
  • 网络Peripheral vertigo
  1. 而周围性眩晕TCD大多数正常。

    However , the results of TCD in most of the patients with peripheral vertigo were nor-mal.

  2. 结论:内耳型组为前庭周围性眩晕,脑干型组则为前庭中枢性眩晕,BAEP表现两组不同,说明BAEP对鉴别前庭系统性眩晕有一定的价值。

    Conclusion : Inner-ear type was considered as vestibular peripheral vertigo , and brainstem type as vestibular central vertigo , suggesting that BAEP has positive value on differential diagnosis of vestibular vertigo .

  3. 结论VAT在VBI性眩晕中以高增益为主要特征,而前庭周围性眩晕则以低增益为主。

    Conclusions Gain of VAT is mostly enhanced in VBI group , and Gain as a main characteristic is reduced in patients with peripheral vestibular lesions .

  4. 周围性眩晕患者的眼震电图(ENG)表现主要为功能减退(量的改变),未发现异常波形(质的改变)。

    Quantitative changes , that is , functional changes were the basic manifestations observed in 271 patients with peripheral vertigo , and abnormal wave patterns were not observed .

  5. 发现A组(仅有发作性眩晕)多具有周围性眩晕的特点,而B组(以眩晕为突出表现的VBA-TIA)更具有中枢性眩晕的特点。

    It was found that the clinical features of group A ( episodic vertigo alone ) is most likely to have the characteristics of peripheral vertigo , and that of group B ( VBA-TIA group ) have the characteristics of the central vertigo .

  6. 急性期周围性眩晕患者姿势晃动测试检查

    Postural sway examination and analysis of peripheral vertigo in the acute period

  7. 哺乳动物前庭迷路的体外发育:周围性眩晕的研究手段

    Development of Mammalian Vestibular Labyrinth in Vitro

  8. 目的检测急性期周围性眩晕患者的姿势晃动各类型值。

    Objective To measure a series of values in people with peripheral vertigo during the acute period by the postural sway examination .

  9. 方法45例单侧周围性眩晕患者在急性期行重心动摇检查,得各项测试值。

    Methods A series of values was measured by the postural sway examination in 45 Chinese with peripheral vertigo during the acute period .

  10. 目的探讨周围性眩晕与血瘀的关系及抗瘀治疗的临床意义。

    Ve To investigate the relationship between peripheral vertigo and blood stasis , based on the clinical response of anti-stasis therapy for the condition .

  11. 摘要:目的研究人体姿态平衡仪在眩晕患者诊断中的应用,为鉴别前庭中枢性眩晕和周围性眩晕提供帮助。

    Abstract : Objective To evaluate the clinical application of posturography in the diagnosis of the patients with vertigo and the differentiation in central and peripheral vertigoes .

  12. 结果:观察组总有效率92%,对照组为73%,P<005。提示中西药联合应用治疗周围性眩晕疗效更佳。

    Results : The total effective rate was 92 % in treatment group and 73 % in control group , P < 0.05 . It is showed that combined Chinese and western medicines have better effects in treating peripheral vertigo .

  13. 结论:BAEP是鉴别前庭系统周围性和中枢性眩晕比较敏感的诊断方法。

    Conclusion : BAEP detection might be a more sensitive approach for differentiating vestibular system peripheral and central vertigo .