
  • 网络Breaking the bottleneck;The E-Myth Revisited
  1. 没有人能确保它是否处在突破瓶颈、步入实践的阶段,但可以确信,总有一天它能成为现实。

    One can never be sure that it is not on the point of breaking out into action only sure that it will do so sometime .

  2. 随着ERP管理思想在企业管理领域内的广泛认可,以及数据挖掘等一系列技术的发展,人们正在找到一条突破瓶颈的途径。

    It is changing because of the situation of accepting ERP theory in the field of management and the improving of the theory such as Data Mining .

  3. 全面展示DMG创新技术的机床产品世界机床制造业名列前茅的吉特迈集团公司注重新产品开发创新技术突破瓶颈为勘探大发展提供强力支撑

    GILDEMEISTER Group gives great attention to new products developing Providing the Exploration with Strong Supply by Technical Innovation and Technical Breakthrough

  4. 创新技术突破瓶颈为勘探大发展提供强力支撑

    Providing the Exploration with Strong Supply by Technical Innovation and Technical Breakthrough

  5. 客户流失研究的疗伤范式难以突破瓶颈。

    The therapy model in customer churn research cannot break through its " bottleneck " .

  6. 中国优势、潜优势项目发展空间极其狭小,难以突破瓶颈。

    China advantages , potential advantage projects development space cramped , difficult to break the bottleneck . 3 .

  7. 教育信息化转型是教育信息化突破瓶颈,走出困境,进一步发展的必然要求。

    The transformation of educational informationization is necessity demand for breaking through the bottleneck and walking out the predicament .

  8. 突破瓶颈染整行业再发展

    Break through the " Bottleneck " and Bring about a New Round of Development of the Dyeing and Finishing Industry

  9. 如何解决能源危机,突破瓶颈,已成为现阶段经济研究的重点问题。

    How to solve the energy crisis and break through the bottleneck becomes the key issue of recent economic research .

  10. 为突破瓶颈,广东省于2008年推出了双转移战略&即产业和劳动力转移。

    In order to break through the bottleneck , Guangdong Province promulgated the provincial strategy of industry and labor migration in 2008 .

  11. 传统的设计理论和方法着眼于单元器件本身,已经很难突破瓶颈。

    Traditional design method and theory pay more attention to individual devices , and it can hardly break through the bottle neck .

  12. 烹饪人才的稀缺成为包括浙中地区在内的餐饮业发展的瓶颈,要突破瓶颈的制约,必须大力发展烹饪教育。

    It has become a bottleneck of catering trade development not only in the central region of Zhejiang Province for being short of cuisine talents .

  13. 他表示:痛苦会日益增加。但当压力达到顶峰时,越南会突破瓶颈实现发展。

    There 's going to be growing pains , he said . But when the pressure is at its highest , Vietnam will come through .

  14. 劳动力要素迁移、产业区位分工是突破瓶颈制约,推动长三角协调发展的重要途径。

    Labor migration and industrial division are an important way to break through the bottleneck and to promote the coordinated development of the Yangtze River Delta .

  15. 面对竞争激烈的房地产市场,积极吸收国内外的先进理念,制定适合市场的权变开发原则,已经是开发商们不容置疑的突破瓶颈。

    On the real estate market with hard competition , the real estate developer should absorb the advanced idea both at home and abroad establish the suitable change principle .

  16. 突破瓶颈,加快高师声乐理论课程的建设步伐,对于提高学生的专业能力和教育能力具有重要的意义。

    Breaking the bottleneck , hurrying the construction steps of the vocalism theory courses are of great meaning to the enhancement of student 's speciality ability and education ability .

  17. 对于处于发展瓶颈阶段的小型微利企业,制定适合本企业实际情况的战略,是突破瓶颈的首要步骤。

    To the small low-profit enterprises obstructed in the bottleneck of development , developing a strategy that match the actual situation for the enterprise is the primary step to break through .

  18. 最后提出了突破瓶颈因素,通过整合各方面的创新资源,提高整个企业技术创新能力的一些措施。

    At last , I put forward some measures that break through the " bottleneck " factors and improve all the enterprise technology innovation ability by combining all innovation resources from all sides .

  19. 目前,机构发展已进入瓶颈期,急需通过加强自身组织能力建设、提高服务能力以及优化外部环境系统的方式,突破瓶颈期,走上规范合理高效的发展之路。

    Institution needs to strengthen their own organizational capacity building , improve service capacity and optimize the external environment , to break the bottleneck in urgent , and finally embarks on the standard reasonable and effective development road .

  20. 香精业亟须突破香料瓶颈&访上海香料研究所王群所长ERP系统:香精企业改进管理提高效益的有力工具

    A General Framework of ERP System : a Powerful Weapon for the Flavors and Fragrances Enterprises Improving Management and Raising Efficiency

  21. 但同时图像稀疏分解的MP算法也存在着一个难以突破的瓶颈,就是分解的复杂度高,计算量特别巨大。

    But meanwhile this algorithm has a bottleneck , that is the decomposition complexity is high and the amount of calculation is very large .

  22. 于是为了帮助生产企业突破传统瓶颈,学者们提出了制造执行系统(MES)的概念。

    So scholars have put forward the concept of manufacturing execution system ( MES ) in order to help break through the traditional bottlenecks in production enterprises .

  23. 实现高质量、特定取向的ZnO薄膜的异质外延生长是研究的热点,特别是非极性取向薄膜的可控生长是有待突破的瓶颈。

    Realizing high quality and the specific orientation ZnO thin films in heteroepitaxial grown is the hot issue in studies , in particular , the controllable growth of ZnO thin films with nonpolar orientation will be studied intensively .

  24. OTDM(光时分复用)利用光脉冲的合成技术,可以突破电子瓶颈的限制使通信系统的单信道速率达到数百Gbit/s,是当前光通信领域的研究热点之一。

    OTDM can increase single channel bit rate to hundreds of Gbit / s despite the limit of electronic bottleneck as it uses the composition technology of optical pulses . It is one of the research hot topics in optical communication field .

  25. 突破收费瓶颈实现高校的可持续发展

    A Breakthrough in Educational Charge in Achieving Sustainable Development in Universities

  26. 白酒市场营销如何突破发展瓶颈的研究

    Research on How to Breakthrough the Bottleneck of Marketing of Liquor

  27. 而词汇学习一直都是学习英语难以突破的瓶颈。

    Vocabulary learning is always the difficult bottleneck for students to learn English .

  28. 如何突破信用瓶颈以促进我国电子商务发展

    Breaking through The Credit Bottleneck to Improve The Development of E-commerce in China

  29. 企业突破销售瓶颈的法则

    Principles to Break through the Bottleneck on Selling

  30. 谈突破能源瓶颈的法律调控机制

    Legal Regulating Mechanism of Settling Our Energy Problem