
  1. 海上采油平台安全预警机制管理

    Investigation on Early Warning Mechanism of Safety Management for Offshore Platform

  2. 加强研究,建立国际环境安全预警机制;

    Strengthen the study and set up the early warning mechanism of international environmental security ;

  3. 因此,建立历史城区建筑遗产公共安全预警机制已刻不容缓。

    Therefore , it is emergent to construct pre-warning mechanism for public safety of building heritage in historic city .

  4. 为了预防和控制风险,需要形成高效的食品安全预警机制。

    To prevent and control the risks , the educational institutions should establish the risks pre-warning mechanism for food safety .

  5. 海岛野外生存生活课程安全预警机制的研究两者互相依存,共生于人类的认知机制之内。

    Study on the Safety Forecasting System in the Course of Outdoor Survival on Islands ; They interact and coexist in the mechanism of human cognition .

  6. 应拓宽木材供应渠道,增加木材自我供给率,建立境外森林资源合作开发基地,建立中国木材产业安全预警机制。

    China should broaden the channels for wood supply , increase the timber self-sufficiency and develop outside the forest resource base ; security early warning mechanism should be established . 4 .

  7. 食品安全危机预警机制研究

    A Study of Mechanism of the Early Warning on Food Safety Crisis

  8. 中国外债安全的预警机制&基于症状检测思想的实证分析

    Early-warning Mechanism of China 's Foreign Loans Safety : Empirical Analysis Based on Symptom-testing Approach

  9. 重点介绍了运用基于关联规则数据挖掘的安全风险预警机制开发的工作票与风险预警相结合的工作票预警功能,以及周期预警功能。

    The combined early-warning system of job-sheet and period on the basis of association rules of data mining are emphasized .

  10. 我国尚未建立起从源头开始,具有主动性和前瞻性的食品安全风险预警机制。

    In China the food safety risk warning and information disclosure system are not initiative and perspectiveness and they are not set up from the source .

  11. 本文介绍贝类安全生产预警机制模型建立的基本思想,运筹学、数理统计学、计算机技术在建立模型上的实际应用。

    This text introduces the basic idea : operations research , mathematical statistics , computer and their practical application for seting up the shellfish 's early warning model for safety prodution .

  12. 在短期调控方面要完善粮食安全预警调控机制,实现粮食安全成本优化同时努力满足不同阶层消费者对粮食的需求。

    In the short-term regulation aspect , we Must consummate the food security early warning regulation mechanism , optimize the cost of food security and tries to satisfy the different social stratum consumer to the grain demand .

  13. 城市公共安全两级预警机制的基础研究

    Fundamental Study on Two-Level Forecast Concerning Public Safety of City

  14. 教育安全及其法律预警机制构建之断想

    Random Thoughts on Education Safety and the Establishment of Its Law Early-Warning Mechanism

  15. 奥运法治安全与犯罪预警机制的构筑

    Security of Olympics Guaranteed by Rule of Law and Construction of an Early Warning Mechanism against Crimes

  16. 有效的危机管理是建立在公共安全预警决策分析机制的充分准备基础之上的,结合我国公共安全预警决策分析机制的要求,必须开展公共安全系统模型研究和风险预测研究;

    The effective crisis management is the establishment in above the public security early warning decision analysis mechanism full preparation foundation , Unifies our country public security early warning decision analysis mechanism the request , must carry out the public security system model research and the risk forecast research ;

  17. 空中交通安全管理的预警组织机制研究

    Research on the Early Warning Organization Mechanism and Institution System of Air Traffic Management

  18. 医院为加强医疗安全管理,应建立安全预警机制。

    It is essential for hospital to develop security pre-warning mechanism in order to enhance medical security management .

  19. 文章全面分析产业安全概念,对产业安全及预警机制相关理论进行梳理归类。

    This paper analyzes the industry safety concept comprehensively , classifies the industrial safety theory and warning mechanism theory .

  20. 针对卫星通信面临的安全威胁,星座卫星通信网必须建立有效的安全预警机制。

    In order to deal with the threat confronting the constellational satellite communication network , the security warn mechanism was necessary to set up .

  21. 该系统结合中国牛肉安全生产现实,设置了保质期与药物残留两个安全预警机制,为促进中国牛肉安全系统建设提供了研究思路。

    This system initially set beef storage and drug residue two precautions , and it provides us new ideals for studying the measures of beef quality tracing .

  22. 公共安全是人类社会生活的重要需求之一,因此基于网络舆情的公共安全预警机制研究是在网络技术发展的时代对公共安全预警方式探索的尝试。

    Public security is one of the most important needs of human social life , so the public security early warning mechanism based on network public opinions is trying to explore the public security early warning in the network technology development .

  23. 本文分析了Email系统安全问题产生的原因及现有对策的不足,在此基础上,提出多级安全机制和智能预警机制,以提高Email系统的安全性,并提出了能有效解决线路分析攻击的方案。

    This paper analyses the causes of Email security and the shortcomings of existing solutions . On this basis we present a multi level security mechanism and an intelligent alarm system to enhance the security of Email systems , and propose an effective solution to connection analysis attack .

  24. 论文以建筑施工安全作为研究对象,通过有关建筑施工安全管理的理论知识、现代系统理论、预警理论等,开展对建筑施工安全预警机制的研究。

    Based on construction safety as the research object , by relevant construction management theory knowledge , modern system theory , warning theory , carry out the construction safety warning mechanism research .

  25. 然后利用模糊数学理论建立了水上交通安全综合预警模型。论文最后,结合深圳西部水域的海事管理资源现状,研究了深圳西部水域水上交通安全预警预控机制。

    Then a comprehensive early warning model of water traffic safety is established by the use of fuzzy mathematic theory . Finally , considering the current situation of maritime administration resources in Western Shenzhen waters , the water traffic safety early warning system in Western Shenzhen water is studied .