
  • 网络breaking news;spot news;A-SN
  1. 突发性新闻事件的报道,日趋受到各大媒体的重视。

    Day after day , it draws more and more attention of various media to report the breaking news .

  2. 连线报道以其快捷灵活、悬念感强等传播特性在报道重大主题及突发性新闻事件中屡建奇功。

    Connection report makes more and more achievements in significant themes and abrupt incidents with its propagating characteristics such as shortcut , agility , and strong suspense and so on .

  3. 对突发性重大新闻的报道直接关系到报纸的公信力、影响力以及在读者心目中的形象。

    The report on paroxysmal state important news is directly related to newspaper public credit power , influence power and the image in the reader 's heart .

  4. 受到经济利益的驱使而出现的种种新闻乱象,以及非典等突发性事件对新闻媒介可信度和权威性造成的巨大冲击,是近年来我国学者和业界共同关注公信力问题的动机。

    Driven by economic interests and the emergence of all sorts of information chaos , and the sudden outbreak of the credibility and authority of the enormous media impact is a common concern of the industry in recent years , the Chinese scholars and credibility issues motivated .