
  • 网络teacher evaluation
  1. 但教师考核在带来成效的同时,也出现了一系列问题。

    Teacher evaluation brings some effectiveness , but there also exists a range of issues .

  2. 而导致人际关系紧张的原因则是并不完善的教师考核制度和职称评定制度。

    The cause of interpersonal tension is not perfect teacher evaluation system and job classification system .

  3. 高校教师考核评价体系的问题与对策探讨

    Exploration of the Problems and Countermeasures of University Teachers ' Evaluation

  4. 目标管理在体育教师考核中的应用

    The Application of Goal Management in the Assessment of PE Teachers

  5. 缺乏科学合理的教师考核评价机制对教师队伍建设的影响。

    Lack of scientific mechanism to check on and assess the teachers .

  6. 论高校教师考核评价中主观评分的科学化

    On Scientific Subjective Grading of Teacher 's Evaluation in College

  7. 新形势下职业学校教师考核内容及评价方式

    The Assessment Content and Evaluation Mode of Vocational School Students under New Context

  8. 系统在教师考核部分还需进一步改进,对于构建的教学评价指标体系仍需进一步完善。

    The teaching evaluation system still needs further improvement .

  9. 教师考核工作是高校师资管理中的重要环节,也是师资管理工作者应研究的重要课题。

    Evaluating the work of faculties in university is a significant management problem .

  10. 高校教师考核评价机制的创新

    The innovation of assessment mechanism of college teachers

  11. 高等学校教师考核工作刍议

    Evaluation of Teachers in Higher Education

  12. 高校教师考核工作是教师职务聘任和规范化管理工作的重要组成部分。

    Assessment for the teaching faculty is an important component of the employment of teachers and the normalization of management .

  13. 其中学校管理者转变办学理念,制定更为合理的教师考核体系等更有着重要的意义。

    The school manager should change the conception of school-running , and establish a more reasonable evaluation system for teachers .

  14. 最后在高校任课教师考核实施和激励效果中分析了应注意的问题、两种体系的区别。

    Finally , the paper adverts to some tips as evaluating undergraduate teachers , and analyzes the inspiriting effects of evaluating .

  15. 第二十四条教师考核结果是受聘任教、晋升工资、实施奖惩的依据。

    Article 24 The assessment results shall be the basis for teachers ' appointment and pay rise as well as rewards and punishments .

  16. 进一步优化选课制在于加强学生选课的引导教育,创新专业培养方案,完善教师考核办法和选课管理制度。

    To further optimize curricular-variable system lies in strengthening the guidance , creates cultivation plan , better the evaluation method and the administration of curricular-variable system .

  17. 本文在分析高校当前考核评价机制存在问题的基础上,就高校教师考核评价体系的进一步完善提出了几点设想。

    Based on the analysis of problems existing in the current Evaluation System , this paper offers more advice for the improvement of the University Evaluation System .

  18. 通过学生评议、专家考评、专业水平测试来完善函授教师考核制度,确保教师团队的动态平衡。

    Perfect the teacher 's assessing system by students ' appraising , specialists checking and the specialty level testing to build the teacher 's team with dynamic balance .

  19. 利用层次分析法、齐次马尔可夫链法、多视角模糊综合评价法对高校教师考核问题进行了探讨,提出并构建高校教师考核方法;

    This paper studies the evaluation of undergraduate teachers using analytical hierarchy process ( AHP ) method , Homogeneous Markov chains analysis method and multi-angle of view 's fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method , and constructs the method of the evaluation of undergraduate teachers .

  20. 提出了高校要进行教师考核评价机制的创新,必须要确立适应高校的发展理念,要注重定性与定量、内部与外部、过程与结果的结合;

    It is also proposed that the innovation of the assessment and appraisal mechanism in institutions of higher learning hove to adapt to the development thinking and emphasize on the combinations of quantity and quality , inner and out side , procedure and production .

  21. 德国分权自主有序高效的教育管理体制、灵活有变的中小学学制、定期严格的教师考核制度和国家对教育的高额投入等引起了我们诸多的思考。

    This paper focuses on a review of the German educational system of self-government with great efficiency and order , the flexible study system of primary and high schools , the strict and periodic assessment system for teachers and the government 's big investment in education .

  22. 建立的基于Web模式的教师业务考核管理信息系统,具有良好的实用性。

    The established MIS of teacher 's professional work check based on web mode has good practicality .

  23. 高校教师工作考核的AHP方法

    The AHP Method of Job Examination for Teachers of Colleges and Universities

  24. GG大学体育教师绩效考核体系设计

    Design of Performance Review System for PE Teachers in GG University

  25. 最后,回归实践,对HY职业技术学院的教师绩效考核进行深入剖析,在其现有的考核体系基础上,分析其优劣性,并提出相关完善建议。

    Finally , practice , in-depth analysis of HY of Career Technical College teachers ' performance evaluation , the existing evaluation system on the basis of analysis of its pros and cons ,, and puts forward the relevant suggestions .

  26. 将SPC与6西格玛管理应用于高等学校教师绩效考核评价,将有效地将以前的评价体系注重从结果分析进而转向过程的控制,有助于采用合理的方式,提高高等学校教师的个人综合能力。

    SPC and 6 Sigma will be used in higher teacher performance evaluation , will effectively focus on the previous evaluation system and then turn from the results of process control , facilitate the adoption of a reasonable way to improve the personal comprehensive university teachers Capacity .

  27. 主要包括优化的目标、设计程序、绩效考核方法的选择,考核周期和考核频率的确定、绩效考核指标体系的设计等;第四章提出了XX民办高校教师绩效考核体系的实施保证。

    It mainly includes the optimizing optimum objective , design program , the choice of performance appraisal methods , the confirmation of examination cycle and assessment frequency , the design of performance evaluation indicator system , etc. ; The fourth chapter proposes implementation guarantee of teachers ' performance assessment system .

  28. 教师绩效考核是教育人事制度改革的关键。

    Teacher performance appraisal is the key to educational personnel reform .

  29. 高职院校教师绩效考核问题及对策初探

    The problem of Vocational Colleges teacher performance appraisal system and countermeasures

  30. 论高校教师绩效考核量化的理论限度

    On the Theory Limitation of College Teachers ' Performance Appraisal Quantification