
  • 网络Packaging cardboard;packing board;beautiful girl
  1. 本文阐述了使用SCAN云杉CTMP和桦木BKP配抄液体包装纸板(LPB)时,浆料的配比和游离度对液体包装纸板芯层和液体包装纸板原纸物理强度指标的影响。

    The effect of furnish condition on the physical properties of middle layer of liquid packaging board and multiply liquid packaging board made from handsheets were evaluated for two wood furnishes which were SCAN spruce CTMP and Birch kraft pulps at different freeness .

  2. 世界包装纸板市场将呈现集中态势

    Focus Status of Paper Board Market in the World

  3. 最终制得不影响印刷而又具有抗水保湿性能的瓦楞包装纸板。

    Finally the corrugated board which possess waterproof and moisture-holding characters without affecting the printing process is obtained .

  4. 液体复合软包装原纸板的开发

    The development of base paper board for liquid compound soft package

  5. 货物应包装在纸板箱中。

    The goods shall be packed In cardboard boxes .

  6. 论文以自动控制理论和机电传动控制理论以及计算机应用技术为基础,介绍了国内瓦楞纸板包装和纸板生产线的现况。

    This thesis introduced the situation of corrugated cardboard crosscut machine based on automatic control theory , electromechanical drive theory and computer theory .

  7. 复合软包装原纸板是个低价原料、高科技、高利润的产品,具有较大的市场潜力。

    The base paper board for compound soft package is a high-tech , high profit and high market potential product with low raw material price .

  8. 包装:25KG纸板圆桶装,内衬聚乙烯袋,真空包装,20集装箱可装13.5吨。

    PACKING : 25KG net in Cardboard Drum with inner vacuum PE bag , 13.5MT/20FCL .

  9. 广东废纸回用与包装用纸及纸板的发展

    Development of Waste Paper Recycling and Packaging Paper Paperboard in Guangdong

  10. 因此,我方建议用两根包装带加固纸板箱。

    We would suggest that you strengthen the cartons with double straps .

  11. 发挥广东优势,促进包装用纸和纸板高速发展

    Giving Play to Guangdong 's Superiority , Promoting High Speed Development of Packing Paper and Paperboard

  12. 氟类化合物施胶剂有很好的抗水、抗油的性能,在包装纸和纸板中有广泛的应用。

    Fluorochemicals have excellent water repellent and oil repellent properties , they are widely used in packaging paper and paperboard .

  13. 废纸配料:用废纸,如旧包装纸,纸板,新闻纸,杂志纸等混合成的造纸或造纸板用配料。

    Waste furnish : Board or paper furnish consisting of waste paper , such as packaging , cardboard , newsprint , magazine papers , etc.

  14. 产品生产时卷于纸芯管上,然后用塑料薄膜包装,置于纸板箱中。

    Product is manufactured in form of a roll wound on a paper tube and then packed in a plastic film and placed within a cardboard carton .

  15. 在显性层面上,通过定量计算,明确新闻纸、书写印刷纸、生活用纸、包装纸及纸板等四种纸产品的竞争业绩、竞争实力及竞争潜力情况,并对竞争业绩进行国际比较;

    On apparent layer , the competition performance , strength and potential of four kinds of paper products & newspaper , printing and writing paper , household and sanitary paper , wrapping and packaging paper and paperboard were calculated quantitatively ;

  16. GB/T16718-1996包装材料重型瓦楞纸板

    Packing material & Heavy duty corrugated fibre board

  17. 白底涂布白板纸是一种新型包装装动包装纸板。

    Coated white cardboard is a new kind of cardboard for packing and decoration .

  18. 据统计,每年用于包装的纸及纸板消费量占中产量的10%左右。

    Approximately 10 % of all paper and paperboard consumption is used for packaging .

  19. 包装:25公斤纸板桶或根据客户要求。

    Package : paperboard barrel lined with two-layer polyethylene film bag , net weight : 25KG / barrel .

  20. 这家工厂用酒精和添加剂制造“果味酒”,用塑料袋子包装后放在纸板盒里面。

    It made fruity " wines " out of ethanol and flavourings , packaging them in plastic bags inside cartons .

  21. 本文研究一种新型包装材料&蜂窝纸板的特性及特性的应用。

    This paper studies the properties and the application of the honeycomb paperboard , a new kind of package material .

  22. 在重型包装领域,对纸板材料进行相应的强化技术处理,可以代替木、胶合板等材料。

    In the field of heavy packaging , paperboard material for the corresponding strengthening processing technology , can replace the wood , plywood and other materials .

  23. 该店的披萨外包装将不再采用纸板盒,转而使用一种由单一材料制成的盒子,这个单一材料就是:100%的披萨。

    The pizzeria is ditching the cardboard container for a pizza box that 's made of one thing and one thing only - 100 percent pizza .

  24. 确保核心、类型及物品数量与包装材料(包装材料、纸板、纸箱等)要求一致。

    Please take care that core , type or model numbers stated on packing material ( paper wrappers , cardboard boxes , etc ) are exactly the same mentioned on the invoice .

  25. 通过对折叠纸盒、瓦楞纸箱等纸包装的研究,提出点、线、面、体、角等结构要素是纸包装由平面纸板成型为立体包装关键的观点。

    This paper researches into the paper packaging such as folding paper box , corrugated board box . It brings forward the theory that the point , line , plane , solid , angle , etc. are the key structure elements for paper packaging forming from paperboard to solid packaging .