
  • accident emergency rescue
  1. 化工事故应急救援仿真演练系统的实施探讨

    Discussion on implementation of simulation system of chemical accident emergency rescue

  2. 强调了编写好企业级事故应急救援预案的必要性。

    This paper puts emphasis on the necessity of developing enterprise accident emergency rescue plan .

  3. 地理信息系统(GIS)技术,为城市安全规划和城市重大事故应急救援辅助决策提供了最适应的研究方法和手段。

    GIS can offer an applicable research method for city safety plan and emergency rescue of major accident .

  4. 方法:将H.事故应急救援预案

    Anti - H. Emergency plan of accident rescuing

  5. 建筑企业采用PDCA安全管理模式,开展安全质量标准化活动,编制重大事故应急救援预案等手段提高安全生产工作水平。

    Taking PDCA safety management mode , developing safety and quality standardization and establishing hazard emergency plan should be very useful for elevating the construction enterprise safety work management level .

  6. 危险化学品事故应急救援预案编制过程问题讨论

    Discussion about Problems in Preparing Hazardous Chemical Accident Emergency Rescue Plans

  7. 公路运输化学事故应急救援体系研究

    Study of Emergency Rescue System of Chemical Accidents in Road Transportation

  8. 城市安全资源整合及事故应急救援体系的研究

    Study on safety resources configuration and accident emergency system of city

  9. 矿山企业事故应急救援体系建设探讨

    Research on Establishing Emergency Rescue System of Accident in Mining Enterprise

  10. 如何编制职业病危害事故应急救援方案

    How to prepare plan for emergency rescue of occupational hazardous accidents

  11. 基于最优规划的事故应急救援系统的研究及其实现

    Study and Implement on Rescue System Based on Optimal Plan

  12. 轧钢厂煤气泄漏事故应急救援预案

    The Emergency Management System on Gas-leakage in a Rolling Plant

  13. 我国高速公路交通事故应急救援体系的构建

    Constructing the Emergency Rescue System for Traffic Accident on Expressway in China

  14. 危险化学品泄漏事故应急救援辅助决策方法研究

    Research on emergency assistant rescue decision-making method of hazardous chemicals leakage accident

  15. 佛山市突发化学事故应急救援系统模型研究

    Application of emergent chemical event rescue system model in Foshan

  16. 城市生产安全事故应急救援体系及关键技术研究

    Study on Key Technology and Emergency Rescue System of Urban Work Safety

  17. 建立林业生产事故应急救援体系的必要性

    Necessity of Establishing Emergence Rescue System of Forestry Production Accidents

  18. 某金属铟建设项目职业病危害事故应急救援措施

    Emergency Rescue Plan of Occupational Hazardous Accidents of An Indium Construction Project

  19. 重大事故应急救援法律法规体系建设

    Establishment of Law and Regulation System for Emergency Rescue to Major Accident

  20. 煤矿瓦斯爆炸事故应急救援响应机制

    The mechanism of the emergency rescue response during coal mine gas explosion

  21. 加氢装置丙烯罐泄漏事故应急救援预案

    Emergency Action Plan for the Leakage of Propylene Tank in Hydrogenation Unit

  22. 企业生产安全事故应急救援预案编制技术的研究

    Study on Compiling Technique for Emergency Rescue Protocol of Accident in Enterprise

  23. (六)建立、健全职业病危害事故应急救援预案。

    Establish / improve contingency plan for occupational-disease-inductive accidents .

  24. 吉林省环境污染事故应急救援管理信息系统的探讨

    Discussion of Jilin Province Environmental Pollution Accident Emergency Rescue of Management Information System

  25. 事故应急救援指挥中心组织架构和运行机制探讨

    On the organizational frame-structure and operation mode of an incident emergency response center

  26. 城市危险化学品事故应急救援预案的研究

    Study of Emergency Rescue Plan for Accidents due to Dangerous Chemicals in Urban Area

  27. 技术援助扩大方案(技援扩大方案)(六)立、全职业病危害事故应急救援预案。

    Expanded Programme of Technical Assistance Establish / improve contingency plan for occupational-disease-inductive accidents .

  28. 事故应急救援预案是针对危险源而制定的一项应急反应计划。

    The emergency plan of accident rescuing is a emergency plan for hazard sources .

  29. 铁路运输生产中化学事故应急救援实施方案

    Emergency procedure of chemical accidents in railway transportation

  30. 欧洲化学品安全管理与化学事故应急救援体系

    System for Safety Management of Chemicals and Emergency Rescue of Chemical Accidents in Europe