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  • assault gun
  1. 另外,它是作为突击炮的。

    In addition , it was an assault gun .

  2. 芬兰人在1944年战斗中改进了他们的突击炮。

    Finns modified their Stugs during the battles of1944 .

  3. 在开发的软件平台上对船载火炮系统的运动稳定性和轮式突击炮在不同火线高、不同坡度、不同射角以及不同装填条件等多工况的动力学特性进行了预测。

    The third , kinetic stability of trawler system with howitzer and dynamic response of wheel self-propelled gun at different firing line , slope , firing angle and propellant charge are studied on the developed software platform .