
tū chū chóng wéi
  • Break out of a tight encirclement;get through the close siege
突出重围[tū chū chóng wéi]
  1. 能否突出重围,就要看你的眼力和反应了!

    Can tight encirclement , depends on your eyesight and reactions !

  2. 海王星之突出重围玩家有1-8网的选择!

    Neptune 's network Win1-8 players have the choice !

  3. 突出重围:河北省民营经济应对危机的对策选择

    Suggestions for the Private Enterprises in Hebei Province to Cope with the Financial Crisis

  4. 入世后,我国零售企业如何突出重围?

    How will our retail business make a breakthrough after our entry into wto ?

  5. 当你面对生活中各个领域中的竞争时你如何突出重围呢?

    How can you come out ahead when faced with competition in all areas of your life ?

  6. 突出重围&康明斯与陕汽将合资生产大马力柴油机

    Fly out of the tight encirclement - Cummins and Shanxi Automobile will jointly produce large diesel engines

  7. 教育观念的滞后性,使得大多数离异单亲家庭的家庭教育难以突出重围;

    On Home-Education of Children from Single-parent Families 2 . The parents ? education ideas lagging behind the time ;

  8. 我开始意识到,如果想要生活在中国,你就必须突出重围。

    I realized that if you want to survive in China , you just have to fight your way through .

  9. 在当前市场趋于饱和,而业态竞争更加激烈的状态下,财经媒体如想突出重围还要不断地进行着市场化进化的试验。

    In the current market , financial media which want to beckoning have to be continuously carried on the marketization of evolution test .

  10. 同时,鲍尔森相信尽管乌德勒支的比赛平局收场,利物浦能够突出重围晋级欧联杯下一轮赛事。

    Meanwhile , Poulsen remains confident Liverpool can qualify for the next round of the Europa League despite being held to a goalless draw in Utrecht .

  11. 遭受异形突然袭击后你的处境及其危险,能否完成一系列艰巨的任务并顺利突出重围就看你的了!

    Profiled by sudden attacks of your situation and its dangerous , can complete a series of arduous task and the smooth tight encirclement to see you !

  12. 新兴市场共享成功,但沙尔曼认为前景不太乐观,有些国家将会突出重围,而剩下的则暗自神伤。

    Mr Sharma does not believe the shared success of emerging economies can continue . Some countries will break out from the pack , others will disappoint .

  13. 作者不是借此机会大吐苦水,一了私人恩怨或为自己的过错辩解,就是讲述自己在逆境中突出重围的陈词滥调。

    When they are not tawdry opportunities to air grievances , settle scores or rationalise errors , they tend to be tales of adversity with a triumphant twist .

  14. 身为职场白领,怎样才能在全球金融危机下保住自己的工作,并且突出重围,使自己的职业生涯发展顺利呢?

    As a white-collar workplace , how can we in the global financial crisis to keep their jobs , and tight encirclement , so that their careers have developed smoothly it ?

  15. 20年中国新文学史研究突出重围后出现欣欣向荣的学术景观,但我并未完全走出突围后的种种困惑,这主要体现在建构何种科学理论框架和最佳文学史格局上。

    Though the 20-year study of Chinese new literature history is booming after its breakthrough , I was still in deep confusion of the frame of the scientific theory and the best literary history pattern .

  16. 伴随着旅游节庆的进一步发展,旅游节庆市场竞争日益加剧,营销策略的选择成为旅游节庆在竞争中突出重围的重要手段。

    With the further development of tourism festivals , tourism festival competition in the market becoming more and more intense , the choice of a tourism marketing strategy in the competition to win become an important tool .

  17. 不过,虽然亚洲将不得不从日益加剧的经济、政治和外交挑战中突出重围,但这个牛年也可能成为权力加快向亚洲转移的一年。

    Yet , although Asia will have to heave itself through thickening economic , political and diplomatic challenges , it is possible to depict the year of the ox as one that will accelerate the drift to Asian power .

  18. 俗话说,挑战即机遇,因此如何在激烈的新闻报道竞争中突出重围,获取更高的话语优势,就成为了电视新闻媒体普遍探索的新课题。

    As the saying goes , the challenge is the opportunity , so how to in the fierce competition in the news report beckoning , obtain higher word advantage , has become a TV news media universal explore new topic .

  19. 本文最后一部分探讨在受众表达内心情感和参与公共事务的愿望日益强烈的现代社会,辩论类电视谈话节目如何克服已有障碍,突出重围,构建一个真实、平等的多元公共话语空间。

    The last part of this paper discusses how to overcome those obstacles and construct a real , equal and diverse public discourse space in modern society where audiences have strong desire to express their feelings and participate in public affairs .

  20. 国有外贸企业要想突出重围,实现长远发展,必须清楚地认识人才才是企业发展的核心竞争力。

    Tight encirclement of state-owned foreign trade enterprises in order to achieve long-term development , there must be a clear understanding of the development of human resources is the core competitiveness , talent management , and business development will be depleted sooner or later .

  21. 这一认同的建构与表达表现出一种同心圆式的差序格局。本文认为,商业活动是旧城回族在当地自然、社会和文化等多重困境中突出重围的生存策略。

    The construction and expression of the identity showcases Concentric Diversity-Orderly Structure . This article holds that Hui in the old city used commercial activity as a survival strategy by which they break through multiple tight encirclement formed by local natural , social and cultural difficulties .

  22. 正是基于这种多学科的理论视野和研究方法,本文旨在探索在当代危机传播中,我国电视新闻媒体如何认清自己,分析形势,更好地突出重围,获得更高的话语权地位。

    Based on the multidisciplinary theory field and research method , this paper aims to explore in the contemporary crisis spread , our TV news media how to know Tv news media itself and analysis its situation , better beckoning , the higher the discourse power position .

  23. 摘要通过对陕西高校的困境与竞争力现状的分析,指出其突出重围的关键在于组织创新,即建立大量符合知识经济特征的虚拟组织。

    Through analyzing the difficult positions and the status of the universities of Shaanxi , the article points out the key for breaking out of the tight encirclements is the innovation about organization : constituting a lot of virtual organizations according to the characters of knowledge economics .