
  • 网络fact and value
  1. 论普特南对事实与价值二分法的批判

    On Putnam 's Criticism of the Fact and Value Dichotomy

  2. 本文旨在探讨经济理论中事实与价值的关系问题。

    This paper wants to discuss relationship between the fact and value .

  3. 普特南(H,Putnam)站在新实用主义立场上,批判了逻辑实证主义割裂事实与价值从而否定伦理学客观性的观点;

    From a neo-pragmatistic standpoint , H. Putnam criticizes Logical positivism which holds fact / valuedistinction and negates the objectivity of ethics .

  4. 事实与价值&可持续发展的价值根源

    Facts and Value : The Value Sources of Sustainable Development

  5. 于是出现了事实与价值的分离。

    Then the separation between the fact and value happened in Chinese society .

  6. 宪法学思考中的事实与价值&有关宪法学的一个哲学话题

    The Relation Between Fact and Value : On the Philosophical Foundations of Constitutional Theory

  7. 正是在这一转向中,长期分裂的政治与行政、事实与价值开始融合,公共行政伦理学的理论准备日趋成熟。

    The theoretical preparation of public administrative ethics has become more and more mature .

  8. 实践具有本体论的意义,并体现为事实与价值的统一。

    Practice has ontological significance and is embodied as unity of fact and value .

  9. 道德的客观性何以可能?评普特南的道德客观性思想及其与逻辑实证主义的分歧事实与价值的分离与融通艾耶尔与普特南的观点与启示

    How Is Moral Objectivity Possible ? The Division and Fusion of Fact and Value

  10. 事实与价值关系的探讨

    Probing the Relationship Between Fact and Value

  11. 重新审视事实与价值的区分

    Reexamining the Distinction of Fact and Value

  12. 公共政策事实与价值关系的理论反思

    The Theoretical Reflection of the Relationship Between the Fact And the Value of the Policy

  13. 对韦伯法律观的解读&以事实与价值分野为视角

    Interpretation of Weber 's legal concept & Viewed on the differences between facts and values

  14. 事实与价值的区分是当代西方价值哲学中的重要问题。

    A discrimination of fact from value remains an important argument in western philosophy of value .

  15. 普特南重新审视了事实与价值二分法的历史和现实。

    Putnam gives a new review to the history and real affect of the fact / value dichotomy .

  16. 休谟关于事实与价值分裂的问题缘于现代意识形态的内在困境。

    The puzzle of Hume about the split between fact and value roots in the modern ideological dilemma .

  17. 只要真正做到将事实与价值分离,其缺席语境就会自然恢复。

    Its absent context will recover naturally if we can separate the facts from values in its real sense .

  18. 绝对孤立法和有机统一原理通常是结合使用的,而贯穿于其中的核心线索是事实与价值的分离。

    The two principles are always combined , with a nuclear clue of the isolation of value and fact .

  19. 在事实与价值之间&操纵学派忠实批判论的元伦理学反思

    Between Facts and Values : A Meta-ethical Reflection on the Criticism of " Faithfulness " by the Manipulation School

  20. 在事实与价值之间&马克斯·韦伯学术方法的法理学启示

    Between " Facts " and " Values " & on the Jurisprudence Inspiration of Max Weber 's Academic Methodology

  21. 从分析法学的视角看,把事实与价值区分开来,具有重大的理论意义。

    His linguistic theories , the distinction between langue and parole in especial , is of great significance in linguistics .

  22. 事实与价值二分法在法律思想史上的表现即是分析实证法学对自然法学的批判否定。

    In the history of legal ideology , fact-value dichotomy represents criticism and negation of analytical positivist jurisprudence to natural jurisprudence .

  23. 重建价值观需要消解事实与价值二分的现代教条。

    To rebuild the values needs to clear up the modern dogma which believes in discordance between fact and the values .

  24. 管理与伦理,事实与价值,一直是彼此伴生和互动的两个方面。

    Administration and ethics as well as reality and value are the two sides of a coin that affect each other .

  25. 笔者采取了从抽象上升到思维的具体研究方法,从法哲学视角阐释了事实与价值二分法在理论上的局限。

    From abstract analysis to logical thinking , the limitation of fact-value dichotomy is discussed in the perspective of legal philosophy .

  26. 人类社会的发展应当是建立在事实与价值统一基础之上的人与自然、人与人和谐发展的过程。

    The development of human society is a process of the coordinated development of man and nature , man and man .

  27. 事实与价值:罪过评价的二元视角&论传统罪过理论的缺陷与期待可能性理论

    Facts and Values : A Dual Perspective of Culpability Evaluation & Defects in the Traditional Culpability Theory and Probability of Anticipation Theory

  28. 其实,事实与价值关系问题不但是一个逻辑问题,而且是一个实践问题;

    In fact , the relationship between fact and value is not only a logical problem , but also a practical one ;

  29. 事实与价值关系视域下的描述伦理学&描述伦理学的问题及其视域

    Descriptive Ethics in the Perspective View of the Relationship between Fact and Value & On the problem and perspective view of descriptive ethics

  30. 随着元伦理学的产生,事实与价值的区分也成为逐渐彰明的一个基本理论观点。

    With the development of meta-ethics , the distinction between fact and value has become an increasingly exposing basic theory point of view .