
jiào àn
  • teaching plan;lesson plan;litigation against the foreign church in late Ching Dynasty
教案 [jiào àn]
  • (1) [lesson plan]∶教员备课时写的教学方案,包括时间、方法、步骤、检查以及教材的组织等

  • (2) [litigation against the foreign church in late Ching Dynasty]∶清末指因外国教会欺压人民而引起的诉讼案件或外交事件

教案[jiào àn]
  1. 基于任务驱动的C语言程序设计课程教案设计

    Teaching plan design of the curriculum " C Language Programming " based on task-driven

  2. VB在高校体育教案管理系统中的应用

    Application of Visual Basic Language in Physical Education Teaching Plan Management System of Colleges and Universities

  3. 基于Word的教案模版设计

    How to Design a Normal of Teaching Plan Based on the Word

  4. 介绍了如何使用Word制作一个教案设计模版。

    The text introduced how to use Word to design a normal of teaching plan .

  5. 基于Windows的课件/教案自动生成系统及其在对外汉语文化教学中的应用

    Windows-based Automatic Creation System of Courseware / Lesson Plans and its Application in Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language

  6. 文章给出了一个基于XML的以学习资源共享为核心的教案制作工具的设计。

    This paper presents the design of an authoring tool for teaching presentation based on XML focusing on learning resource reuse .

  7. 本文详细介绍了基于Windows开发的FIN课件/教案自动生成系统。

    In this paper , we introduce the Windows-based automatic creation system of FIN courseware / lesson plans developed by ourselves .

  8. 本文是作者学习MBA案例教学方法后在多媒体教室上新闻写作课的一份教案式论文。

    This present paper in the form of a teaching plan is about the teaching of news-report writing in multimedia classroom .

  9. 详细介绍了如何利用MicrosoftWORD、FrontPage等Office系列软件制作基于Web页的多媒体教案。

    This article introduces how to use office series soft wares such as Microsoft Word , FrontPage to make a multimedia electronic teaching plan based on Web pages .

  10. 从教案到MCAI课件稿本的创作方法

    A Writing Method of Script from Teaching Plan to MCAI Courseware INFORMAL ESSAY OF CREATION

  11. 本文论述了在多媒体课堂,以CAI课件为主的制图课教学活动中,教师自制与多媒体课堂教学相适应的电子教案的必要性及制作电子教案时应考虑的问题。

    It discusses the importance of the adaptation between the teachers ' made electron lesson plan and the CAI course ware in multimedia drawing classroom activities .

  12. 在本文的第一部分中,研究了将视频、音频和电子教案PowerPoint进行同步的方法。

    In the first part of this paper , we have researched the method to synchronize video , audio and electronic teaching plans PowerPoint .

  13. 现有多媒体实时教学在E-Learning应用中存在以下问题:教案共享交互方式单一、质量低且效率不高;

    Existing real-time multimedia education in E-learning application share the following problems : singleness , low quality and low efficiency in sharing and interactive modes of education contents ;

  14. 结合开发实际,就网络版多媒体CAI课件在界面显示结构、电子图书、电子教案、虚拟课堂、虚拟实验、练习训练、协商交流、专家在线等多种设计模式进行探讨。

    This article articulate such design issues as interface design , electronic book , electronic teaching note , virtual classroom , virtual experiment , drill and practice , negotiation and communication , and online-expert and so on .

  15. 课程资源模块提供了教案、多媒体课件的设计以及课堂实录、后期制作等技术;网站生成系统模块运用网站开发技术完成了精品课网站的建设;VOD模块实现了精品课程在校园网的视频点播。

    Curriculum resources module provides lesson-plans , designs on multimedia courseware , classroom-recording and post-production techniques . By the use of web development technology , Web generation system module achieves the web construction of higher-quality curriculum .

  16. Plyometric练习的研究进展教案个性化包括教学目标、容、略、考练习、移拓展的个性化。

    Individuation of teaching plans includes the individuations of teaching objective , contents , strategies , thinking exercises and development .

  17. Curriki的合作伙伴包括芝麻工作室,该工作室制作录像和教案用以教育孩子们关于文化间的差异。

    Curriki 's partners include Sesame Workshop , which has created videos and lesson plans to teach children about cultural differences .

  18. PowerPoint是制作电子教案最常用、最方便的应用软件,为了在PowerPoint的播放状态下方便、快捷地链接到其他文档或软件,必须使用超级链接,本文介绍了PowerPoint超级链接的灵活运用方法。

    PowerPoint is the convenient common software in making multimedia teaching plan , in order to link with other documents or softwares conveniently and quickly at the playing state of PowerPoint , we must use hyperlink . The flexible method of using PowerPoint is introduced in this paper .

  19. 教案应该受到《著作权法》的保护。

    The teaching plan should be protected by the copyright law .

  20. 浅析中国近代教案的民众心理

    Simple Analysis of People 's Psychology in Modern Chinese Religious Cases

  21. 《无机化学》电子教案的制作和使用

    The making and use of electronic teaching plan for Inorganic Chemistry

  22. 了解如何设计教案及班级经营方式。

    Know how to design lesson plans and manage the class .

  23. 教师们制定了在家上课的临时教案。

    Teachers drew up impromptu lesson plans for use at home .

  24. 历史教学法课程考核采用编写教案和试讲的办法。

    Internal relations between graphic method and knowledge in history education ;

  25. 教案是进行教学具体实施方案的简称。

    The lesson plan refers to the concrete scheme for teaching implementation .

  26. 警察院校新生体能训练课教案的设计

    Physical Ability Training Plan for New Students in Police College

  27. 教案是教学的一个重要环节,是教好课的重要保证。

    Teaching plan is the important link and guarantee to teach successfully .

  28. 人体生理学电子教案的制作与应用

    Compilation and Application of Electronic Teaching Plan of Human Physiology

  29. 教师课堂教有教案,学生学有学案。

    Classroom teaching is teaching , students learn to study .

  30. 教案设计提高临床小讲课质量的实践

    Practice of Improving the Clinical Teaching Quality by Teaching Plan