
tū jué
  • Tujue , a nationality in ancient China;Turks;a nationality in ancient China
突厥 [tū jué]
  • [Turks;a nationality in ancient China] 南北朝至唐朝我国西北地区民族。公元六世纪游牧于金山(今阿尔泰山),初属柔然族。西魏时首领土门连续败铁勃,破柔然,建立政权,东至辽海,西抵西海(咸海),北越贝加尔湖,南接阿姆河南,建立了官制,有立法,有文字。隋初分裂为东西两部,唐太宗贞观四年攻灭东突厥,显庆四年唐又灭西突厥,余部西迁中亚

突厥[tū jué]
  1. 本文从语言学分析入手,着眼于历史上突厥语族官制文化和中原政治制度的关系,对Bεg-Beg的语源问题进行探讨。

    The paper discusses the etymology of B ε g / Beg on the basis of linguistics and the relationship between the officer system of Turk Language groups and political system in central plain .

  2. 后来的入侵者包括阿拉伯人(Arabs),突厥人(Turks)和蒙古人(Mongols),他们占领了这片土地。

    Later invaders included Arabs , Turks and Mongols , many of which settled the lands .

  3. Arbu一词并非如通常所认为的那样,指某一操用突厥语部落的名称,而所谓n方言为西突厥族及回鹘人语言的观点亦不能成立。

    The word Am is not as people think a name referred to a tribe which uses Turki as its language , and the idea that the so - called " n Dialect " is the language of West Turki group and the Huihe is also wrong .

  4. 《突厥语大词典》中qonaq的指谓与汉译

    The Nominatum and Translation of " qonaq " in A Grand Dictionary of Turkic Language

  5. 1193年突厥兵入侵,洗劫了那烂佗,并烧毁了它那著名的图书馆。而当时欧洲一些最古老的学府,如博洛尼亚大学(Bologna)和巴黎大学(Paris)等,才开始走向兴盛。

    It was sacked by invading Turkic forces , and its famous library burned down in 1193 , at a time when some of Europe 's oldest academic institutions , such as Bologna and Paris , were just beginning to flourish .

  6. 古突厥文的■rin■大约是、感到是为系动词■r-是的动名词,它用于句末时,是以非确指的口气表达说话者主观的估计和感觉。

    The ancient Turkic word ■ rin ■ " probably is / are , seems to be " is the gerundive form of the copula verb ■ r - " to be ", which expresses the indefinite assertion or personal assumption and feeling of the speaker .

  7. 7~11世纪突厥文献语言名词格位对比研究

    The Research on the Noun Sites of 7-11 Century Turkic Literature

  8. 突厥语诸族历史上的部落控制

    The Control by Tribe of the Turkic Nationalities in Ancient History

  9. 中国突厥语景教碑铭文献概说

    A Brief Introduction of Nestorian Inscription Documents in turkic in China

  10. 第四章通过突厥语族著作认知其史料价值。

    The fourth chapter discusses its historical value through Turkic works .

  11. 现在,突厥人主要生活在亚洲和东欧地区。

    Today , modern Turks live across Asia and eastern Europe .

  12. 追溯了泛突厥主义发展的历史。

    The development course of Pan-Turkism has been traced in the thesis .

  13. 古代突厥语扬州景教碑研究

    A Study on an Ancient Turkic Nestorian Inscription in Yangzhou

  14. 古突厥语与蒙古语语音比较研究

    A Comparatively Phonetic Study on Ancient Turkic Language and Mongolian

  15. 国际上,在突厥语历时和共时研究方面颇有成果。

    Internationally , diachronic and synchronic studies of Turkic languages are fruitful .

  16. 《古代突厥文碑铭研究》评介

    A Comment on Studies of the Old Turkic Inscriptions

  17. 北亚突厥百年研究(1900&2000年)

    A Centenary Studies of North-Asia Turk ( 1900-2000 )

  18. 古突厥语中的汉语借词是其中的一个方面。

    The Chinese loanwords in the ancient turkic is one of the aspects .

  19. 突厥语历史音变的五条基本规律

    Five Basic Laws of Sound Changes in Turkic Languages

  20. 突厥语国家国家元首会议

    Summit Meeting of the Heads of State of the Turkish - Speaking Countries

  21. 不过有人推测是古代突厥人的遗作。

    But some presume they were made by Turks .

  22. 试论突厥丧葬风俗的流变

    On the Change of Turk 's Burial Custom

  23. 《突厥语辞典》的文化语言学价值

    The cultural linguistic value of the Turki Dictionary

  24. 试析古代突厥语与现代哈萨克语的语音和名词

    Comparison the Pronunciations and Noun of the Ancient Turkic Grammar and Modern Kazakh Grammar

  25. 土耳其人所说的突厥语。

    A Turkic language spoken by the Turks .

  26. 《突厥语大词典》语言资源库的设计与实现

    Designing and Achieving of Language Resource Library

  27. 泛突厥主义与中国安全问题及对策研究

    On Pan-Turkism and Strategies for Chinese Security

  28. 《突厥语词典》中的新疆史事《突厥语大词典》的词典学意义

    Xinjiang 's Historical Events Listed in Turkic Dictionary The Lexicographic Significance of The Turki-Chinese Dictionary

  29. 突厥人和蒙古人曾经对世界历史产生过巨大的影响。

    Both Tucks and Mongolians have exerted great influence on the history of the world .

  30. 它的突厥语特点代表了几种历史层面,这种层面反映出与不同突厥语群的联系。

    Its Turkic features represent several historical layers which reflect contact with different Turkic groups .