
tū xiàn
  • Emergence;underline; stand out;flash;suddenly appear;clearly show;emerge unexpectedly
突现 [tū xiàn]
  • [appear suddenly] 指出现得突然

  • 火光突现

  1. 第二部分:通过与进化、增长、发展等相关概念的比较分析,以突现进步的科学内涵及特征;

    Section 2 : Through comparing with the relative concepts , such as evolution , increase and development and so on , to stand out the scientific connotation and character of progress ;

  2. 随着农业结构调整的不断深入,这种不适应性进一步突现出来,集中表现为农村金融市场的供需缺口、效率缺口和制度缺口。

    With the adjustment of the agriculture structure , the inadaptability stand out clearly , which is manifested by the supply and demand gap , efficiency gap , and the institution gap in the rural financial market .

  3. 突现(emergence)&系统研究的新观念

    Emergence A New Concept of System Research

  4. 然而,随着商业目标驱使Web开发人员力图制作更复杂和更动态的站点,该语言的局限就突现出来了。

    However , as business goals drove Web developers to attempt to produce more sophisticated and dynamic sites , the language 's limitations became apparent .

  5. 中国加入WTO后,企业面临国际商业道德标准的压力,企业道德问题日渐突现,企业道德优势与可持续竞争优势的关系也随之成为企业界和学术界共同关注的问题。

    With China enlisted under WTO , the relationship of the advantage of business ethics and competition advantage is concerned both in practice and on theory .

  6. 提出了一种基于行为Petri网技术的工作流模型重建故障诊断智能体的算法,实现故障诊断系统中的多智能体的群体进化、自组织与突现,并给出Agent重构的非线性动力学解释。

    According to the model , an algorithm for re-engineering the fault diagnosis multi-agent with a non-linear dynamic interpretation is presented using behavioral Petri-net based on the workflow management .

  7. 本课题将免疫系统和生态系统的一些相关原理和机理,尤其是其突现行为,应用到Internet网络中,提出了一种新颖的生物网络计算模型,设计了该计算模型的总体框架。

    In the thesis , we apply the correlated theories and mechanisms , especially emergent behaviors , to the Internet , and bring forward a novel bio-network computing model , and design the model 's whole architecture .

  8. 即使没有其他内容,这次讨论也突现了这一事实,考虑API消费者的使用模式在确定合适设计的过程中扮演了举重轻重的角色。

    If nothing else , the discussion has highlighted the fact that consideration of the usage patterns of API consumers plays a large part in determining an appropriate design .

  9. 但mgmmirage的经历,突现出做生意时将有利可图的美国市场排除在外的问题。

    But the experience of MGM Mirage highlights the problem of doing business without access to the lucrative US market .

  10. 随着Internet的飞速发展,信息网络化办案模式已成为检察院不可或缺的工作方法,案件审讯监录同步录音录像在侦察审讯过程中的重要性越来越突现出来。

    With the rapid development of Internet , an information-networked pattern of cases has become an indispensable working approach in procuratorates . The importance of synchronized audio-video recording of case supervising and recording for trial has emerged in the processes of investigation and trial .

  11. 与此同时,随着无线局域网规模的不断扩大,传统的胖AP架构在大规模网络建设中突现的弊端愈加严重,新型的瘦AP集中式架构应运而生。

    Meanwhile , along with the continued expansion of the scale of WLANs , the disadvantages of the traditional Fat AP architecture has become more and more obvious on the development of large-scale WLANs .

  12. 通过利用Mercer核,将样本从输入空间映射到高维特征空间,使原来没有显现的特征突现出来,取得了很好的图像分割效果。

    By using Mercer kernel to map the samples from original space to a high-dimension feature space , we can get good results of clustering .

  13. 仿真实验也表明该模型可用于在Intemet网络中实现服务突现。

    The experiment results on the platform show that the model can be used to realize service emergence on the Internet .

  14. Langton关于人工生命的定义、研究内容和研究方法,重点介绍了人工生命中自发突现的概念。

    Langton 's definition , domain and method of ALife are presented . Key concept of Self-emerge is discussed .

  15. 这种IR-ERP-BCI消除了容易使人疲惫的突现刺激,并极大地抑制了ERP中突现刺激诱发的外源性的和内源性的脑噪声,提高了信号的信噪比。

    The IR-ERP-BCI eliminates the use of abrupt stimu-lus , and reduces the exogenous and endogenous brain noises evoked by them therefore increases the Signal-to-Noise Ratio ( SNR ) .

  16. 而后SSK则将科学看作是一种动态的实践,其客观性在于实践过程中不以人的意志为转移的瞬时突现性。

    Post-SSK regards science as a dynamic practice , and defines its objectivity as the temporal emergence in the process of practice , which is beyond human 's mind .

  17. 投资者的宽慰可以理解。今年头5个星期,Salesforce的股价因市场对软件服务(Saas)企业的前景突现信任危机而下跌逾30%。

    Relief is understandable . In the first five weeks of the year , Salesforce 's stock fell more than 30 per cent amid a sudden crisis of confidence in the prospects of " software as a service " - or SaaS - companies .

  18. 最近,这种转变的重要性突现出来,当时中国国防科工委(costind)发布了“非国有”企业参与军工行业的有关细则。

    The importance of the shift was highlighted last month when the Commission of science , technology and industry for national defence ( COSTIND ) issued detailed rules for such " non-state " involvement in the defence industry .

  19. 基于多智能体的自重构机器人突现控制系统平台的构建

    Construction of multi-agent based emergence control system platform for self-reconfigurable robots

  20. 新闻的第二落点:突现媒体个性魅力的独家报道

    The Second Placement : Show the Individual Charm of the Medium

  21. 贸易问题将会在会谈中突现出来。

    The issue of trade will figure prominently at the talks .

  22. 基于互联耦合免疫网络的突现计算模型及其服务实现

    Mutual-Coupled Immune Networks Based Emergent Computation Model and its Service Implementation

  23. 因此,竞争机制驱动着系统新奇的突现。

    Accordingly , competition drives the emergences of innovation of system .

  24. 突现计算模型和行为研究进展及案例分析

    Research Survey of Emergent Computation Models , Behaviours and Case Analysis

  25. 复杂系统的突现与层次

    Emergence and Levels in Complex System : new development of systematic thought

  26. 主导&主体教学中的突现行为研究

    Research on Emergent Properties of the Subjectivity in Dominant Teaching

  27. 自重构机器人硬件平台设计和突现控制算法研究

    Hardware Design of Self-reconfigurable Robot Platform and Research on Emergence Control Algorithm

  28. 他的“显现”指的是“神灵的突现”。

    By epiphany he means " sudden spiritual manifestation " .

  29. 一种面向网络突现计算的生物网络中间件的设计方法

    Design method of a bio-network middleware for network emergent computation

  30. 一种基于免疫突现计算的生物网络结构的设计

    Design of a bio-network architecture based on immune emergent computation