    Moses was standing before his holy , all-powerful Creator ! ? ?

  20. 圣洁的本质:生命藉献身而完全被改变。

    The Nature of Holiness : Transformation through Dedication ( consecration ) .

  21. 都因神的道和人的祈求,成为圣洁了。

    For it is sanctified by the word of God and prayer .

  22. 圣洁并不是为少数几个人预留的奢侈品。

    Holiness is not the luxury reserved for a few favourite persons .

  23. 在我们的阅历中,所有的记忆都是圣洁的。

    All are holy in the memory and experience of my people .

  24. 查理这才懂得了爱情的圣洁。

    Charles learned to think of love as something sacred .

  25. 圣洁就是顺服上帝的意愿。

    Holiness is the acceptance of the will of god .

  26. 你能分清一个圣洁之地与冰冷的铁轨吗?

    Can you tell a green field from a cold steel rail ?

  27. 我们成为圣洁是因为我们被称义,反之者否。

    We are sanctified because we are justified , not vice versa .

  28. 圣洁的根源:与耶稣基督同钉十字架,同复活。

    The Root of Holiness : Co-crucifixion and Co-resurrection with Jesus Christ .

  29. 圣父和圣子爱圣洁的天使。

    The Father and the Son love the holy angels .

  30. 你看那位圣洁的艾略特使徒可好啊?

    And how found you that godly man , the Apostle Eliot ?