
bāo fu
  • burden;load;cloth-wrappers;cloth-wrapper;laughingstock;a bundle wrapped in a cloth-wrapper
包袱 [bāo fú]
  • (1) [cloth-wrapper]∶包裹物件用的布面

  • (2) [a bundle wrapped in a cloth-wrapper]∶外包有布的包裹

  • (3) [load]∶喻指精神上的负担

  • (4) [burden]∶比喻某种负担,即使人沮丧、压抑或引起忧虑的事物

  • 丢掉包袱

  • (5) [laughingstock]∶曲艺节目的笑料

包袱[bāo fu]
  1. 我国已经加入WTO,本身竞争能力就较弱、身背沉重包袱的银行等金融机构将会面临更加激烈的跨国竞争。

    Because china has jointed the WTO , the financial institutes whose competition-ability are weak , and have heavy cloth-wrappers , such as banks , will face more severe competition .

  2. 过去的包袱就是那些常年累积起来的伤心事,你的经历和怨气。

    Past cloth-wrappers stands for the grieved things , your experiences and complaints cumulated perennial .

  3. 她背负着很多感情包袱。

    She was carrying a lot of emotional baggage .

  4. 对于今天的政客而言,这个条约正在变成一个包袱。

    For today 's politicians , the treaty is becoming a millstone

  5. 他背负着多重的感情包袱开始这段恋情?

    How much emotional baggage is he bringing with him into the relationship ?

  6. 这些较年轻的球员的优势就是他们并不背负以往失利的包袱。

    The good thing about these younger players is that they are not carrying any excess baggage from less successful times .

  7. 他怕他过去的问题将会永远成为他的包袱。

    He was afraid his past would always be a monkey on his back .

  8. 背负着过去的这些包袱,我们无法前行。

    We can 't go on with all our past burdens .

  9. 我们必须时不时卸下包袱,这样才能精神焕发、重新开始。

    " We have to put down the burden every now and then , so that we can be refreshed and are able to carry on . "

  10. 他丢开包袱,爬到灯心草丛里,像牛似的大咬大嚼起来。

    He threw off his pack and went into the rush-grass andand munching , like some bovine creature .

  11. 他们常常由于自身遭受的歧视和背负的种种包袱而无法得到同工同酬的待遇;

    women who so often are subject to their own discrimination and burdens and not getting equal pay for equal work ;

  12. 是继续背着历史包袱不放,还是与过去一刀两断,最终要由日本自己来选择。

    Will it continue to carry the baggage of history , or will it make a clean break with past aggression9 . Ultimately , the choice is Japan 's.

  13. 他们都背上了家庭历史的包袱。这儿有几个可能是陌生的词和词组:Burden,Burden是重担。

    They bear burdens of their family history and are never able to solve any of their problems .

  14. 在pc产业开始经历彻底转变之际,“蓝色巨人”(bigblue)的宝贵遗产,反而成为联想的一大包袱。

    The prized heritage of " big blue " proved a big burden for Lenovo when the PC industry began to undergo radical changes .

  15. 这些得到MBA学位的毕业生常常因此负债累累,这类沉重的债务包袱又限制了他们追求心中真正理想的能力。

    And graduates are often saddled with so much debt that it limits their ability to follow their true passions .

  16. 静水讲给Karl的故事叫做“沉重的包袱”,是关于两个和尚旅行途中的故事。

    The third story Stillwater shares with Karl is called " A Heavy Load " and is about two traveling monks .

  17. 现在,世界现实已经超越了那种格局,但G8难以摆脱其精英主义的包袱。

    Now things have moved beyond that . But it is hard for the G8 to shake off its elitist baggage .

  18. 六月份时,FDA的顾问专家小组反对批准利莫那班进入市场,因为,它会带来精神健康包袱,这包括会导致自杀想法的增加。稍后。

    In June , a panel of experts advising FDA recommended against approval for rimonabant because of its mental health baggage , which included an increase in suicidal thinking .

  19. 这些得到MBA学位的毕业生常常因此负债累累,这类沉重的债务包袱又限制了他们追求心中真正理想的能力。到头来,他们不得不为了偿还学生贷款从事自己并不喜欢的工作。

    And graduates are often saddled with so much debt that it limits their ability to follow their true passions . They take jobs they don 't want simply to pay off their student loans .

  20. 神经解剖学家JillBolteTaylor因中风失忆了,她把这称为失去了“37年的情感包袱。”其实不需要中风,我们也能经历类似的情感转变。

    Jill Bolte Taylor , the neuroanatomist who had a stroke that obliterated her memory , described the event as losing " 37 years of emotional baggage . " Now it appears we can all effect a similar shift , without having to endure a brain hemorrhage .

  21. 丢掉包袱,开动机器。

    Get rid of the baggage and start up the machinery .

  22. 外国身份在中国国内也可能是个政治包袱。

    A foreign residency can become a political liability at home .

  23. 过重的思想包袱只会拖后腿!

    Permanent thinking about possible chances would only make you heavy-legged !

  24. 我是那个该丢在后面的包袱中的一部分。

    I 'm part of the baggage that got left behind .

  25. 任何有关涉足离岸基金的消息都会带来政治包袱。

    Any whiff of offshore funds has become a political liability .

  26. 他开始感到她是一个讨厌的包袱。

    He began to feel that she was a disagreeable attachment .

  27. 那包袱你现在卸掉了没有?

    But you 've got the door shut on them now ?

  28. 团队应避免无力生产正常工作产品的包袱。

    The team avoids the burden of unproductive formal work products .

  29. 还有一个额外优势:两国共同的历史中没有殖民包袱。

    Extra bonus : their shared history has no colonial baggage .

  30. 他把妻子和三个孩子也算作包袱。

    He included among his impedimenta a wife and three children .