
bǔ shèn
  • tonifying kidney
补肾 [bǔ shèn]
  • [tonifying the kidney] 补法之一。补益肾脏的方法。分补肾阴、补肾阳

补肾[bǔ shèn]
  1. 补肾化毒法治疗SLE的理论机制探讨

    Mechanism of Method of Tonifying Kidney and Removing Toxins in Treating SLE

  2. 结果补肾复方大小剂量组均可不同程度促进卵泡生长,增加VEGF,促进卵巢血管生成,增强Bcl-2表达,降低颗粒细胞Caspase-3含量及分布。

    Results In different degree , different dosages of tonifying kidney formula can improve follicular growth , increase VEGF , promote vascular formation , enhance Bcl-2 expression and decrease granulose cell Caspase-3 content and distribution .

  3. 舒肝补肾组血清P及LH水平明显升高;

    The serum P and LH in the complex group were elevated .

  4. HPLC测定补肾壮骨颗粒中淫羊藿苷的含量

    Measurement of the content of Icariin in Bushen Zhuanggu Granula by HPLC

  5. 目的:研究中药复方补肾冲剂体外抗HBV活性。

    Objective : To study anti-HBV activity of herbal Kidney-Tonifying Granules ( KTG ) in vitro .

  6. 补肾法对IL-1诱导的破骨细胞性骨吸收及破骨细胞MMP-9的影响

    The influence of the kidney reinforcing method on IL 1 induced

  7. 补肾通络法对大鼠OA、OP模型E2、IL-6及TGF-β1的干预研究

    Bushen Tongluo on Rat OA , OP Model E2 , IL-6 and TGF - β 1 Intervention Study

  8. 结论用MTT法观察补肾健骨汤载药血清对大鼠成骨细胞增殖有明显促进作用。

    Conclusion Bushen Jiangu decoction promotes rat osteoblast proliferation , which can be detected by MTT method .

  9. 用Al-CAS-OP-10分光光度法测定了五种补肾中成药中铝含量。

    The content of aluminium in 5 kinds of kidney tonic Chinese traditional medicine was determined by Al-CAS-OP-10 spectrophotometry .

  10. 补肾化痰中药能有效提高PCOS患者血清抑制素B的水平。

    Chinese medicine of invigorating the kidney and resolving phlegm could effectively improve the inhibin B levels in patients with PCOS . 3 .

  11. 补肾益肺解毒方对大鼠肺癌P53、Survivin蛋白表达影响的研究

    Research on the Effects of Bushen Yifei Jiedu Recipe and Expressing of P53 and Survivin in Lung Carcinoma Rat Model

  12. 补肾法对去势兔动脉粥样硬化原代培养平滑肌细胞凋亡及血小板源生长因子amRNA等表达的影响

    Effects of Kidney-Tonifying Method on Apoptosis and Expressions of PDGF-A mRNA and MCP-1 mRNA in Aorta Primary Cultured Smooth Muscular Cells of Atherosclerosis in the Ovariectomized Rabbit

  13. 结果:补肾生精丸可提高生精细胞损伤大鼠睾丸组织SOD活性,降低NOS活性及NO,MDA含量。

    Result : BS can promote the activity of SOD , reduce the activity of NOS and the amount of NO and MDA .

  14. 补肾泻肝方对再生障碍性贫血外周血IFN-γ、IL-2的影响

    The Influence of the Prescription which Nourishes Kidney and Clears the Livers of Pathogenic Fire on Peripheral Blood of Aplastic Anemia

  15. 结果:1.对血清性激素的影响:补肾复方能够升高血清E2水平,降低血清FSH水平。

    Kidney-tonifying recipe rise the level of serum E2 and reduce the level of serum FSH . 2 .

  16. 补肾活血法治疗IgA肾病160例临床研究

    Clinical Study on Treatment of 160 Cases of IgA Nephropathy by Method of Tonifying the Kidney and Activating Blood Circulation

  17. 补肾活血方能明显降低更年期SD大鼠血清FSH的含量。

    The kidney and blood refreshing treatment can decreased the content of the serum FSH of SD rat in menopause obviously .

  18. 补肾益精中药调控体外培养成骨细胞IGF-I分泌与表达的研究

    Effects of Kidney-Nourishing and Essence-Enriching Herbs on Osteoblast IGF-I Secretion and Expression in Vitro

  19. 目的:观察补肾法对冠心病心绞痛患者NO、NOS、SOD的影响。

    Objective : To observe the influences of NO , NOS , SOD of the Therapy of Tonifying the Kidney in patients with angina pectoris .

  20. 目的:观察补肾冲剂对慢性病毒性肝炎甲胎蛋白(AFP)持续低浓度阳性的影响。

    Objective : To observe the effect of Bushen granule on the chronic virus hepatitis with positive AFP of steady low concentration .

  21. 结论:补肾方能提高骨髓干细胞移植治疗mdx小鼠的效果。

    Conclusion : Bushen fang can improve the therapeutic efficacy of BMST .

  22. 补肾活血方对PCO大鼠卵巢COX-1mRNA表达的影响

    Effect of Bushen Huoxue decoction on expression of cyclooxygenase-1 mRNA in PCO rats

  23. 补肾方药对骨质疏松大鼠骨中LIM矿化蛋白1表达的影响

    Effects of a Chinese traditional kidney-tonifying compound on expression of LIM mineralization protein in osteoporotic rat bone

  24. 补肾中药与GC合用,可减轻或消除长期应用GC所致的脑垂体前叶细胞的形态改变。

    TCM of tonifying kidney combined with the GC can reduce or eliminate the morphological changes of the brain anterior pituitary cells induced by long-term application of GC .

  25. 训练前后补脾、补肾对大鼠脑、肾和骨肌组织SOD活性及MDA含量的影响

    Research on Effects of Reinforcing the Spleen and Reinforcing the Kidney on SOD Activity and MDA Contents of the Brain , Kidney and Skeletal Muscles in Rats before and after Training

  26. 目的:探讨烟熏致大鼠慢性支气管炎模型血浆及支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中内皮素(ET-1)和降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)的含量变化及补肾化痰中药对其的影响。

    Objective : To study the content change of ET-1 and CGRP in smoke-fumigating rat chronic bronchitis model 's blood and plasma and BALF .

  27. 结果:采用补肾调脂法能明显改善绝经综合征合并血脂异常患者的临床症状;降低TC、TG、LDL-C,升高HDL-C;

    Result : The nourishing-kidney and regulating-lipidemia can markedly improve the symptom of patients with MPS combined dyslipidemia and lower serum TC TG LDL-C , promote HDL-C.

  28. 采用放射免疫分析法同时检测40例老年人高血压患者经中药补肾方治疗前后血浆降钙素基因相关肽(CGRP)、内皮素(ET)的含量,求出ET/CGRP的比值,并与对照组比较。

    40 elderly hypertensive patients were detected concentration of plasma endothelin ( ET ), calcitonin gene related peptide ( CGRP ) with radioimmunoassay before and after nourishing kidney treatment .

  29. 大鼠切除卵巢后,IL-1和IL-6活性显著增高,而温补肾阳方对这两者均有明显的抑制作用。

    The activity of IL-1 and IL-6 increased markedly after rats have been spaied , but they can be inhibited with the prescription for warming and recuperating the Kidney-Yang .

  30. 因此,补肾活血方对关节软骨起到了保护和修复作用,从而对OA有了一定的防治作用。

    Therefore , the kidney and Activating Blood on the articular cartilage plays a role in the protection and restoration , and thus have a preventive role in OA .