
  1. 山东轻工机械厂用树脂砂铸造工艺对铸造车间进行技术改造,建成年产3000t树脂砂铸件的铸造生产线。

    Resin bonded sand casting line with yearly output of 3000t has been built up in Shandong Light Industry Machinery Plant through technical transformation of such casting process .

  2. 应用MAGMA软件,模拟分析了曲轴树脂砂铸造铁水充型与凝固过程,曲轴凝固可分为四个阶段:第一阶段,初生石墨球独立在过冷铁水中生核长大;

    Apply MAGMA software , simulating solidification of the crankshaft in resin sand mould with casting method , Crankshaft solidify can divide into 4 stages : First stage , first raw graphite ball are being raw and nuclear in super-cooling molten iron to grow up independently ;

  3. 油泵叶轮的树脂砂铸造技术

    Resin Bonded Sand Technology of Small Impeller for Petroleum Pump

  4. 采用机械气流冲击式旧砂再生系统的树脂砂铸造生产线

    Resin Bonded Sand Casting Line with Sand Reclamation System of Type of Mechanics and Air Impact

  5. 齿轮为五级精度硬齿面,所有铸件均为树脂砂铸造,叶轮为整体浇注。

    All castings are cast by resin sand , and impellers are machined with monolithic pouring technology .

  6. 应用正交试验方法,系统分析了曲轴树脂砂铸造低压浇注铁水充型过程,确定的低压浇注工艺规范,经过曲轴铸造生产验证,获得了优质曲轴铸件。

    Applying orthogonality test method to analyze the crankshaft resin sand casting pouring molten iron of low pressure cast . The high quality crankshaft has been gotten by definite pouring technology specification of low pressure cast , its pouring technology scheme design of low pressure is reasonable .

  7. 呋喃树脂砂在铸造生产中的应用及质量控制

    Application and Quality Control of Furan Resin Sand in Foundry Production

  8. 铸钢呋喃树脂砂的铸造技术

    Funan Banded Sand in Casting Steel

  9. 铸铁件树脂自硬砂铸造工艺设计

    Foundry Method Design of Iron Castings Poured in Furan Sand Mould

  10. 呋喃树脂砂在灰铁铸造中的应用

    Application of furan resin-sand in the casting of gray pigiron

  11. 开发了一种采用树脂砂壳型铸造的激冷球铁凸轮轴。

    Harrow Piece of Nodular Cast Iron in Squeezing Casting ;

  12. 树脂砂添加剂在铸造生产中的应用

    Application of resin - bonded sand additives to foundry

  13. 热固性酚醛树脂是树脂砂铸造生产中重要的树脂粘结剂之一。

    Resol phenolic resin is one of important resin adhesives in foundry industry .

  14. 铸铁件呋喃树脂自硬砂铸造工艺特点及常见缺陷分析

    Casting Process Feature and Common Defects Analysis for Cast Iron Casting With Funan Resin Sand

  15. 采用树脂砂壳型铸造和四川钒钛生铁生产了一种全激冷Cr-Ni-Cu系铸铁凸轮轴,其显微组织由初生奥氏体枝晶和D型石墨+奥氏体共晶体组成,奥氏体随后转变成珠光体;

    A sort of fully chilled Cr-Mo-Cu alloyed camshaft was produced in phenol resin-coated sand shell mold with local V-Ti containing pig iron as melting charge . Its microstructure consists of primary austenite dendrite and D-type graphite plus austenite eutectic . Then the austenite eutectic transformed into pearlite .

  16. 树脂砂与吸烟对铸造工人肺功能与心理状况影响的研究

    Effect of Exposure to Resin Sand and Smoking on Workers ' Lung Function and Psychological State

  17. 呋喃树脂砂用于铝合金铸造时,特别是对于一些大型、薄壁铝合金铸件,型芯的溃散性较差。

    Abstract Furan resin sand is poor in collapsibility when it is used for Al alloy casting , specially for some large 、 thin section castings .