
  1. 它分为教师大学自治和学生大学自治两种模式。

    " Teachers ' University " and " Students ' University " were the two models .

  2. 多数教师大学所学专业不是棒垒球专业,通过正规培训和自学学习棒垒球知识。

    Vocational teachers are getting younger and younger , college education degree . Most teachers in the university are not the Baseball and Softball professional expertise through formal training and self-learning knowledge of baseball and softball . 2 .

  3. 加拿大教师教育大学化的传统与变革

    Tradition and Transition in the University-orientation of Teacher Education in Canada

  4. 论教师在大学英语听力教学中的作用

    Discussion about the teacher 's effect in the university English audition teaching

  5. 美国加利福尼亚州上个月新开设了一所没有教师的大学。

    A university without any teachers has opened in California last month .

  6. 教师在大学英语阅读策略训练中的作用

    Teachers ' Function in Teaching of Reading in College English

  7. 他成为了一名高中英语教师和大学讲师。

    He became a high school English teacher and a college lecturer .

  8. 教师教育大学化及其实现

    On the colleging of Teacher Education and Its Realization

  9. 教师在大学英语教学中对少数民族学生自我概念的提升作用

    Teachers ' Roles in Improving Minority Students ' Self-concept in College English Teaching

  10. 论教师在大学英语教学中的角色与作用

    On the college English Teacher 's Positive Role

  11. 教师是大学英语教学的主导者和研究者;

    Teachers are the constructors and researchers ;

  12. 专业基础课教师对大学新生不适应的教育引导对策

    Corresponding Measures of Teacher 's Education and Guidance to the Inadaptable Freshman OVER-EDUCATION AND ITS COUNTERMEASURE

  13. 大多数教师认为大学英语课堂上英语的使用量应该至少达到百分八十。

    Most teachers believe English should be used at least eighty percent of the class time .

  14. 我还做过幼儿园教师、大学教授和头星公司的主管。

    I 've also worked as a nursery-school teacher , a college professor and a Head Star administrator .

  15. 一位杰出的教师兼大学校长说,天赋是努力的力量。

    A distinguished teacher and president of a college spoke of it as the power of making efforts .

  16. 专业身份认同是学科教学论教师在大学学术环境中获得本体性安全的基本方式。

    To identify professional identity is a basic way for disciplinary pedagogical teachers to get ontological security in university .

  17. 有不少学者及教师在大学和小学的教学实践中,将母语对第二语言习得的正面影响与教学策略相结合,肯定了母语的积极作用。

    Some scholars and teachers affirm the native language 's positive role and apply it to the daily teaching .

  18. 更可怕的是,许多教师和大学副校长说着和写着糟糕的不合语法的英语。

    As the most widely used language , English is regarded as the language used in most international situations .

  19. 通过两次测试结果,证实教师在大学英语合作学习中能够实施有效的干预。

    Through the tests , we can prove that the effectiveness of teachers ' involvement in cooperative learning in college English class .

  20. 本次研究为教师在大学口语课堂教学中激发学生学习动机提供了良好的参考。

    This study provides good reference for the teachers to stimulate their students ' learning motivation in the college oral English classes .

  21. 而大学教师是大学办学的主体,是高等教育最主要也是最活跃的人力资源;

    As the most active human resources , The university teacher can play a very important and decisive role in cultivating innovative and high-level talent .

  22. 在某种意义上,欧洲中世纪大学教师是大学的自由、科学与独立精神的直接塑造者。

    In a sense , the teachers of universities in Middle Ages in Europe were direct molders of liberty , science and independent spirit of university .

  23. 中世纪的教师型大学自诞生之日起,便实施了全体教师共同治校的管理机制,首开了教授治校的先河。

    From the date of its birth , medieval Teacher-made University had constructed the mechanism of co-management of faculty , which blazed a trail of Faculty-dominant .

  24. 专业教师兼任大学新生班主任的优势分析试论高职院校毕业班班主任工作的开展

    The Superiority of Special Teachers Who Double as Class Teachers of Freshmen On Development of the Head Teacher 's Work for the Graduates in Vocational College

  25. 阐述了学生日语表达能力培养方面的具体措施以及教师对大学高、低年级学生的日语口语技能教学模式探索的新思路。

    It puts forward specific measures to develop students ' expressing capacity and expounds new ideas of teaching pattern in spoken Japanese training to juniors and seniors .

  26. 但77%的教师认为大学教师在教学中的主要作用应当是指导外语学习方法和培养外语学习能力。这两项比较说明,不少教师懂得应该如何做,但实际上却没有这么做。

    And 77 % teachers think the main function of teachers in teaching is to instruct the way of language learning and cultivate the ability of language learning .

  27. 英国一项针对1000多名年龄在16岁到30岁之间受访者的调查发现,教师和大学讲师未能在课堂内培养创业人才。

    Teachers and college lecturers are failing to nurture the entrepreneurial talent in their classrooms , according to a poll of more than 1,000 16 - to 30-year-olds .

  28. 大学教师是大学价值的创造者,是大学精神的承载者,在一定程度上决定着大学的前途与命运。

    University teachers , as the founder of the university values and spirits , are whom the future of the university , to a certain degree , rest upon .

  29. 本文以大学英语教学改革为背景,着重探讨在计算机辅助教学条件下,教师在大学英语写作教学和学习中所扮演的十种重要角色。

    This paper was dedicated to the exploration of ten important roles played by teachers in computer-assisted English writing teaching and learning against the backdrop of college English teaching reform .

  30. 大学教师是大学的重要组成成员,最早出现于中世纪,并作为知识的载体活跃在中世纪欧洲的历史舞台上。

    Faculty member of the University is an important component , first appeared in the Middle Ages , and as a carrier of knowledge in the active stage of history of medieval Europe .