
tū wéi
  • break through;break out of an encirclement;sally;sortie;break a siege
突围 [tū wéi]
  • [break out of an encirclement;break a siege;break through] 突破包围

突围[tū wéi]
  1. 在当时的情况下,方先觉既可以选择突围,也可以选择自杀,但他却选择了投降。

    At that time , Fang Xian-jue may choose to break out of an encirclement or commit suicide , but he selected surrender .

  2. 敌军企图突围,但未得逞。

    The enemy failed in their attempt to effect a breakthrough .

  3. 袭击舰即便最后被它们团团围住,它也会摧毁其中一艘较弱的巡洋舰,突围而出。

    The raider , cornered at length , will overwhelm one weak vessel and escape .

  4. 杉木人工林C库与C吸存的动态研究云南林纸突围

    Dynamic of carbon stock and carbon sequestration in Chinese fir plantation Yunnan : Plantation Research

  5. 高层次综合中通过对冲突围着色方式把操作、变量值、数据传输映射到共享资源中,然而寻找图着色所需的最小颜色数目是个NP难题。

    Coloring of conflict graphs has been used in high level synthesis to map operators , values and data transfers onto shared resources , however , finding a minimum sized coloring is NP hard problem .

  6. Netflix在艾美奖提名中进一步突围,这家订阅式视频服务公司的自制剧斩获31项提名,以剧情片《纸牌屋》和《女子监狱》(OrangeistheNewBlack)领跑。仅仅在两年之前,Netflix还很少被电视学会所考虑。

    The Netflix insurgency gained steam , with the subscription video service racking up 31 nominations for its original programs , led by drama ' House of Cards ' and comedy ' Orange Is the New Black . ' Just two years ago , Netflix was barely on the radar of the TV Academy .

  7. 中国丝绸业急需要转型和突围。

    Chinese silk industries are eager for transition and breaking out .

  8. 突围与变革&浅析美特斯邦威的虚拟经营

    Break through and reform & On Meters Bonwe 's virtual management

  9. 平面媒体在体育赛事传播中的突围

    Breakthrough of the Plane Media in the Propagation of Sports Match

  10. 权力与反抗:一个自由主义知识分子的精神突围&论王小波其文其人

    Power and Revolt : the Spiritual Breakthrough of A Liberalism Intellectual

  11. 生态意识在旅游经营行为中艰难突围

    The Breakthrough of the Ecologic Consciousness in the Management of Tourism

  12. 女性文学女儿化审美心态的对抗与突围

    The Antagonism and Breakthrough of Feminized Aesthetic Mentality in Feminine Literature

  13. 在国有和外资夹击中突围

    A Breakthrough from the Converging Attack between State-run and Foreign Funds

  14. 经济危机形势下企业慈善的突围之道

    Ways for Corporate Philanthropy Breakout in the Context of Economic Crisis

  15. 大众文化背景下精英艺术的拓展与突围

    The Extension and Development of Elite Art in Popular Culture Background

  16. 公共利益的解释困境及其突围

    Predicament in the Interpretation of Public Interest and the Way Out

  17. 中国特色社会主义:三重矛盾的突围与突破

    Socialism with Chinese Characteristics : Breakout and Breakthrough of Threefold Conflicts

  18. 如果他们突围,那他们就会胜利了。

    LF they break through , they might win the war .

  19. 构建和谐信息生态突围教育信息化困境

    Construct harmonious information ecology and break through predicament of educational informatization

  20. 我国田径运动现状透析及突破方向的研究困惑与突围&漫谈新时期中国画教学

    Research on Athletic Present Condition and Breakthrough Direction in China

  21. 2005年据显示:外资银行在我国市场快速突围

    The High Speed of Foreign Bank 's Occupying Chinese Market

  22. 品牌时代:电视经济节目如何突围

    Age of Brand : How can TV Economic Program Break the Barrier

  23. 采用新机制选好突破口&中国航空工业突围21世纪之我见

    Talking about Developing China Aviation Industry in the 21st Century

  24. 话语权力之突围&托尼·莫里森《爵士乐》中的语言偏离现象阐释

    The Interpretation of Language Deviations in Toni Morrison 's Jazz

  25. 穷人银行:从传统信贷中突围

    The Poors ' Bank Has Broken Through From Traditional Credit

  26. 他们在好几个方向突围成功。

    They have broken through in a number of directions .

  27. 商业化担保的经营困境及扭曲突围:威海案例

    The Dilemma and Distorting Breakout of Commercial Guarantee : Case of Weihai

  28. 由当代社会文学的困境及其突围,可以得出诸多美学启示。

    The predicament and survival of literature may provide much aesthetic inspiration .

  29. 论中国当代女性小说的困境与突围

    On the Plight and Breakthrough of Chinese Contemporary Feminist Fiction

  30. 一旦突围仍是矢志不移的笑面人生。

    Once the breakthrough is still to be committed smiles and life .