
  1. 观念和体制是制约教育发展的关键,要转变传统教育观念,宜淡化“教育事业观”,强化“教育产业观”;

    Idea and system are the key reasons that hinder the development of education .

  2. 《周易》的事业观与三敬思想

    On the Viewpoint of Cause and the Thought of Three Respects in The Book of Changes

  3. 第四部分家庭事业观,阐述女研究生对婚姻、家庭与事业的基本态度和观点。

    Part ⅳ, family and business , describes the basic attitudes and opinions in marriage , family and career for female graduate students .

  4. 《周易》的价值观,可以从灾异观、发展观、事业观、整体观四个方面体现出来。

    The value viewpoint of The Book of Changes can be embodied from the viewpoints of disaster , development , cause and entirety .

  5. 创业教育的基本内容包括科学的事业观教育、创业精神和创业能力的培养。

    The main contain of doing pioneering work education were to train the scientific cause concept education , doing pioneering work inspiration and doing pioneering work ability .

  6. 第二章通过对等的三个方面的价值观:爱情和家庭观、金钱事业观和宗教信仰,对爱米丽亚和莉贝卡进行比较和对比分析。

    Chapter Two makes a contrastive study of the two characters , Amelia and Rebecca , from their viewpoints on love , family , money , career , and religion .

  7. 同时,本论文采用宏观总体比较与微观细节比较相结合的方法,对当代新闻理论的发展趋势,以及当代新闻观,当代新闻事业观的发展变化情况作了细致分析,形成了自己的独立见解。

    Then , my thesis achieved own opinions after analyzed developing trend of present journalism theory and the changes of present journalism views or news undertaking views , by combination of microscopic and microcosmic comparing .

  8. 使用励志激励法,让学生树立正确的人生观、事业观,可以有效规避网络的副作用,把网络的负面作用降到最低。

    The use of motivational incentives method , not only enable students to establish a correct opinion on life , career , but also effectively circumvent the side effects of network , and decrease the negative effects of the network to a minimum .

  9. 结果目前青年医生的价值观、事业观及生活观念、工作态度的主流仍呈健康向上的趋势,自主、竞争、公平、效率、利益、正义等时代意识很强烈。

    Results Currently , the mainstream of values , enterprise ideas , life ideas , and work attitudes of young doctors presents a healthy and upward trend . These young doctors have strong consciousness of the times including independence , competition , fairness , efficiency , advantage , justice , etc.

  10. 那么,面对越来越多女性先婚姻、后事业的早婚观,人们究竟该怎样看待呢?

    So , faced with more and more women accept the concept of early marriage , how to choose ?

  11. 所以,让我们尽自己的一切努力来推动我们都珍爱的事业和价值观。

    So let 's do all we can to keep advancing the causes and values we all hold dear .

  12. 第三部分在分析现状的基础上,提出了改进的措施和建议:第一,加强教师职业理想和职业道德教育,引导中学青年教师树立献身教育事业的价值观。

    The third part of the analysis of the status quo , based on the proposed improvements measures and recommendations . First , strengthen teacher professional ideals and ethics , to guide young teachers to establish a school dedicated to education values .

  13. 年轻干部要承担起事业重任,必须牢固树立正确的世界观、权力观、事业观,做到忠诚党的事业、心系人民群众、专心做好工作、不断完善自己。

    To shoulder heavy responsibilities , young cadres must foster a sound worldview and correct views on power and career , and they should be loyal to the Party 's cause , be identified with the people , be committed to whatever they do , and constantly improve themselves .