
  1. 最后,通过实际的事故案例分析,验证了分类公式的可靠性。

    Finally , validates the reliability of formula by actual case .

  2. 平煤集团电气事故案例分析

    Analysis on electric accident cases occurred in Pingdingshan Coal Mining Group

  3. 灌装车用乙醇汽油静电火灾事故案例分析

    The Analysis of Fire Accident Caused by Electrostatic When Filling Fuel Ethanol

  4. 某基坑工程事故案例分析

    Analysis of An Accident Case of Deep Foundation Pit

  5. 电气化铁道动态无功补偿装置的应用及事故案例分析

    The Application of Dynamic Reactive Power Compensator and the Analysis of Fault Case in Electric Railway

  6. 本文通过实际工程中的盆式支座病害和事故案例分析,提出了相应的防治措施。

    Through analysis of the pot bearing disease and the trouble within actual bridge engineering example , this paper putting forward to corresponding prevention and cure measure .

  7. 该文通过事故案例分析,提出了炮采放顶煤工作面顶板控制的基本要求和预防顶板事故发生的有效措施,有一定借鉴意义。

    The case of accidents , the proposed blasting mining roof caving face the basic requirements for control and prevention of incidents of roof effective measures , must learn .

  8. 从具体事故案例分析看铁路信号显示制式改革的必要性,进而提出具体改革方案。

    The necessity of the railway signaling indication system reform is elaborated on the basis of the case study for the concrete accidents . The concrete reform scheme is further put forward .

  9. 氯气泄漏事故的案例分析及预防

    Analysis on the Accident Cases of Chlorine Leakage and its Prevention

  10. 国外地铁火灾事故案例统计分析

    Statistic analysis of the foreign underground fire accidents cases

  11. 1219例道路交通事故伤残案例分析

    An Analysis of 1219 Road Traffic Accident Injury Cases

  12. 上海市城市轨道交通事故死亡案例分析

    Analysis of the Death Cases in the Urban Rail Traffic Accident in Shanghai

  13. 道路交通事故案例理论分析方法探讨

    Probing into theoretical analysis method for traffic accident

  14. 软基中的冲孔灌注桩施工事故处理案例分析

    Analysis of the accidents treatment of impact-cone concrete pile in pile foundation construction in soft foundation

  15. 通过具体事故案例的分析计算和计算机检验,验证该方法的适用性。

    The practicability of the method is proved through analysis-calculating and computer testing of a specific example .

  16. 通过对一实际交通事故案例的分析,验证了所采用的方法对事故再现的实用性。

    Applying it to the analysis of an real collision case proves the effectiveness of the method .

  17. 针对几起煤气系统中供配电系统的事故案例,分析了供配电系统故障对煤气系统的危害,提出了对策与建议。

    To several accidents of the power supply and switch system happened in the gas system , the power system trouble endangering the gas system is analysed , and the countermeasure is put forward .

  18. 以矿井生产过程中的提升系统为例,本文应用鱼刺图法对典型矿井提升事故案例进行分析,建立了矿井提升系统的事故因果模型。

    This paper analyzes the typical cases of lifting system applying cause and effect diagram for the example of lifting system in mine , establishes the cause and effect model and identifies the hazards .

  19. 通过对3类生产设备质量安全事故的案例分析,阐明了生产设备设计、制造中应注意的安全技术问题,以引起机械生产设备设计、制造者的注意。

    By the case analysis of quality and safety accidents in three categories of equipments , it illustrates some safety technological problems in equipment design and manufacturing , to cause attention of mechanical production equipment designers and manufacturers . Using D.

  20. 超高压容器的典型事故案例和对策分析

    Typical Failures Analyses and Their Countermeasures of Super & High Pressure Vessels

  21. 常见施工质量事故的案例与分析

    The case analysis on the common construction quality accident

  22. 坑探施工中毒窒息事故案例的原因分析与预防

    Analysis on Cause and Preventive Measures of Poisoning and Suffocating Accidences in Exploring Opening

  23. 研究了我国历年发生突发污染事故的案例,分析了化学危险品生产使用的薄弱环节,提出突发污染事故的防范重点。

    Vulnerability to the accidents due to improper administration and production of chemicals is analyzed , and pollution accident prevention is suggested .

  24. 从几起房屋质量安全事故为案例,分析了事故产生的原因,指出了村镇建设中工程质量安全管理方面存在的问题,提出了提高村镇建设工程质量安全管理水平的建议。

    The author enumerates in this paper several house-quality accidents , analyses their causes , points out the quality problems existing in village and small town construction , and then puts forward some suggestion to solve these problems .

  25. 通过对断缆事故的案例进行分析,提出了如何保持缆绳均衡受力、强值班人员的责任心来保证船舶安全的措施,以防止类似事故的发生。

    By analyzing the causes of broken cable accident , this paper sets forth some measures to maintain balance stress in the cable and strengthen the sense of responsibility of the duty crew , in order to prevent the similar accident happening again .

  26. 结合典型飞行事故案例,讨论分析了在实际飞行中导致民航客机着陆性能恶化的主要因素,即高高度大速度进场、不正确的接地技术以及刹车使用不当等。

    Combining with the typical flying accident , the primary factors causing airliner landing performance penalty in actual flight are discussed in this paper , which are excess approach airspeed and altitude at runway threshold , faulty touch down technique and braking system operation .

  27. 通过对能见度不良时海上碰撞事故的典型案例分析,总结了影响雾航安全的主要因素,并结合笔者多年的航海和教学经验,提出了减少雾航碰撞事故的若干对策。

    The paper , by analyzing the typical cases of collision accidents in restricted visibility , provides the main factors affecting navigation safety in fog and , in combination with years of experience in navigation and teaching , offers some countermeasures on improving safety navigation in fog .

  28. 对湖南省内高速公路追尾碰撞事故案例进行了统计分析;

    Statistics and analysis were conducted for car-to-truck rear impact accidents on highway of Hunan province .

  29. 本文通过20例渔船与商船碰撞事故的典型案例,分析了造成事故诸多因素中渔船方面的原因。

    By studying twenty typical collision cases between fisherman and merchantman , among all the accident factors the causes relative to the fisherman are analyzed in the paper .

  30. 以油库的特点、火灾危险性和火灾事故案例为基础,分析油库潜在的威胁,总结防范对策。

    Based on the characteristics , fire hazard and fire accident cases of the oil deposit , the article analyzed its potential fire hazard and gave the corresponding countermeasures .