
  • 网络Tree Village
  1. 中上扬子地区早寒武世梅树村期岩相古地理

    Lithofacies Palaeogeography of the Meishucun Age in the Middle and Upper Yangtze Region

  2. 在我国的黄山市叶树村和西班牙的加泰罗尼亚是一项民俗体育活动。

    In our country village of huangshan city tree leaves and Spanish Catalonia is a folk sports activity .

  3. 川西南滇东地区在早寒武世梅树村期处于上扬子浅海环境,沉积一套浅海碳酸盐和磷酸盐。

    The area we debated is in infraneritic environment at the Meishucunian Age , early Cambrian Period , when deposited a suit of carbonate and phosphate .

  4. 然而好景不长,随着北京城市化的迅速扩张,地处北郊的树村很快就被阔进繁华闹市。

    But very soon , With the rapid expansion of urbanization in Beijing ," shucun " village which located in the northern suburb became bustling downtown very soon .

  5. 云妮和她的家人离开树叉村去旅行。

    Winnie and her family left treegap to see the world .

  6. 实际上是我父亲建造了树叉村。

    My father practically built treegap .

  7. '十二像树'村已经给烧了。

    Twelve Oaks is burned .