
  1. 这条小路穿过一片树林后与大路交汇。

    The path goes through a wood before rejoining the main road .

  2. 那所房子坐落在树林后的一个山谷里。

    The house lies in a little valley behind the trees .

  3. 树林后没埋伏吗?

    Clear behind that stand of trees ?

  4. 在极端沉闷的荒野里,看不见一点光。直到后来,在一片树林后,似乎是一个极小的金色方块具有魔法般地悬挂在空中。

    In all that dreary wilderness there was not a light to be seen until , beyond a wood , there appeared a tiny golden cube that seemed magically suspended in air .

  5. 走进树林后他放慢了脚步,开始仔细察看每一棵树,一步一步往前走,好象是在边走边找一条只有他知道的秘密路。

    Once in the forest he slackened his pace , and began a careful examination of all the trees , advancing , step by step , as though seeking and following a mysterious road known to himself alone .

  6. 树林倒塌后可以立即种植它。

    And can be planted immediately after the felling of the jungle .