
ān quán jì shù cuò shī
  • Safety technical measures;technical safety measure
  1. ~(60)Co源辐照装置安全技术措施和经验

    Safe technique and experience of ~ ( 60 ) Co irradiator

  2. LNG气化站的安全技术措施与事故应急预案环境污染事故应急监测的对策

    Safety Technical Measures and Accident Emergency Plan for LNG Vaporizing Station Countermeasure of Pollution Accident Emergency Monitoring

  3. ECS设计安全技术措施探讨

    Discussion to ECS Designated Safety Technical Measures

  4. 简要介绍PTFE生产中副产氯化氢的处理方法,设计了安全技术措施,保证生产的安全稳定进行。

    A method to treat by-product hydrogen chloride from the production of PTFE is introduced briefly . A safe technique is designed so that safe and stable production is ensured .

  5. 通过采取一定的安全技术措施,取得了试采成功,采出煤量4.3×105t,经济效益明显。

    The quantity of 4.3 × 105t coal was successfully picked out with taking a certain safe measure .

  6. 硝酸贮存系统安全技术措施探讨

    Investigation of Safety Technical Measurement for Storage System of Hydrogen Nitrate

  7. 应用聚磺钾盐钻井液体系及相关安全技术措施,保证了井下安全。

    Polysulfonate potassium drilling fluid system is used to ensure downhole safety .

  8. 预防模板支架失稳的安全技术措施

    Technical safety measures to prevent unstable collapse of form scaffolding

  9. 压力容器的应力腐蚀开裂及其安全技术措施

    The Stress Corrosion Crack of Pressure Vessels and Its Safety Technical Measure

  10. 施工安全技术措施的编制与实施

    Drawing up and implementation of technical measures of construction safety

  11. 浅谈烟囱筒体电动升模施工专项安全技术措施

    On Technical Measures for Safety in Power-driven Form Climbing of Chimney Body

  12. 如何审查施工组织设计中的安全技术措施

    How to Examine the Safety and Technical Measures in the Construction Organization Plan

  13. 隧道瓦斯防治安全技术措施探讨

    Discussion on Safety Technical Measures of Tunnel Gas Control

  14. 浅谈提速后既有营业线信号施工安全技术措施

    Discussion on Technical Measures for Signal Safe Construction on Speeded-up Existing Lines in Service

  15. 人工挖孔桩安全技术措施

    Safety technical measures of artificial digging pile

  16. 焦化厂木格洗苯塔动火拆除的安全技术措施

    Safety Measures for the Demolition of the Wood Space Benzene Washing Tower of Coking Plant

  17. 笔者计算和分析的结果及提出的安全技术措施,为保障周围建筑和人员安全提供了技术依据。

    The analyzed results provide technical criteria for securing the safety of surrounding buildings and personnel .

  18. 部分矿井不按规定制定采煤工作面安全技术措施,也是事故发生的重要因素。

    Lacking of safety technical measures of coalface is also a key reason of the accidents .

  19. 浅谈网络安全技术措施

    The technical measure of network security

  20. 施工组织设计与施工方案必须编制详细的施工安全技术措施。

    Detailed construction safety technical measures must be incorporated into construction organization design and construction scheme .

  21. 聚四氟乙烯生产中副产氯化氢及盐酸处理的安全技术措施

    Safety Technical Measures of Treatment of Hydrogen Chloride and Hydrochloric Acid by Produced in Manufacturing PTFE

  22. 完善法规制度、主抓安全技术措施落实;

    Second , perfect the laws system and take the safety technique measures to practical appliance primarily ;

  23. 文章论述了无临空面水压爆破药量计算公式及设计方法,并提出了施工安全技术措施。

    The charge weight formula , design method and safety precaution in the construction are herewith presented .

  24. 液化石油气站的安全技术措施

    Safety Measures for LPG Station

  25. 未按照规定提取或者使用安全技术措施专项费用的;

    To supervise the allocation and use of the special funds for safety technical measures by mining enterprises ;

  26. 提出了一些提高石化内网供电可靠性的安全技术措施。

    Some measures to improve power supply reliability and security of CSPC have been proposed in this report .

  27. 详细介绍了基坑支护方案、施工技术以及沉降位移监测和安全技术措施。

    The paper introduces the project , construction technique , settlement displacement survey and safety methods in detail .

  28. 本文通过对高层建筑施工伤害的分析研究,找出了控制事故的安全技术措施和安全管理措施。

    After analyzing high-rise construction injuries , measures for safety techniques and safety management were given in the paper .

  29. 介绍本溪市人防办公楼基础开挖控制爆破设计、施工及在复杂环境下所采取的安全技术措施。

    The controlled blasting design of Benxi Civil Air Defence Building , operation and safety technical measure in complicated environment is introduced .

  30. 预测采煤工作面瓦斯涌出量是进行通风设计和制定矿井安全技术措施的重要依据,而影响采煤工作面瓦斯涌出量的各因素之间关系不明确。

    The prediction of the amount of gas emitted from coalfaces is the basis of ventilation system design and safety measurement implementation .