
  1. 试论电视新闻评论节目的三化

    On " Three Sides " of the News Comment of Television Program

  2. 信度与效度是衡量电视新闻评论节目成功与否的两个重要标准。

    Credibility and efficiency arc the two criteria of TV news analytic programs .

  3. 电视新闻评论节目制作初探

    View on the Production of TV News Comment Programme

  4. 试析电视新闻评论节目的效度

    About the Efficiency of TV News Analysis

  5. 过去,以传达意见性信息为主的电视新闻评论节目,在控制和引导社会舆论走向上一直发挥着重要作用。

    In the past , TV news commentary programs that mainly communicate reference opinions always play an important role in the guidance and control of social public opinion .

  6. 电视新闻评论节目是电视媒体尝试深度挖掘事件的一种新的节目形式。

    TV News is a new program format . That the television mdeia try to comment on the depth of the excavation program of events plays a very important role in leading the public opinion and the supervision by public opinion .

  7. 电视新闻评论节目作为电视媒介的声音和旗帜,不仅报道新闻和传播信息,而且能够引导社会舆论,进行舆论监督,在中国当前社会不言而喻地发挥着极其重要的作用。

    TV news commentary program , as the voice and banners of the television media , not only report news and disseminate information , but also guide public opinion and perform supervision of public opinion , which obviously played an extremely important role in the current society of China .

  8. 对2008年北京奥运会我国电视体育新闻评论节目的思考

    Sports commentary TV program in 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  9. 论文虽然是基于《新闻夜宴》个案进行的研究,但是在一定程度上,上述研究发现对分析电视新闻评论类节目的生产,乃至整个媒介生产领域都具有普遍意义。

    The article is based on an individual case , however , to a certain extent , the discovery of this article t the analysis of TV news commentary type of program production , and even the whole field of media production is of universal significance production practice .

  10. 电视新闻评论影响力是衡量电视新闻评论节目社会效应的重要指标。

    The influence of TV news criticism is an important standard to judge the social effect of TV news criticism programs .

  11. 此外,电视台实行收视率末位淘汰制也给了电视新闻评论节目前所未有的压力。

    In addition , television station make the TV news commentary stressful when it practice the ratings in the knockout .

  12. 近两年来,与电视民生新闻的红透半边天相对照,一度倍受青睐的电视新闻评论节目却日渐式微。

    In the last two years , contrast to the popularity of Television Civil News , the once-favored Chinese TV news commentary program lost audience gradually .