
  • 网络resin sand;resin bonded sand;furan sand;Plastic-M
  1. 冷硬树脂砂制样机的设计

    Design of Specimen - Making Machine for cold-set Resin Sand

  2. CO2/碱性酚醛树脂砂在制动盘上的应用

    Application of the CO_2-phenolic Resin Sand on Brake Flap

  3. CO2硬化聚丙烯酸钠树脂砂的研究

    A Study on Na-polyacrylate Sand Process Cured by CO_2 Gas

  4. 聚丙烯酸钠树脂砂CO2硬化机理的探讨

    An Approach to CO_2 Gas-hardened Mechanism of PANa Resin Sand

  5. CO2树脂砂冷芯盒法的研究

    Investigation of CO_2 Resin Sand Cold Core Box Method

  6. GM水基流涂涂料在树脂砂无箱造型线上的应用

    Application of GM Water Flow Coat Coating to Resin Molding Track

  7. CO2气硬树脂砂的研究和应用新发展

    New Development of Study and Application on the Resin Bonded Sand Set by CO 2

  8. 在确定最佳合成工艺条件的基础上,对CO2固化酚醛树脂砂冷芯盒工艺条件进行了研究。

    On the basis of the optimum synthesis conditions , the techniques of the CO_2-cured phenolic resin for cold-box are researched .

  9. 意大利IMF树脂砂再生设备的结构、原理及特点

    Structure Principle and Characteristic of the Reclamation System for the Sand-bonded Resin of Italy IMF Company

  10. 最后展望了CO2气硬树脂砂的应用前景。

    The application prospect for the resin bonded sand set by CO 2 is presented at last in this paper .

  11. 以EPS为基料,添加Ca(OH)2粉末,吹CO2气体可得到高效气硬树脂砂。

    The water-borne with Ca ( OH ) _2 powder addition by blowing CO_2 gas can get high efficiency gas-hardened resin sand .

  12. 通过添加适量的交联剂硼砂和分散剂KOH,硅烷偶联剂以及有机活性助剂等,吹入CO2气体,硬化后,树脂砂芯得到较高初强度和终强度。

    After passing CO2 through the resin-binded sand , higher initial and final strength could be achieved by adding some cross-linking agents .

  13. 15t树脂砂造型用振实台的设计应用

    Design and Application of Plain Bumper of Resin Bonded Sand Molding

  14. FFD系树脂砂增强机理研究

    A study on the strengthening mechanism of the FFD system resin sand

  15. VRH法在聚丙烯酸钠树脂砂上的应用

    Application of the VRH Process in Water-soluble Polyacrylic Resin Bonded Sand

  16. 年产10000t树脂砂生产线技术改造工程

    Technical Transformation Engineering of Resin Sand Production Line of Annual 10000t

  17. CP树脂砂的常温性能和高温性能等多方面与呋喃树脂砂进行比较,探讨CP树脂砂用于铸钢件生产上的优势;

    This paper compares CP resin and furan resin in room properties and high temperature properties , it also discusses the advantage of CP resin in the usage or steel casting production .

  18. ZD105电机座树脂砂工艺的改进

    The Improvment of Furan Resin Sand Process on ZD 105 Type Motor Cabinet

  19. 针对碱性酚醛树脂砂很难再生的特性,研制了新一代SCMA再生机。

    Aimed at the most hardly reclaimed alkaline phenolic resin snad , a new generation SCMA reclamation machine was researched and produced .

  20. 山东轻工机械厂用树脂砂铸造工艺对铸造车间进行技术改造,建成年产3000t树脂砂铸件的铸造生产线。

    Resin bonded sand casting line with yearly output of 3000t has been built up in Shandong Light Industry Machinery Plant through technical transformation of such casting process .

  21. 应用MAGMA软件,模拟分析了曲轴树脂砂铸造铁水充型与凝固过程,曲轴凝固可分为四个阶段:第一阶段,初生石墨球独立在过冷铁水中生核长大;

    Apply MAGMA software , simulating solidification of the crankshaft in resin sand mould with casting method , Crankshaft solidify can divide into 4 stages : First stage , first raw graphite ball are being raw and nuclear in super-cooling molten iron to grow up independently ;

  22. 用自制的SHH型型砂高温性能测试仪、GET1智能发气性测定仪对三乙胺树脂砂、呋喃树脂砂、水玻璃砂高温性能进行对比测试;

    This paper compares hot temperature properties of TEA resin sand , furan resin sand and sodium silicate sand by SHH molding sand hot temperature property instrument and GET 1 intelligent gas evolution instrument .

  23. 呋喃树脂砂在铸造生产中的应用及质量控制

    Application and Quality Control of Furan Resin Sand in Foundry Production

  24. 酯硬化酚醛树脂砂的最新进展

    Recent Progress of Ester cured Phenolic Binded Sand No Bake System

  25. 涂刷工艺对热芯盒树脂砂芯铸件粘砂的影响

    The Influencing of Coating Technology to Crank Case Resin-sand Foundry Sand-burn-on

  26. 介绍了五台山铜塔铸造工艺,由于其结构特殊,故采用了3种工艺分别铸造而成:细砂湿模造型、树脂砂毁模贴皮造型和熔模铸造。

    Casting process of copper tower for Wutai mountain was introduced .

  27. 冷硬树脂砂铝铸件表面粗糙度影响因素的研究

    Factors Influencing the Surface Roughness of Cold-setting Resin Sand Aluminium Castings

  28. 呋喃树脂砂芯吹SO2真空硬化试验

    Vacuum Hardening Test for Furane Bonded Sand Core Filled with SO_2

  29. 树脂砂高温强韧性的测试技术

    Measurement of the Strengthened Toughness of Resin Sands at Elevated Temperatures

  30. 自硬树脂砂退让性的1种检定方法

    One Examinational Method of Collapsibility of No & bake Resin Sand