
  • 网络Computer;computer operation;office;excel;Microsoft Office
  1. A:我有电脑操作经验,熟悉微软Windows,Word和Excel。

    A : I have experience in computer operation , proficiency in Microsoft Windows , Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel .

  2. 办公室职员与电脑操作相关动作的人类工效学评价

    Ergonomic evaluation of motions associated with computer operation in office staff

  3. 申请者须熟悉电脑操作。

    Applicants need to be computerate .

  4. 外骨骼有时也被称为“可穿戴机器人”,有的靠电池供电、电脑操作,包含发动机和液压装置,也有比较简单的运用弹簧和减震器的被动式设计。

    Sometimes also referred to as " wearable robots " , they can be battery-powered and computer-operated , incorporating motors and hydraulics . Or they can be more simple , passive designs that use springs and dampeners .

  5. 视屏辐射致电脑操作人员DNA损伤

    DNA Damage Induced by Radiation from Video Display Terminal in Computer Operators

  6. 没错,凭借Windows电脑操作系统和Office办公套装软件,微软曾经是高科技产业的王者。

    Microsoft , of course , once dominated the technology industry with its Windows computer operating system and Office productivity software suite .

  7. 事实证明,世界既不需要也不想要linux这一个人电脑操作系统。

    As a PC operating system , it turned out that the world did not need , or want , Linux .

  8. 苹果最新版本的MAC桌上型电脑操作系统被称为MacOSXLion(代号:“狮子”)。

    Apple 's new version of its desktop operating system for Mac computers is called Mac OS X Lion .

  9. 因为这些用户几乎所有的电脑操作都在传统的Windows桌面环境下进行;而在Windows8中,传统桌面已经沦为了第二界面。

    They do almost all of their computing in the traditional Windows desktop environment , which has been demoted to secondary status in Windows 8 .

  10. 解决方法可能在于在线自我管理型合作项目,就是创造了免费开源个人电脑操作系统Linux的那类项目。

    The answer could lie in online self-managing collaborative ventures of the kind that created the free open-source pc operating system , Linux .

  11. 微软曾经在全球电脑操作系统市场拥有统治地位:将近90%的台式电脑安装了Windows。

    Microsoft once had a dominant position in the worldwide market for computer operating systems : Windows was installed on nearly 90 percent of desktop computers .

  12. 像任何一个拥有良好科学基础的国家一样,日本羡慕微软(microsoft)在个人电脑操作系统、谷歌(google)在互联网搜索领域取得的全球成功。

    Like every country with a decent science base , Japan envies the global success of Microsoft in PC operating systems and Google in Internet search .

  13. 微软视窗(MicrosoftWindows)明显地在个人电脑操作系统中独占鳌头,与标准石油当年主宰石油业运输销售系统的情形相同。

    Microsoft Windows is clearly the dominant operating system for personal computers ( PCs ) just as Standard Oil was the dominant distribution system for the petroleum industry .

  14. 我在苹果电脑操作系统关闭的情况下,使用BootCamp也是如此。BootCamp可以将Mac电脑转换成Windows电脑。

    or when I used Boot Camp , which converts the Mac into a full-fledged Windows machine , with Apple 's operating system turned off .

  15. 用户通过标准的键盘和LCD显示器定制操作,也能通过USB接口和用户电脑操作。

    Users customize operation via a standard keypad and LCD display , and customization can also be achieved through a USB port and a user 's computer .

  16. 当然了,做了这么多年的财务工作,电脑操作熟练也可以算是一个优点,尤其擅长EXCEL进行数据统计分析。

    Of course , do so many years of accounting work , familiar with PC operation can also be an advantage , especially good at EXCEL statistical data analysis .

  17. 从本质上来说MeeGo是个电脑操作系统。

    From the ground up , MeeGo is a computer operating system .

  18. 苹果公司表示,其最新款的电脑操作系统Mavericks免费升级。

    Apple has said that its latest computer operating system , Mavericks , is available free of charge .

  19. 苹果公司还称其最新研发的电脑操作系统Mavericks将免费供用户使用。

    The company also said that its latest computer operating system , Mavericks , is available free of charge .

  20. 佩奇发表上述言论前一天,谷歌在旧金山召开了年度软件开发人员大会。这些开发人员是为谷歌旗下的安卓(Android)操作系统和Chrome电脑操作系统开发应用程序的。

    Mr. Page 's comments come one day before the start of Google 's annual conference in San Francisco for software developers who create applications for Google 's Android and Chrome computer-operating systems .

  21. 其一,NeXT开发的一个电脑操作系统日后演变为苹果公司Macintosh电脑卓越的操作系统OSX以及苹果手机所用操作系统iOS。

    First , NeXT developed an operating system that later morphed into the excellent Macintosh operating system , called OS X , and also the operating system that drives Apple 's mobile devices , called iOS .

  22. 最后,在寿终正寝之前,该项目以平板电脑操作系统MeeGo这一半吊子的形式出现。

    It finally surfaced in a half-hearted way as a Tablet OS called MeeGo , before it finally got killed .

  23. 尽管当时苹果的Macintosh电脑操作系统已经有10年历史,而且随后曾出现过更加粗糙的Windows版本,但Windows95更为精致,用户远远超过Mac操作系统。

    While Apple 's Macintosh had been using the system for a decade and cruder versions of Windows had followed , Windows 95 was much more refined and spread to a vastly larger audience than the Mac did .

  24. 这项举措让秘鲁成为了全球第一个测试更改OLPC电脑操作系统的国家。

    The move makes Peru the first country worldwide to test the change in the operating system of the OLPC devices .

  25. 判决一经生效,微软必须停止销售所有使用相关字体的电脑操作系统,包括中文版的Windows98第二版、Windows2000、WindowsXP和Windowsserver2003。

    Once the ruling takes effect , Microsoft must stop selling all PC operating systems that use the fonts including the Chinese language editions of the second edition of Windows 98 , Windows 2000 , Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 .

  26. 苹果宣布的其他消息包括,新版的电脑操作系统OSXMavericks以及对该系统应用的20个升级将很快就能供现有顾客免费下载。

    Among other announcements , Apple said a new version of its computer operating system , OS X Mavericks , along with updates to 20 more of its apps , would be available for existing customers to download free immediately .

  27. 被称为“HighSierra”的最新款苹果电脑操作系统(macOS)更新了你电脑上的所有配置:如今浏览器(Safari)的运行速度提升了80%,还安装了内置的自动运行拦截工具和智能追踪预防工具来隐藏跨站点的脚本数据。

    The latest macOS , dubbed High Sierra , brings updates to everything on your computer : Safari now runs 80 percent faster , and comes with built-in autoplay blocking and intelligent tracking prevention to hide cross-site scripting data .

  28. 这可以锻炼孩子们的电脑操作和搜索能力。

    This helps children work on their computer and research skills .

  29. 调制解调器刺耳的声音对这些电脑操作人员纯粹是一种乐趣。

    The screech of modems is pure joy for these computer jockeys .

  30. 所有使用电脑操作的人员都应关注电脑系统。

    The computer system needs caring attention from all operators .