
  • 网络Zhou
  1. 这位周姓盗贼闯进一家富人家、发现了两枚巨大钻戒。

    Zhou broke into a wealthy home and found two huge diamond rings .

  2. 昆明警方在网上的一份声明上说这名周姓男子和一名李姓导游以打开紧急出口和以虚假信息煽动乘客被处15日行政拘留。

    Kunming police said in an online statement that Zhou and a tour guide named Li have been placed under 15-day administrative detention for opening the doors and inciting passengers with false information .

  3. 一位周姓旅客因在1月10日从云南昆明飞往北京的航班上强行打开应急舱门,成为首位被列入该黑名单的游客。

    A tourist surnamed Zhou was the first to be placed on this list for pulling open an emergency hatch on a flight from Kunming , Yunnan province , to Beijing on Jan 10 .

  4. 愤怒的乘客抱怨航班延误并且机舱内没有通风,一名周姓男子打开了两个紧急出口,导致飞机无法起飞。

    Angry passengers complained about the delay and a lack of ventilation , and a man surnamed Zhou opened two emergency exits to prevent the plane from taking off , forcing it to return to the gate .

  5. 根据《重庆晨报》报道,今年4月24日,这名16岁的周姓同学将农药倒入了教室的饮水机中,显然是在报复扰乱课堂秩序、影响自己学习的同学们。

    The 16-year-old surnamed Zhou on April 24 poured pesticide into the water dispenser in the classroom , apparently in an act of revenge against classmates who disturbed the class and affected Zhou 's studies , the Chongqing Morning Post said .