
  1. 事业单位会计制度存在的问题及改革建议

    The Existing Problems and Reform Suggestions for Undertaking Unit Accounting System

  2. 浅谈行政事业单位会计制度中的固定资产核算

    Fixed Assets Assess in the Accounting System of Administrative Organizations and Institutions

  3. 用1998年事业单位会计制度变迁和2006年企业会计制度变迁可以验证该理论模型。

    The system vicissitude of1998 Institution accounting system vicissitude and2006 business accounting might confirm this theoretical model .

  4. 财政部门预算改革对农业科研事业单位会计制度影响的思考

    Thinking on the influence of financial departments ' budget reform on the accounting system of agricultural research institutions

  5. 现行的事业单位会计制度在固定资产核算方面还存在着不足,客观上造成对外提供的会计信息不真实。

    The present public institutions accounting system is still lack in the public institutions'account , objectively caused the publish accounting information un-reliable .

  6. 文章对事业单位会计制度的改革作了简要论述,同时也提出了一些进一步思考的问题,以及相应的改进意见。

    The paper gives brief expounds on reform of account system in institution , and it points out some problems should be further thought .

  7. 本文的研究结果可为我国公路事业单位会计制度改革提供一定的实证支撑,提供若干有益的政策建议。

    This article finding may provide certain real diagnosis support for our country road Institution accounting system reform , and provides certain beneficial policy suggestion .

  8. 关于我国事业单位会计制度改革的几点思考&借鉴《民间非营利组织会计制度》

    Think Deeply about the Reform of State-Owned Non-Profit Enterprises Accounting System of our Country & by Study the the Accounting System of Civil Non-Profit Enterprises ;

  9. 试图在公路事业单位会计制度改革方面做一些有益的探索和尝试,提出公路事业单位会计制度改革的基本框架。

    Attempts to make some beneficial explorations and try in the road Institution accounting system reform , proposes the basic framework of road Institution accounting system reform .

  10. 1998年实施的《事业单位会计制度》,对规范事业单位会计核算和加强财务管理起到了积极作用,但是随着事业单位经济形势的变化,制度中的一些做法值得商榷。

    The government and institutional accounting system applied in 1998 , plays a positive role in regulating institutional financing management and accounting . But with the change of institutional economic situation , some activities in the system should have a discuss .

  11. 1998年1月1日起执行的《事业单位会计制度》规定,经营性收支采用权责发生制,非生产经营性业务采用收付实现制。

    The Accounting System of Public Institutions carried out from Jan. 1st , 1998 stipulates that the accounting on accrual basis should be used in the operating expenses and receipts and accounting on the cash basis should be used in the non - productive business .

  12. 对事业单位会计核算制度改革的几点认识

    Views of Reforms of Accountant Reflecting System in Institutional Units

  13. 农业科研事业单位财务会计制度研究

    Study on the Financial Management and Accounting System of Agricultural Scientific Research Institutional Units

  14. 上海市教育事业单位新会计制度会计科目的比较与研讨

    A comparison and Study on the new system 's accounting items for Shanghai Educational Institutions

  15. 事业单位会计核算制度设计

    The System Design for Institutional Accounting

  16. 专用基金是《事业单位新会计制度》中规定的一个崭新的核算内容。

    The special fund is a new accounting content stimulated in the New Accountancy System of the Facility Units .

  17. 摘要我国财政预算管理制度改革、西方国家非营利组织会计的影响和现行事业单位会计准则制度本身存在的缺陷是事业单位会计改革的主要原因。

    The reform of the financial budget management of our country , the influence of non-profit organization accounting in western countries and the defect that exists in the present accounting standard for public institutions are the main reasons for the accounting reform in China public institutions .

  18. 对现行事业单位会计准则和制度的实践与思考

    Practice and thought on account rule and system in current institution

  19. 健全行政事业单位内部会计控制制度的思考

    Thoughts on Establishing and Strengthening a Sound Internal Accounting Control System in Administrative Institutions

  20. 比较事业单位财务规则与会计制度

    Comparative research on financial rule and accounting regulation for government funding institutions

  21. 本文通过事业单位企业化管理背景下,如何实现事业单位会计制度向企业会计制度转变进行分析。

    This article through the institution enterprise to turn management background , how to realize the enterprise accounting system to the enterprise accounting system change analysis .

  22. 因此,在事业单位分类改革的趋势下,研究公路事业单位会计制度改革具有其必要性和现实意义。

    Therefore , under the tendency of the Institution classifies reform , it is necessary and has practical significance to study the road Institution accounting system reform .