
  1. 政务信息是一种使用较广泛的事务性公文,也是行政沟通过程中重要的书面沟通形式。

    Government information is a more extensive use of transactional documents , administrative communication is important during the written forms of communication .

  2. 日常工作中常用的公文形式有以下四类:政策性公文、信息性公文、约束性公文和事务性公文。

    There are four kinds as follows : policy-intensive documents , information-intensive documents , documents with binding force , and documents related top daily affairs .

  3. 在文体性质上,政务信息的写作及处理和实际应用决定了其公文性质,具有事务性公文的一般特征。

    The nature of the style , the writing and deal with government information and practical application determines the nature of its documents , with the general characteristics of transactional documents .