
shì wù lǜ shī
  • solicitor;brief
  1. 他一直做家庭事务律师。

    He has always been the family solicitor

  2. 聘请受过调解人培训的事务律师就免去了单独寻求法律咨询的必要。

    The use of a solicitor trained as a mediator would obviate the need for independent legal advice

  3. 事务律师的从业方式是多种多样的。

    The ways in which solicitors practise are varied

  4. 没有Eyre小姐恰恰相反我会照你的意思给妹妹们写信的哥哥词汇提炼:hearth:炉床alarmed:惊恐的,忧虑的advertisement:广告solicitor:事务律师inquire:打听,询问resolve:解决,解答

    Rivers : No , Miss Eyre.On the contrary , I shall write to my sisters

  5. 琳达•杰克逊(LindaJackson)是就业事务律师事务所LittlerMendelson的合伙人,她说她会建议客户不要向求职者提供具体的反馈。

    Linda Jackson , a partner with employment law firm Littler Mendelson , says she advises her clients against offering specific feedback to job candidates .

  6. 她当了许多年事务律师。

    She practised as a solicitor for many years .

  7. 作者是“地球正义”(Earthjustice)落基山脉分部的环境事务律师。

    The writer is an environmental lawyer for Earthjustice , Rocky Mountain office .

  8. 国际工业产权事务律师联合会

    International Federation of Industrial Property Attorneys

  9. 劳动事务律师说,当更难以获得工作的时候,许多类型的诉讼,特别是歧视类的诉讼会增多。

    Employment lawyers say that when jobs are harder to obtain , many forms of litigation , especially discrimination , increase .

  10. 中国的竞争事务律师表示,此次调查似乎与厂家是否串通商定面向经销商的最低价格有关。

    Competition lawyers in China said the investigation appeared to relate to whether there was fixing of minimum prices for distributors .

  11. 法律界分为事务律师和辩护律师。被告的辩护律师向陪审团提出抗辩。

    The legal profession is made up of solicitors ( lawyers ) and advocates . The defense attorney pleads against the jury .

  12. 这份一页纸的裁决激起了竞争事务律师的大量评论,他们表示,中国正利用去年8月开始实施的反垄断法,阻挠有政治敏感性的外国投资。

    The single-page ruling has prompted a barrage of comment from competition lawyers , who say China is using the anti-monopoly regime beefed up last August to thwart politically-sensitive foreign investment .

  13. 统计数据很难获得,但劳动事务律师和法院的报告显示,劳资纠纷数量出现了激增,越来越多的被辞退员工要求获得之前的加班工资。

    Statistics are hard to come by . But labour lawyers and court reports indicate that the number of employment disputes has soared , with sacked workers increasingly claiming back overtime .

  14. 竞争事务律师警告称,经过修订的中国反垄断制度,已迅速成为全球最严厉的反垄断制度之一,进行全球交易的企业如果无视这一制度,将自己倒霉。

    China 's revamped anti-monopoly regime has quickly become among the most muscular in the world and companies engaged in global deals ignore it at their peril , competition lawyers have warned .

  15. (三)办理国内专利事务的律师事务所。

    And ( 3 ) law firms that handle domestic patent-related affairs .

  16. 习惯上会在当地保留处理其他地区事务的律师。

    It is customary to retain local counsel for matters in other jurisdictions .

  17. 还有处理买房和卖房事务的律师。

    And a lawyer to handle the legal aspects of the buying and selling .

  18. 代理保罗麦卡特尼事务的律师。

    Lawyers acting for Paul mccartney .

  19. 有一天,我和一家从事公司法事务的律师事务所的50位合伙人共进晚餐。环顾四周,我发现了一件令人惊恐的事情——我在里面属于年纪最大的一拨。

    At dinner the other night with 50 partners in a corporate law firm , I looked around the room and noticed something alarming . I was one of the oldest people in it .

  20. 在《帕提农》那三百五十元寄给他之后,他把它转给了当地那位处理布里森登事务的律师,让他转给了他的家里。

    When THE PARTHENON check of three hundred and fifty dollars was forwarded to him , he turned it over to the local lawyer who had attended to Brissenden 's affairs for his family .

  21. 经手签证事务的律师们表示,尽管向外籍人士发放的居住证数量总体并未急剧减少,但一些之前在中国非法居留、但在最近的整治行动后“转正”的外籍人士可能推高了统计数字。

    Lawyers , who work on visa matters , say that although overall residence permit numbers have not fallen sharply , the statistics could be inflated by expats who were previously in the country illegally , but regularised their status after a recent crackdown .

  22. 您能指引我们一位有处理违反著作权事务经验的律师吗?

    Could you refer us to a lawyer experienced in handling copyright infringements ?

  23. 他考虑主修拉美研究,之后成为国际事务方面的律师。

    He 's considering majoring in Latin American studies and perhaps a career as a lawyer or in international affairs .

  24. 在处理法院事务是考虑律师、当事人以及证人的合理的时间冲突。

    Legitimate calendaring conflicts of attorneys , parties , and witnesses in the administration of those matters before the court .

  25. “在中国,若不支付巨额费用,终止和调整劳动合同的空间很小,”上海一位从事劳动事务的外国律师说。

    " There is little scope for termination and restructuring in China any more without giving someone a huge payout , " said a foreign employment lawyer in Shanghai .

  26. 得克萨斯遗产事务及遗嘱认证律师罗布・罗伯逊(RobRobertson)称,如果没有遗产计划,“你会失去控制,处理事情要慢得多,成本也会高很多”。

    Without one , ' you don 't have control , and it 's a lot slower and a lot more costly , ' says Rob Robertson , an estate and probate lawyer in Austin , Texas .

  27. 我把我的事务委托给我律师。

    I trust my affairs to my solicitors .

  28. 此外,由于很多过去把法律事务外包给外部律师事务所的企业现在都在建立内部法律事务部门,同时聘用更多的法律从业人员,所以法律顾问的职权在上升。

    General counsel pay is also based on industry norms , and their power has been on the upswing as companies have been bringing in-house legal work that had long been farmed out to outside law firms , and hiring more inside legal help to handle it .