
  • 网络President of Tunisia;List of Presidents of Tunisia
  1. 6月20号,前突尼斯总统Zineel-AbedineBen-Ali在其未出席的情况下被判35年监禁。

    Jun 23rd 2011 | from the print edition ON JUNE 20th Zine el-Abedine Ben-Ali , Tunisia 's former ruler , was sentenced in absentia to 35 years in prison .

  2. 突尼斯总统本·阿里已经在1月14日逃往沙特阿拉伯。

    Tunisian President Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali fled to Saudi Arabia on January fourteenth .

  3. 报道称,突尼斯总统扎因·阿比丁·本·阿里病情严重,在沙特一家医院中治疗。

    Former Tunisian President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali is seriously ill in a Saudi hospital , reports say .

  4. 精英阶层与近些天围绕在突尼斯总统周围的集团是一路人已意识到,他们无法通过贿赂、恐吓或谋杀的方法解决这一问题。

    For the elite much like the group around the Tunisian president in recent days has come the realisation that they cannot bribe , intimidate or kill this problem .

  5. 各种报告称这个机会标志着突尼斯新总统的到来。

    For reports the occasion is being marked with visit for Tunisia new president .

  6. 再看看突尼斯前总统本·阿里,今年初弃国出逃时也为自己备足了1.5吨黄金。

    And , more recently , Tunisia 's Ben Ali fleeing with a ton and a half of gold .

  7. 推翻了统治突尼斯多年的总统的事变可能并没有引起许多美国人的关注。但是专家表示人们其实应该关心一下。

    The uprising that Tunisia 's longtime president may not be on many Americans ' radar , but experts say it should be .

  8. 突尼斯法庭判处前总统本·阿里(ZineElAbidineBenAli)和他的妻子特拉贝西(LeilaTrabelsi)35年的监禁。

    A court in Tunisia has sentenced the former Tunisian President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and his wife Leila Trabelsi to35 years in prison .

  9. 一月份的突尼斯革命驱逐了总统扎因·阿比丁·本·阿里,许多突尼斯人说,他们对未来很有信心。

    Tunisia 's revolution ousted President Zine el Abidine Ben Ali in January . Many Tunisians say they are hopeful for the future .

  10. 一场突尼斯民变将其总统驱逐出境,几天之后,总理宣布建立一个国家联合政府。

    Tunisia has formed a national unity government , the country 's prime minister has announced , days after a popular revolt ousted the president .

  11. 突尼斯被流放的总统扎因·阿比丁·本·阿里因持有非法药品和武器,在首都突尼斯经过一天的审讯之后被定罪。

    Tunisia 's ousted President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali has been convicted on charges of possessing illegal drugs and weapons after a one-day trial in Tunis .