
  • 网络packaging products;packing product
  1. 热浸镀锌钢板、彩色钢板、各类液晶显示屏、EPS泡沫塑料包装制品系列、环氧底漆、聚酯底漆、聚酯背漆、聚酯面漆等。

    Our productions : Hot-dip galvanized steel sheet , Pre-painted galvanized steel sheet , various LCD , a series of EPS foam packaging products , epoxy primer .

  2. 废旧塑料包装制品的回收利用

    Recycling Utilization of Waste and Old Plastic Packaging Products

  3. 塑料包装制品配方讲座(四)PVC收缩薄膜、收缩标签及收缩套管的配方

    Formula of PVC Shrink Films Shrink Labels & Shrink Tube

  4. 苏州市金澳威包装制品有限公司专业生产PP、PS防静电、导电、PVC、环保PET、PE、植绒及折边、折盒等吸塑包装制品及中空板周转箱。

    Our company specializes in producing PP , PS anti-static , conductive , PVC , green PET , PE , flocking and fold , folding boxes and blister packaging products hollow board turnover box .

  5. 对EPS发泡塑料包装制品的新型替代品植物纤维发泡制品的制作、工艺及设备特点,化学发泡剂发泡及水蒸汽发泡技术,以及国内外该项技术的发展状况进行了介绍。

    G. the plant fiber foaming product on EPS foaming plastic package . It presents foaming technology by chemical foamer and steam and explains the developing status of the technology both at home and abroad .

  6. 聚乙烯(PE)、聚丙烯(PP)等聚烯烃是重要的通用塑料,具有优良的化学稳定性和电绝缘性,广泛应用于汽车工业、电子电器、通讯设备、包装制品等领域。

    As important commodity plastics , polyolefins , such as polyethylene ( PE ) and polypropylene ( PP ), have good chemical stability and good electricity insulation and are widely applied in the fields of automobile industry , electronic industry , communication equipments and packaging productions .

  7. 王雪生在广州拥有一家包装制品厂。

    Wang is an owner of a paper-packing factory in Guangzhou .

  8. 纸浆模塑包装制品加工技术的发展

    The development of processing technology for the molded pulp products

  9. 将其用于弹药包装制品的开发设计,能够使生产出的弹药包装制品满足弹药这种特殊物资的使用需求。

    It meets its special using requirements of the ammunition .

  10. 蔗渣包装制品模压工艺与性能分析

    Analysis of Properties and Technology of Moulding Bagasse Packaging Manufacturer

  11. 我国纸包装制品的现状与发展前景分析

    On the Present and Future Significance in Paper-Packed Products in Our Country

  12. 塑料食品包装制品中多环芳烃的分析及检测

    Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ( PAHs ) in Plastic Food Packaging

  13. 狗肉软包装制品加工技术研究

    Studies on Processing Technique of Retort Pouch Dog Meat

  14. 纸浆模塑包装制品干燥机理及其工艺参数研究

    The Research on Drying Theory and Process Parameters of Molded Pulp Packaging Products

  15. 弹药包装制品综合评价方法研究

    A Study of Evaluation on Ammunition Packaging Design

  16. 海棉制品,床上用品制造,销售,塑料包装制品销售。

    Cardinal products , bedding manufacture , marketing , sales of plastic packaging products .

  17. 东莞市健扬包装制品有限公司是经过国家合法机构验资及公证的合法企业。

    Ltd is acknowledged and certificated of registered capital by the legal government organization .

  18. 纸浆模包装制品的结构形式

    Structure styles of Moulded Pulp Packaging Products

  19. 主要经营各行业的现代包装制品。

    Mainly products various modern packaging products .

  20. 四川省一次性塑料包装制品污染现状及治理对策分析

    Current State of Pollution by Disposable Plastic Packaging in Sichuan Province and an Analysis of Countermeasures

  21. GB/T16288-1996塑料包装制品回收标志

    Marking for plastic packing products recycling

  22. 分析纸包装制品设计利用中存在的问题,研究纸制品包装优化设计对策,是本文的主要内容。

    So the Green Design strategy research of paper package product is the main theme of this thesis .

  23. 浅析铝箔的基本性能与软包装制品的质量

    A Preliminary Discussion on the Basic Properties of Aluminum Foil and Quality of Soft Packs of Meat Products

  24. 外交学院代表队的参赛作品再生纸制包装制品最终获得了冠军。

    A recycled paper packaging project developed by the team from China Foreign Affairs University won first place .

  25. 嫩玉米小吃及真空包装制品的研究

    Study on the fresh unripe corn snack and their preservation by vacuum packaging Growing Good Corn The Green Banana

  26. 专业生产包装制品及胶粘制品系列产品,集生产、销售为一体的专业性厂家。

    Specializing in the production of packaging products and adhesive products , set production and sales of professional manufacturers .

  27. 最终提出干燥的节能方案,以促进纸浆模塑包装制品的进一步发展。

    Energy-saving program was proposed finally , in order to promote the further development of the pulp molded packaging products .

  28. 随着人们对食品安全的日益关注,作为与食品直接接触的包装制品其安全性也备受关注。

    Along with the people pay attention to the food security day-by-day , food immediate contact packing products are also concerned .

  29. 塑料二次成型制品、料包装制品,机械零件加工。经营方式:产销,加工。

    Second shaped plastic products , plastic packaging products , machinery parts processing . Mode of operation : production , processing .

  30. 用途:结构简单,操作方便,价格低廉,是塑料袋包装制品理想的封口包装设备。

    Uses : simple structure , easy operation , low cost , is the ideal sealing plastic packaging products , packaging equipment .