
wén jiàn dài
  • file pocket;documents pouch;dispatch case
  1. 为儿童制作绘画作品文件袋等等。

    Making folders for children 's paintings , and so on .

  2. 他按了按温赖特放下的马尼拉纸文件袋。

    He touched the manila folder which Wainwright had put down .

  3. 迈可打开文件袋,所谓的移民文件其实是白纸。

    When Michael opens up the envelope , the so-called transfer papers are blank .

  4. 等我出来时,我发现对方孙总在认真地看我的文件袋。

    I found Manager Sun was looking my bag seriously when I was out .

  5. 我在桌上为每个工作成员准备了一个文件袋。

    I keep a file for each member of my staff on my desk .

  6. 故意将装有反诉状的透明文件袋放在桌上。

    I put the transparent document bag with counterclaim in it on the table intentionally .

  7. 连同成绩单一起被他们装在文件袋并收了起来

    BE together packed in the document bag by them together with the report card and accepted to get up

  8. 本实用新型涉及一种文件袋,特别是带有识别系统的文件袋。

    The utility model relates to a file packet , in particular to a file packet with a recognition system .

  9. 当此年轻女子从棕色的大文件袋中取出相关文件时,一张纸条掉了出来。

    As the young woman reached into a large brown envelope to retrieve the documents , a piece of paper fell out .

  10. 这个管理人员想要将某个文档存储在这个文件袋里,那个管理人员则想要将这同一个文档存储在另一个文件袋里。

    This manager wants a document stored in one file , and that manager wants the same document stored in a different file .

  11. 我希望这个议题务必得到适当的关注,我今天给你的东西也要放在会议的文件袋中,发给所有的与会人员。

    I want to be sure it gets the attention it needs and the information I gave you is delivered to all the members with the meeting package .

  12. 在上周的采访中,布维耶本人似乎也不打算认罪。他翻寻一个装满文件的购物袋。他说,那些文件表明,说他把被盗的毕加索作品卖给雷博洛夫列夫是多么不公平。

    Mr. Bouvier himself seemed unbowed during the interview last week , as he rummaged through a shopping bag full of documents that he said showed how unfair it was to suggest he had sold Mr. Rybolovlev stolen Picassos .